The Invisible Woman

hiding in plain sight,The last week or two has been difficult. I hadn’t realized how low I had spiralled until, during a phone conversation, a friend asked me what had brought me joy in the past week. As much as I wanted to find something to tell her, I couldn’t. Not a single joyful thought could be found. Loneliness overshadowed everything else.

I’d experienced other times like this during my grief journey, but nothing that had lasted this long. Even though I’d been out and around other people several times, I felt like I was on the outside looking in and not an active participant . All I wanted to do was go back home and hide myself away. Something had to change before depression got a firm hold on me.

A wise woman once said she had observed me make myself invisible when I was out of my comfort zone. The realization that I was again doing that very thing helped to explain why the loneliness was intensified when I was out. It’s hard to interact with someone who has faded so far into the background she can’t be seen.

I have always been on the quiet side until you get to know me. Then, look out as my true personality emerges! When I had a partner to share my thoughts, dreams and everyday life with, this was fine. Past behaviours don’t serve me well in my solo life.

Many years ago, when Brian and I were first dating, he took me on a road trip to meet his uncle, aunt and cousins. It was late when we arrived and most of the family were asleep. The next morning I was awake, dressed and sitting on my bed, with the door open, so I’d see when Brian got up. He slept in and I had a long wait! His uncle stopped at my door and encouraged me to come downstairs with the family. His words, “Don’t be backwards about coming forwards,” are ones I have never forgotten.

Not forgotten but also not always practiced. While I learn to navigate this new journey I travel, Uncle Tom’s advice may be just what I need to help me rediscover who am I and find joy once again.

I know my life holds meaning and purpose and in order to fulfill that I can not and will not become an invisible woman. If you happen to see me performing my great disappearing act, please remind me of this.

A Taxing Situation

Today I thought I’d give you a look behind the scenes at some of my time in Mexico this winter.

language, challenges
I didn’t have to climb these stairs, just waited in front of them!

Paying property taxes in a foreign country is an interesting experience. When my inadequate language skills are thrown into the mix, it becomes even more of a challenge.

For the past three or four years my apartment has been confused with the one next to me on the tax roll. Since the amount payable is based on the price paid for the property, the one that had changed ownership recently was appraised at a higher value.

Brian had disputed our bill successfully in the past. The same was true for neighbours who took care of this for us when we couldn’t be here last year. Now it was my turn to pay the property taxes.

A canopy tent was set up outside of the payment office at City Hall. Rows of chairs were under the shelter. I took my seat in the next available chair. As the people from the front row were called inside, everyone else moved up a row. After 45 minutes, it was my turn to go inside and wait my turn. I handed over my last year’s bill and it was entered into the system. The amount I was asked for was three and a half times more than was paid last year. I said, “No correcta.”

The paper was returned and I was directed to another part of the building. I waited in the wrong line before I figured out I had to bypass this one and go around the corner to another area. In about fifteen minutes I was directed to a woman who didn’t speak English or understand  my meagre Spanish. 

She went to another desk and returned with Felipe, who spoke to me in English. I explained my situation and he told me the rates had gone up this year and I’d have to pay the higher amount. “My neighbours in the same building didn’t have an increase,” I said. He told me that was a mistake, their file must not have been updated. I didn’t give up easily.

After more discussion, I was given two options. Either I could pay the amount due or go to the Finance Department and ask if it was possible to get a discount. I chose the second option.

Felipe kindly took me through the building, up the stairs and found the Finance Office. He then went inside with me and translated. The manager, who had the authority to grant a discount, was out of the office but due to return shortly. Did I want to wait? Yes, I did.

Because it would be difficult to converse with this person, Felipe waited outside of the office with me. After about twenty minutes he got a text saying he was needed downstairs. He told me what was happening and then went back inside to give them his cell number, saying he’d come right back if needed to translate. What incredible service! 

The kindness of this young man made all the difference to my stress level. Eventually I was called back inside and asked for my paperwork. The same woman we’d spoken to previously made a phone call and took my papers into her office. A few minutes later she returned with a lower amount written in pencil on the bill. It had been reduced by 25%. After my, “Gracias, muchas gracias.” I returned to the first area to pay.

Did I still pay more than last year? Absolutely. But, I paid less than if I’d just accepted the amount asked for.

As I walked away from the building I congratulated myself for navigating a difficult situation on my own. I learned that with perseverance and the kindness of strangers, I am capable of more than I realized!

Walks, Writing, and Remembering

memories, healing,We loved this place. Brian and I were refreshed by the sight and sound of the sea.

In the early years we walked the beach together, stopping frequently to pick up shells that caught our attention. Very few people were encountered on our walks.

Only a handful of apartments in our building were occupied. We relished our peaceful existence, a 20 minute drive from the town where we not only did our shopping, but also found a church home.

