Are You Like a Pineapple?

Jusus, inspiration, loveIt was difficult not to be offended. I struggled not to take it personally but admit my feelings were hurt.

Why was she being so prickly towards me? I thought back over my actions, racking my brain to find something I may have done to cause this unpleasant reaction. Nothing came to mind.

I was still in the “poor me” mode when something a friend said to me recently popped into my head. She told me she’s like a pineapple sometimes, prickly on the outside but soft and easily bruised on the inside.

Perhaps my offender was hiding her bruised interior beneath a prickly surface designed to keep others from getting too close. Since this is someone I won’t be in contact with again, I will never know if she was hurting or just miserable. I choose to give her the benefit of the doubt.

It’s easy to think of times when I have been bruised inside and did my best not to let it show. If I risked being vulnerable I may have been hurt even more. Or, I may have dissolved into tears which would have shown my weakness.

How many have judged me the way I judged someone based on the mask that she wore? I can’t know what another is thinking or feeling, but I can react with compassion rather than anger and disappointment.

I’m so thankful that Jesus knows me intimately. He loves me even when I am unlovable. He sees my heart and is there to bandage my tender bruised emotions. This is the unconditional love that all of us need.

He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds. (Psalm 147:3 NLT)

O LORD, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, LORD. (Psalm 139:1-4 NLT)

After the Rain

God, Jesus, Inspiration, trustThe rain had continued throughout the night and into the morning. I resigned myself to having to stay indoors.

It wasn’t long before cheerful birdsong drew me to the window. I saw the sun breaking through the clouds with the promise of blue sky to follow. Nature was calling and I was powerless to resist.

Soon I was making my way across the wet grass towards a path through the woods. The fresh aroma of the earth after a rainfall was invigorating.path through the woods

Wildflowers were scattered along the edges of the path. A few tiny blue butterflies flitted naturenearby. I smiled, remembering how enchanted my grandchildren had been to see butterflies like these in previous butterfly

The lush foliage varied from a mossy colour to the deep green of the pine trees. What a wonderful day to be alive! As I walked, I thanked God for the incredible beauty that surrounded me.

What started out as a day under dreary skies had turned into one that had me singing praises. This served as a reminder that God is with me in every circumstance.

The Bible tells me to rejoice and be glad in each day the Lord has made. The rain that falls in my life today can be used to promote new growth in the future. I will trust him as he walks with me daily, knowing the light of his son Jesus, is always shining upon me.

This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24 NLT)

I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13 NLT)

Having a Bad Hair Day?

God, Inspiration, peace, faith“My hair is the bane of my existence,” my friend said. “I can never get it to look like I want it to.”

She has straight hair and wants to add some curl to it. I, on the other hand, have spent a lifetime attempting to straighten my natural curls.

We discussed that this is about more than wanting what we don’t have. For both of us, this is a sign of our need for control. Controlling my hair is a small step in controlling my life. If my hair falls into place I have more confidence other parts of my life will do the same.

What I fail to remember is that my plan is not always the best one. God has a much better plan for my life than anything I can imagine.

Giving up control and stepping out in faith has been a challenge. Uncertain circumstances are difficult for me. I want to know the next steps to take and what the outcome will be. Anxious thoughts can hold me back.

My trust in God is what can calm my fears. When I let go of my futile attempts to controlling my life I am more peaceful. I know that he is able to handle every aspect of my life. When my confidence is in God, even a bad hair day can’t stop me!

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT)

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! (Isaiah 26:3 NLT)

Singing in the Dark

trust, inspiration, God, faith“It must be the middle of the night” I thought. Our bedroom faces east and the early morning sun often wakes me earlier than I’d like. What I heard didn’t make sense in the darkness that surrounded me.

The sound of birds in the back yard was unmistakable. It was normal to hear their cheerful chirping n the daylight but not during pre-dawn hours.

The memory of their song danced around the edges of my mind when I arose in the morning light. I realized the sounds in the night had a message for me.

It’s easy to sing and be happy when the sun is shining and all is bright in my little world. The test comes in the blackness of the night. When all is dark around me, how do I react? Am I sure the darkness that seems to consume me will never retreat? Or, do I trust in the Lord?

God’s Word says not to be afraid in the dark times because he is close beside me for comfort and protection. He causes all things to work together for my good. I know from past experience that God has birthed incredible blessings from some of the darkest points of my life. My faith tells me to sing praises and to watch in anticipation for the dawning of a bright new day.

Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. (Psalm 23:4 NLT)

Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23 NIV )

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. (Romans 8:23 NLT)

What Should You Wear?

Jesus, inspiration, faith, peace, compapssionDo you ever look at all the clothes in your closet and tell yourself you have nothing to wear? No matter how much you have, nothing seems appropriate.

I’ve recently discovered that my choice of apparel or accessories is not as important as I once thought. Unable to decide which pair of earring looked better with my outfit I chose to wear one of each. This kind of spontaneity is unusual for me and I waited for the comments that were sure to come.

Imagine my surprise when my departure from the norm was not noticed. This was a valuable lesson that I am not the center of attention!

More than what I wear, it is my heart and attitude that people notice. My goal should never be to draw attention to myself. Instead I want my life to reflect the light and love of Jesus. To do this I need to wear peace, faith and compassion. These are appropriate for every occasion.

