Where Is Your Focus?

God, imspiration, trust, solutionSometimes it takes an unusual situation to show me that I’ve been focusing on the wrong thing. A recent experience pointed this out.

I had arrived at work one morning to find it unusually cold inside. I put the heat on and waited. Hours later it was only a degree or two warmer.

I called my employer to let her know of the problem. She gave me suggestions on dealing with our sometimes finicky heating system.
Nothing seemed to make a difference. Periodically through the day I tried again and was always frustrated at the lack of heat.

The next day I received a message from my employer saying that the reason the heat didn’t work was because the switch on the thermostat had been turned to “off”. It seems that the problem was with the operator and not the equipment.

Wanting to create value in this situation, I looked for the lesson. It wasn’t as difficult to find as the off switch had been!

There have been times when the discomfort I was experiencing was something I had control over. When my focus was solely on the problem that was all I could see. It was the solution I needed to focus on.

Often I forget where my solution lies. My knowledge and resources are limited. It’s God that sees the whole picture and is able to direct me. He cares about every aspect of my life. I need to continually focus on him and trust that he will provide what I need.

Those who know your name trust you, O Lord, because you have never deserted those who seek your help. (Psalm 9:10 GWT)

Giving Thanks

appreciation, God, blessings, inspiration

I’m taking Thanksgiving off and sharing a post I wrote in 2013.  Happy Thanksgiving to all.

The calendar tells us that it is Thanksgiving, and once again I reflect on the meaning behind this holiday. For some it is merely a paid day off or a day to enjoy a turkey dinner with loved ones. For others, it is as the name suggests, a day to give thanks.

If it truly is a day to give thanks, what is it that I’m thankful for? Although I appreciate the opportunity to enjoy a turkey dinner with loved ones, there is more to it than that. I need to dig much deeper.

While I’m at it, I need to realize that being thankful is something to practice consistently through each and every day. A wise friend told me once that there is no such thing as an entirely bad day. There is always something to be thankful for. Many in the world would be overjoyed to have some of the things that I tend to take for granted. A comfortable home with electricity and running water come to mind. My nightly habit is to pick up my gratitude journal and write down 5 things that I was grateful for that day. Looking for and focusing on the positive has changed my life.

Part of this is not just giving thanks, but who I am giving thanks to. God has blessed me, not just with material things, but with his loving presence. Even during the trying times, he is there leading and guiding me. He sent Jesus to pay the penalty for the wrongs I have done. Now I can look forward to everlasting life with him. Now that is something to give thanks for.

.. always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20 (NIV)

4 Lessons I Learned From Sunflowers

God, inspiration, seeds, sunThe cheerful image of sunflowers adorns many items. I’ve always admired them from a distance but this year, for the first time, I had some growing in my yard.

While watching their progress I realized they had a few important lessons to teach me.

Lesson one was to keep on growing. Although fall was closing in and the nighttime temperatures were dipping to the freezing mark, these flowers kept on growing. They taught me that I don’t have to have ideal conditions to grow. Personal growth is achievable in all seasons of my life.

The second lesson was to keep my head high. No matter what happens, it’s important to keep looking up. Even though I make mistakes, God can redeem them. I can’t be used by him if I’m standing in despair with my head hung in shame. It’s God’s plan and not my own that I need to trust in.

The next lesson was to spread seeds of happiness. I’ve learned that one sunflower can have up to 2,000 seeds. The black seeds make oil and the striped ones are for snacking. This taught me that I don’t have to be the same as everyone else in order to spread seeds of happiness. I can do this through words of support and encouragement, through acts of service, a smile or a hug. The positive effects get passed on and the results can be far reaching.

Lesson four was to focus on the sunny side. Sunflowers turn their heads to face the sun. Helen Keller said “Keep your face to the sun and you cannot see the shadow. It’s what sunflowers do.” I like that thought. For me it means to keep my eyes on the Lord and let his light shine on me. When I find myself temporarily in the shadows, I have faith that he will lead me through them and into the sun once again.

