
The Crab

inspiration,We had been coming to this spot for several years and always enjoyed our beach walks. After all of this time, we were still on the lookout for things we hadn’t seen before. One day we were rewarded by the sight of a hermit crab. We stood fascinated as we watched this crab, underneath a large shell not its own, slowly walking along the beach. Approaching it to take a picture, it sensed out nearness and stopped, climbing right inside the shell. Now it looked like any other shell on the beach. There was no evidence of the crab. I poked at the shell a little, but got no response .Not wanting to disturb it; we turned and walked a few steps away. Feeling safe now, the crab went on its way as we watched from a distance.

Talking about this, I realized how similar my behaviour can be to that of this crab. There are times that I go along, acting like everything is fine. When others come near, I retreat into my shell and pretend I’m not there. If I blend into my surroundings and become invisible, no one will see me or be able to hurt me.

This is a lonely way to live. It is only by coming out of my shell and allowing others to know me that I can live the purposeful life that I was created for.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Ephesians 6:10 NIV

Running Shoes

God, Jesus, firmness, supportAfter 2 weeks of wearing either sandals or aqua socks, my feet screamed in protest as I laced up my running shoes. Normally I wore aqua socks when we went for our morning beach walk, allowing for elastic stretch and flexibility. This day we had planned a more challenging walk so the support of running shoes was needed. My ankles felt as though they were being strangled! I understood why the firm support was needed, but it was an uncomfortable transition from the freedom and flexibility I’d quickly grown used to.

This was an accurate reflection of my life. When everything is going smoothly I enjoy the freedom and flexibility in my day-to-day life. Then, when things become more challenging I realize that it is firm support that is needed to carry me through. Even though deep down, I understand the need for this firmness, I still chafe at the loss of my freedom.

When my life is placed in the loving hands of the Lord, he will guide me with the support I need. It may feel uncomfortable at times but in reality gives me much more freedom than I have ever had on my own.

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36 NIV

Nothing is Wasted

IMGP0627It was interesting to see the progression. On the shore were an abundance of shells. Some were whole, many were broken and then there were tiny fragments of others. In one very small area, I could see first-hand how the shell pieces got smaller and finer until they were one with the sand. I had never been consciously aware before that shells eventually became sand.

Looking at this, the thought came to mind that nothing is wasted. The same holds true for experiences in my life. Everything I go through is something that God can use for his glory. The times that I glimmer and reflect his light can definitely be used. So too, can the times I am broken and in pain. I may have no idea how to put the pieces together again, but God does. He does not waste a thing that happens in my life. Everything can be used to enrich my journey or to speak into someone else’s life.

My part in this is to trust him. I don’t need to understand why something is happening, just that my heavenly Father is constantly watching over me. His purpose is far greater than anything that I could imagine.

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 2 Corinthians 4:17 NIV


adjust limitsIn an effort to control how many shells I was picking up to bring home, I set myself a daily limit. During our walk one morning my husband showed me a lovely shell that he knew I’d like. I quickly counted those in my hand and told him I’d already reached my limit. His response surprised me as he said, “So, change your limit.” To be fair, he also said that I could re-evaluate what I had and decide which one not to keep!

The thought that kept coming back to me was to change my limit. At times I’ve said that I’d almost reached my limit, meaning I was running out of patience or energy. What if, when I feel this way, I stop, take a deep breath and change my limit? How much more patient and understanding could I become?

This could also work in reverse. When I have 20 things to do in a day and only accomplish 18 of them, do I beat myself up over the 2 not completed or change my limit and be happy with what was done? When it comes right down to it, this is my limit and I’m the one with the control over adjusting it!

The main thing for me to remember is that the final control of my life is not with me, but with Jesus. He will guide me far beyond any limits I have set so that I can accomplish his will for my life.

I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 God’s Word Translation


view from the wallI was sitting on the half wall that separated the pool deck from the beach. The north winds had subsided but the seaweed left on the shore was evidence they had been here recently. The sun warmed my body and the soft breeze was like a gentle caress. A cloudless blue sky blended seamlessly with the water stretched out before me.

A few minutes earlier I had been doing some work indoors when the song of the sea lapping the shoreline beckoned me closer. Now, I relaxed and gazed at the beauty before me. Time and all conscious thought faded into the background. An occasional boat appeared on the horizon and a few birds soared above. Other than that I had this spot all to myself.

As I enjoyed the solitude, peace and gratitude filled my heart. It was easy for me to believe that Jesus created this place and time just for me. Nothing I had done could have earned this favour. It was a gift freely offered. My part was simply to enjoy. In doing this I was renewed and refreshed. Savouring each moment, I thanked Jesus for the incomparably great gifts he bestows upon me.