That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? (Matthew 6:25 NLT)

Things That Go BUmp in the Night

God, peace, inspiration, lessonI had just drifted off to sleep when I heard a noise that startled me. “What was that?” I said. My husband thought it must be something outside. He wasn’t worried so I went back to sleep without giving it another thought.

The next morning when my husband opened the pantry door he knew what had made the noise. Somehow items on a wire rack on the top shelf of the pantry had shifted, causing a domino effect. A few items were on the floor. Among them was a jar of olives with the lid popped off. Liquid from the jar was pooled on the floor.

The cleanup could have been much worse as a large glass bottle of maple syrup had also fallen but remained intact.

I wondered if this situation could hold a lesson for me. If I was alone in the house and heard a strange sound in the night I may have worried about it. Knowing my husband was beside me and not concerned gave me peace that everything was alright.

What I sometimes don’t think about is that God is beside me at all times. The Bible tells me that when I pray I will experience God’s peace. No matter the situation, he is available to get me through it. When he is watching over me I don’t need to worry about things that go bump in the night.

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7 NLT)

Who is Your Supplier?

God, inspiration, blessings, opportunity“If you have some ready I’ll come by in a couple of hours and pick it up.” my friend said. Turning to someone nearby she announced, “Tandy is my supplier!”

Let me backtrack so you don’t get the wrong idea. Two weeks earlier I had told my friend about my bountiful rhubarb harvest and the squares, muffins and pies I’d baked. She had been anticipating the day there would be enough regrowth for me to share.

God supplies this produce for me and I am happy to pass some along to others. When I stop to think about it, everything I have is due to the provision of my loving Heavenly Father. This is much more than the food I eat, the clothing I wear or the home I live in.

When I asked God what to write about for this blog post, he supplied me with the conversation that prompted these thoughts. I am inspired through the reading of his word and the beauty of nature. The people in my life are precious gifts that he has given. Every opportunity to serve comes about because of his provision.

I know that I’m not an exception. What he does for one, he will do for others. My Heavenly Father supplies me with much more than I need or deserve. The best way to thank him is by sharing his love with those I come in contact with.

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19 NLT)

This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. (2 Corinthians 9:12 NIV)

Becoming a Butterfly

#God, #inspiration, transformation, It was an unusual gift. The family was given a caterpillar in a small container. They were told how to care for it and that in a few weeks the larva would become a monarch butterfly.

The children were fascinated to watch as the caterpillar attached to a stem and encased itself in a silky chrysalis. Most of the time this chrysalis or pupa, appeared dormant. Once or twice they saw it shake. This movement let the family know something was happening inside.

When the timing was right, the butterfly fought to emerge. It had to push the fluid into its wings in order to make them strong. Drops of red fluid that looked like blood appeared on the bottom of the enclosure. Any attempts to intervene and minimize the struggle could prove fatal.

This process had a correlation to my life. Even when nothing seems to be happening, my life is not dormant. God is constantly working within. He is preparing me for what lies ahead.

The struggles I face are not pleasant but I know that each one helps me to grow stronger as I rely on God to complete the transformation he has started. When the timing is right, he will enable me to soar, as the butterfly did when it was set free.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2 NIV)

For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! (2 Corinthians 4:17 NLT)

Whoever is a believer in Christ is a new creation. The old way of living has disappeared. A new way of living has come into existence. (2 Corinthians 5:17 GWT)

Is Your Mind Jumping Around?

peace, Jesus, InspirationThe water aerobics class was nearing completion. The exercise we were doing involved jumping. As one of the participants prepared to slip out of the class early, the teacher good-naturedly joked to her that she wasn’t jumping. My friend smiled and said that she was jumping in her mind!

I laughed and said that my mind jumped around a lot, too! This is especially true when I have many things to accomplish. My thoughts don’t seem to hold still on one particular thing for any length of time. In fact, sometimes they change so rapidly that I don’t know what I’m thinking until I hear the words come out of my mouth!

When this happens, life becomes frustrating not only for myself, but for those close to me. I need to slow down, take a deep breath and refocus. The peace and serenity I long for can be found if I know where to look for it.

Fortunately I realize that this peace of mind is found when my focus is on Jesus. The distractions that keep my mind jumping are no longer noticed when my eyes are on him.

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! (Isaiah 26:3 NLT)

Do You Want a Better Life?

God, inspiration, commitment“I want to see those abs tucked in and your bellies flat,” yelled the exercise instructor. “I’d like to see that too,” I thought.

Then the realization dawned. Wanting something is not enough to make it happen. It’s only when I work towards my goal that I start to see results.

This is true for more than exercise. My goals and dreams will not magically be reached just because that’s what I want. It takes commitment and hard work to achieve them. The sense of satisfaction is sweet when I experience the fruits of my labours.

I have found that since I’ve committed my life to God he has improved it beyond measure. If my plans are not in line with his, no amount of work will bring the achievement I hope for. When I am in his will for my life, he guides me every step of the way. I trust him enough to step out in confidence and do the work necessary. Then I watch in amazement to see what he accomplishes through my obedience.

The LORD’s eyes scan the whole world to find those whose hearts are committed to him and to strengthen them. (2 Chronicles 16:9 GWT)

Trust GOD from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for GOD’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. (Proverbs 3:5-6 The Message)

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