
The Saguaro and Me

#inspiration, mature, potential, self-preservationWhile in Arizona recently, I learned about a type of cactus called saguaro. While the name (pronounced Sah WAR oh) may not be familiar, its appearance certainly is.

Easily recognized for its height, which can be over twelve meters or forty feet tall, as well as the arms coming out of each side; this tree-like cactus is often depicted in artwork. Many years ago I purchased a wall hanging with a saguaro as part of the design.

I found it fascinating to learn it can take up to fifty years before the plant blossoms and approximately seventy-five years before appendages sprout. After the first one appears, there is no limit to the number it may produce. We counted twenty arms on one!

Looking at the plant, it appears to have accordion-type pleats. These saguaro, cactus, pleats, inspirationexpand as it stores water. This method of self-preservation is able to keep it alive for an incredible two years without moisture.

What have I learned from these facts to apply to my life?

I expect to achieve my goals in a minimal amount of time. In reality, it can take many years to blossom and grow into my full potential. Once I’m mature enough, there is no limit to how productive I can be.

If I store up things that nourish me, such as the beauty of nature, wisdom of those who have gone before me and encouragement from friends and family, I am able to draw on these to keep me going during the dry spells.

When I model my life after these truths I will be committed to do what is necessary to reach for my goals and dreams. Then I will be able to stand tall and proud with outstretched arms to welcome whatever comes my way.

Fruit Tree Teachings

#inspiraton, life, experience, #GodI was excited. We were staying in an RV park in Arizona and every lot had a fruit tree in front. There was an assortment of orange, lemon and grapefruit trees.

I had never picked and eaten fresh citrus fruit before and could hardly wait.

Under one tree we saw a box labelled Help Yourself and chose a large lemon. That evening I placed a slice of lemon in a mug filled with hot water. One sip was all I needed before gagging. It was terrible.

Maybe I’d have better luck with an orange. The one I could easily reach #inspiration, #God, #prayerlooked good but didn’t feel quite ripe so I stretched my arm deeper into the tree. The jagged interior branches scratched me and drew blood. I thought my prize would be worth the sacrifice but was mistaken. This fruit was dry and tasteless.

#inspiration, #God, wisdomSometimes life is like this experience. I reach for something that looks appealing only to end up injured and disappointed. Things are not always what they appear on the surface.

For the fruit, I asked a neighbour what trees I should pick from. Seeking and following that advice made all the difference in being able to enjoy juicy oranges and grapefruit.

A myriad of choices are before me daily. Picking the right one can be a challenge. Outside appearance does not give me enough information. I can’t see into the heart of the situation but know someone who can. My best option is always to pray and ask God for wisdom. When I do, my life transforms from dry and bitter to one that is fresh and sweet.

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. (James 1:5 NLT)

Just Holding On

#inspiration, hope, dreams, lifeDo you ever feel like you’re barely holding on? If you relax just a little, an avalanche of trouble will descend on you?

That’s the image I had when I took the picture above. The snow hanging over the edge of the roof was fighting a losing battle and couldn’t hold on much longer.

Some of us are feeling like that right now with our endless winter weather, wondering if we can last until spring finally arrives.

In other cases, it may be health issues. Currently, I’m recovering from an injury. The first week I was content to wait for healing to take place. Now, almost four weeks later, I’m impatient to get back to my regular routine. It will happen, just not as quickly as I would like. Perhaps there is a lesson for me in the waiting.

This holds true in many areas of life. The big question is how do I know what to hold onto and what to let go?

Past hurts and regrets serve no useful purpose and should not be held onto. The belief that I must take care of every detail myself or life will come to a screeching halt must also be let go. These will leave me bitter and disillusioned. Been there, done that, don’t care to repeat it.

What I won’t let go of are my dreams, goals and the hope that my life can make a difference in that of another. Those are things worth holding on to.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. – Albert Einstein

Not What it Seems

#inspiration, #Jesus, #prayerThe date was March 31st. The sun was shining and the sky a clear blue. Mid-Afternoon my husband and I decided to walk to a nearby coffee shop.
The temperature had been chilly lately so I put on a heavy jacket but because the sunshine was so inviting, didn’t bother with gloves or a hat. We hadn‘t gone far before I realized the crucial mistake I’d made.