Then because so many people were coming and going they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mark 6:31 NIV

The Hand

reach, handMy husband and I were on our morning walk when we came upon a spot that was difficult to pass through. There were many sharp rocks blocking our path. Brian stepped up onto a ledge to get around the rubble. My legs are not as long as his and I realized that this step up was too high for me. I concentrated on which rocks I could safely climb on to get me to close enough to the ledge that I could join him. When I looked up I realized that Brian had his hand stretched out to help lift me. I said to him, “I was so busy concentrating on how to get through this that I didn’t see your hand reaching down for me.”

My ever understanding husband asked me if there was a story there! How right he was to point that out. We then discussed the times in life that we have encountered obstacles in our path. When we concentrate on how best to navigate them on our own, we often forget to look up and see the hand of Jesus, reaching out to guide us. He is always there for us. All we need to do is to look up and take the hand he is offering.

He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. Psalms 40:2 NIV


reflection, Jesus, Shine your lightAs I looked into the clear night sky my attention was drawn to the full moon. There were no clouds to block it and I was filled with awe at its mesmerizing brilliance. The twinkling stars faded into the background and the moon was the focal point in the sky. The light it provided was so bright that it was hard to believe it was only a reflection.

The moon on its own does not emit a light that we can see so clearly this far away. It actually reflects the light of the sun, and that is what was illuminating the night sky.

Gazing at its beauty, I am reminded that the only way my light can shine brightly enough to attract others is when I reflect the light of the Son, Jesus.

Just as clouds can block my view of the moon and obscure its light, I can easily let difficulties become my focus, making it impossible for the light to reach me. This impacts my ability to reflect that light to others. When I consciously seek the Son, and focus on him, his light can shine in and through me. This enables me to reflect the light of Jesus into the dark corners of my world, thus fulfilling his plan for my life.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16 NIV

Snow Ruts

Jesus, prayer, inspiration, new paathDue to the ongoing snowy weather, it has been a challenge to navigate some of our side roads. There are some deep ruts made by the vehicles that continually travel these roads.

The interesting thing about these ruts is that if you attempt to drive outside of them, they pull you back in. Blazing your own trail is difficult when you are constantly pulled back into the ruts.
This is a mirror of my life. I tend to do the same things day after day. They become so comfortable that I don’t even realize that I am in a rut. It is only when I want to strike out on a new path that I find this familiar rut pulling me back in. It may not be all that comfortable any more, but my rut is familiar and feels safe. The challenge for me is to keep pulling myself out of the rut so I can embark on a new path.

Over the years I have learned that an effective way to do this is through prayer. When I feel that Jesus wants me to head in a new direction, all I need to do is keep praying to him for guidance. He is the one that will enable me to continue in the way he has chosen for me.

But he told me: “My kindness is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak.” So I will brag even more about my weaknesses in order that Christ’s power will live in me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 God’s Word Translation

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Where My Help Comes From

mountains, help, prayer, thankfulnesSitting in the hospital parking lot, I thanked God for the peace that I felt on this morning. What could have been a stressful day, instead felt calm and filled with promise.

The sun was rising as I drove out of the city. Heading west to visit a friend, I glanced in my rear view mirror and saw vibrant shades of pink, purple and orange lighting up the eastern skyline. Another prayer of thanks was spoken. It wasn’t long before the mountains in front of me were glowing as the morning sun reflected off of the snow-capped peaks.

I was tempted to pull over and take a picture, but knew that the beauty I was experiencing was to be captured in my memory alone. It was as if God was embracing me as he surrounded me with the glory of his creation. I knew in that moment that I had nothing to be concerned about. Not only did he have everything under control, he also gave a visual gift to show me how much he cares. My prayers were no longer spoken, now I was singing his praise.

I lift my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1,2 (NIV)

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inspiration, Jesus, lifeThe snow keeps falling and as it blankets outdoor lights and decorations, it truly looks like a winter wonderland outside. While the adults are not enjoying all the shoveling, children are having fun building snowmen and having snowball fights.

Thinking about playing in the snow, I am reminded that a large snowman starts with a single snowball. As the snowball rolls along the ground it picks up more and more snow and keeps growing larger. The size the snowman becomes is determined by how much time is put into rolling that snowball.

This is something that I can relate to my life. When I stay in one place, my life remains static, not growing. If, on the other hand, I am willing to open myself up to new experiences, my life expands as it rolls along. The more I do this, the larger my life becomes.

Jesus has so many plans for my life. It is only by spending time with Him and following his plan that my life will expand to include so much more than I could ever imagine on my own.

May the Lord direct your lives as you show God’s love and Christ’s endurance. 2 Thessalonians 3-5 God’s Word Translation

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