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26 NIV)

Is Your Light Fading?

Jesus, light of the world, inspiration,I was sitting in a friend’s living room amid a group of her friends. We were enjoying a time of book readings and discussion as part of my first Coffee Time With Tandy event.

The daylight had been slowly fading when the hostess turned on a light behind me so I could read more easily. I remarked that the transition had been so gradual I didn’t realize I’d been in the dark until the light shone upon me once again.

We carried on with our evening as I tucked those words in the back of my mind, knowing I would examine them more fully at another time.
Later I thought about the times in my life when I was walking in the shadows. The darkness seeped in so quietly and gradually that it wasn’t noticed. One day I was surprised to realize how gloomy my vision had become.

The antidote was simple. Jesus is the light of the world. He has promised that those who follow him will never walk in darkness. When I am basking in his light and love I am also able to reflect this to those around me. This is the best way I can think of to keep my light from fading.

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12 NIV)

Personal Enhancement

personality, Jesus, inspiration, enhancementHave you ever seen something that made you stop in your tracks and pay attention? It happened to me while wandering through a produce market. There, on a display of eggplants was a sign that made me laugh because I saw deeper meaning in it.

Eggplants are a vegetable I’ve never purchased. Their deep purple, glossy beauty has attracted me but being unsure of the taste; I’ve always passed them by. Judging by the sign with this vegetable I’d assume they are quite bland in flavor.

Even so, the advice on how to enhance its dull presence struck me as amusing.

Perhaps I could use a sign like that. On days I’m feeling dull and boring I could have a sign letting people know what they could do to enhance my personality. Chocolate always helps!

On the other hand, do I want to go around announcing that I’m feeling dull? Even a shiny exterior won’t attract people for long if the inside is dull.

The best personality enhancement I’ve found comes from a life lived for Jesus. When I start the day asking him to direct my life he brings unexpected delights. By actively seeking these gifts I allow the love and light of Jesus to shine through me. Bland is not an option when I walk closely with him.

You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. (Psalm 16:11 NIV)

Successful Merging

God, prayer, Guidance, InspirationWhile driving along the highway I noticed the many times I encountered a sign warning motorists their lane would end. This notice was to give time to merge with the lane beside them.

Usually this was done smoothly but I did observe occasional problems. Sometimes the person merging didn’t consider the other vehicles and cut someone off. Other times they held back, staying in their lane until there was no option other than to merge. It seemed they’d rather come to a standstill than join with the other traffic.

To me this had a far greater significance than highway traffic. A visual reminder about reacting to the changes in life was being played out.
My life path seldom has completely unexpected endings. If I’ve been paying attention there has usually a warning sign or two. Knowing that change is imminent, it’s up to me how I will continue. At some point I will need to merge with others going the same direction as I am. This is the only way to keep moving forward.

If I approach the change with hesitancy I run the risk of coming to a standstill. I need to be prepared for the new challenge ahead of me. Conversely, I may rush in without evaluating the timing. This can cause problems with those I cut off in my rush to get ahead.

There is an alternative. I need to pray and ask God for guidance. He is the one that knows where he is taking me and the best way to get there. When I spend time with him my journey will be much smoother.

Call to me and I will answer you. I will tell you great and mysterious things that you do not know. (Jeremiah 33:3 GWT)

Is Your Glass Half Empty?

Bible, God, inspiration, positiveGenerally I think of myself as a positive person. For many years now I’ve been keeping a gratitude journal. Looking for positive things every day has changed my outlook and my life.

Recently I was in a setting that normally uplifts me. Instead of feeling peaceful and happy I was discouraged and sad.

I prayed for a change in attitude. The next morning my devotional readings had a few things that seemed custom made for me. The first sentence I read said that there was a mighty battle going on for control of my mind. How could this book, written several years ago have the perfect opening line for me on this day?