The calendar may say it is spring and the sky appears to indicate warmer temperatures but that was definitely not the case. In fact, the cold air was stinging my cheeks! A quick check on my weather app showed -9°C with a real feel of -17°C.

Sometimes appearances can be deceiving. My rational mind knew there was snow on the ground but the optimistic part of me wanted to believe the air was warm.

This is not the first time I’ve believed in something that was not what it appeared On first glance, my mind tells me to believe the positive. This is not always in my best interest. More investigation is required before I make a commitment.

How do I determine what is true and what is not what it seems? I need to stop and pray about it. Then I have to wait for an answer. Jesus sees past the surface and knows what is best for me. He will direct me when I rely on his guidance.

Just as I should have checked the temperature before I headed out for a walk, I need to check in with Jesus before I make any big decisions. He is the one I can fully trust.

In him our hearts rejoice for we trust in his holy name. (Psalm 33:21NLT)

Amazing Love

#Good Friday, #Jesus, love,Have you ever loved someone so much you would risk injury to protect them? Would you go as far as giving up your life to save another?

Even before they were born I knew I would do this for my children. Now, the same holds true for my grandchildren.

But, would I freely give my life for anyone other than immediate family? Probably not.

Yet, this is just the kind of amazing love Jesus had for you and for me. He wasn’t forced but freely gave his life. I know this because of his words in the Bible found in chapter ten of the book of John.

Jesus knew he would be facing excruciating pain.  He was beaten, mocked and tortured. Why would he put himself through this?  It was to become the sacrifice for our sins.

I used to think that since I was basically a good person, I couldn’t be a sinner.  How wrong I was. I hadn’t considered the little white lies, judgments of others or a myriad of other so called small things.  Since it is not possible for me to live a ‘perfect’ life, I am guilty of sin and deserve to be punished.

The simple reason Jesus suffered and died is because he loves you and wants you to spend eternity in Heaven with Him. In response to this sacrifice, don’t think of Good Friday as just another day but consider how you will respond to His amazing love.

He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed.  (Isaiah 53:5 NIV)

Christ suffered for our sins once for all time. He never sinned, but he died for sinners to bring you safely home to God. He suffered physical death, but he was raised to life in the Spirit. (1 Peter 3:18 NLT)

A Lamb named Tandy

#Jesus, #inspiration, #EasterThe email said, “I’m sending you a picture of one of the lambs born on our farm this spring.” A friend from childhood sent this to me. She then said that they had named the lamb Tandy.

I’ve never had an animal named after me before and was honoured to have this adorable little creature share my name.

Spring brings new life and thoughts of new beginnings. Easter symbolizes that in my life making it a perfect time to reflect on my relationship to a lamb.

The Bible has many references to Jesus being a shepherd and we his sheep. Like sheep, we don’t seem to know what is best for us. Left on our own, we tend to wander and wind up lost and in danger.

As our shepherd, Jesus leads us with love and compassion. He knows the path we are to take and guides us there safely. Our job is to listen and follow Him.

A shepherd risks his life for the safety of his flock. Jesus did much more than this. He willingly gave his life for us. There can be no greater expression of love.

At Easter, we reflect upon this sacrifice. The picture of a lamb named Tandy is a visual reminder of how helpless I would be without Jesus. I am eternally grateful to be a member of His flock.

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. John 10:7 NIV
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. John 10:11 NIV

Baby Steps

#inspiration, baby, steps, supportMy friend’s baby is learning to walk. She started by pulling herself up on a piece of furniture and moving down the length of it. Having the furniture for support helped her gain confidence.

Holding onto mom’s fingers was another way to walk from one spot to another. One day the time came for her to take a step without holding onto anything for support. This was risky and took a lot of coaxing. After a tentative step forward, she fell. The look of surprise on her face could have easily been followed by tears and a refusal to try again.

Instead, mom quickly scooped her up, praised the effort and stood her on wobbly legs again. Encouragement and cheers followed with every step and every fall. Before long the steps were more frequent than the falls. It won’t be long before she is ready to move from walking to running.

The same principle holds true for us. We expect to take off running when we start something new. This is unrealistic and leads to frustration and discouragement. There are times when the falls are so frequent I wonder if I should give up.

Past experience has taught me I learn best when I take baby steps and celebrate each small success. When I attempt to master new skills the support and encouragement of others can help me get back on my feet and take a few more steps forward.

This may be repeated many times before I can move quickly and confidently in this new area. When it feels like I’m not moving fast enough I remind myself that baby steps will get me farther than if I didn’t take any steps at all.

Expect the Unexpected

#God, #inspiration, prayer, trustWhen I registered for a writer’s conference I also requested someone to share the hotel room with me.

I was relieved to receive a message saying a roommate had been found so my budget didn’t have to stretch to cover the entire hotel cost.

The first day of the conference my roommate didn’t arrive. Later I was informed she wasn’t able to make it at all. My worst fears had been realized. I was solely responsible for the hotel charges.

Instead of worrying, I prayed. God must have a reason for this and I needed to trust in his plan.

When the conference ended someone came up and gave me twenty dollars, saying it wasn’t much but she wanted to help me out with my unexpected expense. My pride wanted to refuse the money. I felt God’s nudge and with tears in my eyes thanked her for her generosity.

That night I went to the home of a friend to do a book reading and discussion. The readings were well received and the discussion deep and satisfying. Several guests asked to buy copies of my books.

Later I counted the money I’d received and saw that it was almost half of my total hotel bill. God reminded of the twenty dollar gift and I realized the unexpected portion of the room had just been covered for me.

This was a reminder of God’s provision. God knows my needs and will take care of me. All I have to do is to pray and trust him. He doesn’t always answer in the way I would imagine but I have learned that when I walk by faith I am always rewarded.

So the LORD must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the LORD is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for his help. (Isaiah 30:18 NLT)

The Snow Tires of Life

#inspiration, life skills, tools, knowledgeEavesdropping was not my intention. The conversation was taking place between two men standing directly behind me, so I couldn’t help overhearing at least part of it.

They were talking about the harsh winter road conditions and yet another March snowstorm. “Do you have snow tires?” one asked. The other replied he didn’t need them as he’d grown up in Winnipeg and knew how to drive in the snow.

The rest of their conversation faded as my mind processed this information. The knowledge and skill for driving in snowy conditions are good to have, but to my way of thinking, tires that give better traction would still be helpful.

I wondered how often I think I can do something on my own and fail to make use of the equipment or life tools available to help me be more effective.

Knowing what tools to use and actively using them are two different things. For example, I can grumble and complain about driving through the snow or pick up a life tool to allow me to see this from a different perspective. If I say, “I choose to drive for the benefit of spending the day with my grandchildren” the trip takes on a new meaning.

When a situation doesn’t turn out the way I’d hoped I can get upset or ask what I could do differently. There is more than one way to get from point A to point B and when I combine this knowledge with the skills I possess, I will have increased traction on the road of life.

“Even the simplest tools can empower people to do great things.” Biz Stone

The Joshua Tree

#inspiration, prayer, bible, God, Joshua treeWhat is that, I wondered? Is it some type of cactus? Or, maybe it’s a tree. In silent awe, I watched as a few of these large plants, scattered through the desert landscape, became an unusual forest of vegetation.

Eventually, I turned to my husband and said, “I’ve never seen anything like those before. I wonder what they are.” He had seen a sign saying we were on the Joshua Forest Parkway and suggested maybe we were looking at Joshua trees.

I took a picture as we drove so I could research them later.

Not only did I confirm that these were indeed Joshua Trees, I also learned some interesting facts. The Joshua tree, also known as a yucca palm, is an evergreen plant belonging to the lily family.

Even more interesting to me was how they got their name. Legend has it that in the mid-nineteenth century, a group of Mormon settlers crossing the Mojave Desert came across these plants. The erect branches reminded them of the biblical story of Joshua, reaching his hands up to the sky in prayer.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we were like Joshua trees and our appearance reminded people to lift their hands in prayer and praise? Unlike the trees which only inhabit a specific area, we can move about impacting others with the message of love and hope found in the Bible. So, if you see me with my arms lifted high, you’ll understand why.

“Pray in the Spirit in every situation. Use every kind of prayer and request there is. For the same reason be alert. Use every kind of effort and make every kind of request for all of God’s people.” (Ephesians 6:18 GWT)

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