My Bible verse of the day said “Do not throw away your confidence.” This is when I realized that instead of being grateful for what I had; I was looking at what others had and feeling that I was missing out. I had, in effect, thrown away my confidence and was looking at my glass as half empty.

When I stopped to think of all of the good things in my life I was once again able to see my glass as half full. I apologized to God for my attitude and thanked him for his loving guidance. My day became brighter. My entire outlook changed. I am very grateful to serve a God who loves me and answers my prayers in ways that bring me closer to him.

The mind of a sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace. (Romans 8:6 NIV)

So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. (Hebrews 10:34-35 NIV)

Growing Together

inspiration, Jesus, community, positiveI was walking along a wooded path when I noticed mushrooms growing off to the side. There were some very large mushrooms and others that had curly edges.

What captured my interest was a grouping of several small ones. Although there was space for them to spread out, they were tightly packed in a small group. Their shape became altered as they grew together.

I stopped to have a closer look and then continued on, but the image of these mushrooms growing together stayed with me. I wondered if there was a deeper meaning I needed to pay attention to.

I think perhaps they represented community to me. A community offers support, encouragement and nurturing. This is something that is reciprocal. Being together in this way creates a positive atmosphere in which to grow.

The people who I spend my time with can definitely affect my shape. It is up to me whether this will be positive or negative. For this reason, I need to choose carefully.

Jesus took a group of men and discipled or mentored them, changing their lives in profound ways. Many times in the bible we are given instruction to gather together, love and encourage each other. By doing so I am forming the community he wants for me. This growing together will shape me into so much more than I would have been on my own.

We must also consider how to encourage each other to show love and to do good things. We should not stop gathering together with other believers, as some of you are doing. Instead, we must continue to encourage each other even more as we see the day of the Lord coming. (Hebrews 10:24-25 GWT )

How Do You Eat Your Corn?

God, inspiration, trust, new experiencesFresh corn on the cob is a delicious treat that is only available for a short time of the year. This makes it something I look forward to.

We had enjoyed this vegetable several times this season but the last time brought more than a taste treat.

After it was cooked I peeled off the husks and placed it on my plate. Then I slathered in butter and reached for the salt shaker to finish the preparation.

Before I took the first bite I stopped and thought about what I had just done. When I eat corn that isn’t on the cob I add neither butter nor salt. What do I feel they are necessary now?

I realized that this is one of those actions I do without even thinking about. It is automatic. This is what I did as I was growing up so I continue to do so today.

How many other things do I continue to do because they are familiar and comfortable? When I’m stuck in old habits and behaviours it’s like I am wearing blinders. New and perhaps better ways of doing things are either not noticed or disregarded.

There is nothing wrong with tried and true, but what if it’s stopping me from experiencing something better? Old habits can be difficult to break.

The best habit I’ve developed is that of talking with God throughout my day. When I trust him to lead my life I know there will be new and exciting adventures along the way. They may be nothing I’ve tried before but I am confident that he knows what is best for me.

Don’t become like the people of this world. Instead, change the way you think. Then you will always be able to determine what God really wants—what is good, pleasing, and perfect. ( Romans 12:2 GWT)

Is It The End Of The Season or…?

endings, beginnings, Bible, inspirationThe daylight hours are dwindling and the nights have crispness to them. As summer comes to an end we have started the process of cleaning and packing up our trailer in preparation for the winterizing that will soon take place.

There are a few more weeks before this will become necessary but a new, busy fall season beckons us to other things. There is very little time left this season for us to enjoy our summer get-away.

Am I sad that this time is coming to an end? No, instead I am thankful for the long walks, playing in the pool with grandchildren, making s’mores over a campfire and the memories made.

The seasons of life are ever changing. As one comes to an end, a new one begins. This is such a good reminder to me to enjoy what I have at this moment. Once today is gone it will never come back again.

On the same note, I can’t rush a new season. My life will unfold one day at a time.

The Bible tells us there is a season for everything. I need to remember this and thank God for the season I am in right now. Each one is a precious gift.

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NLT)

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