It was on this beach, as I communed with God, that I first felt the stirrings to write. Inspiration flooded my heart and mind. Brian and I discussed these simple things that seemed to have deeper meanings. I wrote down the thoughts so I wouldn’t forget.

We often walked in companionable silence, each lost in their own thoughts. At some point during the walk Brian would turn to me and ask, “What song is going through your mind?” There was always a praise song at that moment, sometimes even the same as the one in his mind.

In later years we walked separately. I couldn’t keep up with his long strides when he was desperate for exercise. Not wanting to hold him back, we made the decision to each go at our own pace. Brian was often gone for two hours, clocking 10-12 kms. On a good day, I did no more than half of that. Later we’d share experiences and insights from our individual walks.

These discussions often served as writing prompts. Brian was always on the lookout for story ideas to share with me. Sometimes he’d show me a picture he’d taken and say, “This would make a good story.” I’d ask how and he’d tie the pieces together. Once I said, “Maybe you should write the story.” Eyes twinkling, he smiled and said, “I think I just did!”

I’m back on our beach now. This time Brian is with me in spirit, but physically I’m on my own for the first time here. I didn’t know if I could do it but since he had made his desire for me to return very clear, I had to try.

The first week was emotional. The second week was a bit better but I wondered if this would be my last trip. I’m only a few days into my third week but something has shifted. I’ve re-entered the rhythm of life here. And what’s more, peace has filled my heart and mind.

I’ve resumed work on the book I started writing the last time Brian and I were here together. Inspiration started to flow as I took a morning walk along the beach, carrying my beloved in my heart.

Brian knew what I didn’t when he insisted I return. God has met me in this peaceful place, started healing my heart, and let me know the next chapter of my life is waiting to be written. I am grateful.

Imperfectly Perfect

weather, wind,A strong north wind had been blowing for several days. My son and I had been waiting for more favourable conditions so we could scatter some of Brian’s ashes along the beach that meant so much to him.

Our time to do this was running out as C was flying home the next day. Despite the wind, we headed out just before sunset. Emotions ran high as we wondered how we would know the right spot to stop. Nothing was preplanned. This experience was totally led by our hearts.

I stopped in front of an abandoned house. The ravages of storms had taken their toll on this house, just as the ravages of disease had attacked Brian since his last time on this beach. Somehow this seemed like an appropriate place.

We each took a turn, standing close to the water’s edge as the waves came in, shaking some ashes from the cardboard scattering tube. The tube was covered with a sunset scene over water. So fitting for this time and place.

No matter how far I leaned over the water, the wind blew the ashes back onto the sand. With great insight, C said, “This is the way it was meant to be. Dad loved walking along the beach but didn’t like to go in the water.” Perfect.

Before we turned to go back home, I sent a message to Brian on the wings of the wind. I told him I would always love him and never let his memory deteriorate and be abandoned like the house on the beach behind us. His legacy of love would live on.

Darkness had almost settled over us as we walked back. I glanced behind me and saw the cloud had parted enough so we were able to witness a beautiful sunset over the water.

We may not have known what the time and conditions would be for this emotional and symbolic event, but God did and he worked everything out perfectly.



walk, beachThe morning matched my disposition. I was feeling “off”. There was no sunshine and weather conditions were a little stormy. Still, I felt drawn to go for a walk on the beach.

Amid the footprints in the sand, two sets stood out. They were in the same area which meant the same firmness of sand, but the impressions left were totally different.

One set was steady and left soft imprints of the sole of the footwear. The other was uneven and left a strange, deep design. It was as if the ball of the foot dug much deeper and then curled back, forcing the sand backwards into aa slight ridge. The heel was merely an outline.

I wondered why one set looked uniform and easy and the other seemed to indicate struggle. The conclusion I came to was that they had different levels of support for their feet. Perhaps one had firm soles on their footwear and the other soft ones.

I thought of my life recently. When going through tough challenges I tend to try to handle everything on my own. I will eventually get to where I need to be but the journey is more difficult than necessary. It’s not that support hasn’t been offered. I just think I should be able to do what is needed without inconveniencing others, so don’t reach out or accept the help offered.

These footprints in the sand served as a powerful reminder of how proper support can impact my journey in a positive way.

I look over at my son, walking beside me. He has taken the time to join me as I navigate this formerly familiar but now unknown stretch I’m currently walking. As he helps me through this rough patch, my steps are slowly becoming firmer. Gratitude wells up in my heart and leaks through my eyes.

The proper support makes all the difference. With that in place, I’m going to be fine.

My Little Boat

griefThree weeks can either feel like the blink of an eye or a lifetime. Sometimes both at the same time.

That was how long it had been since my beloved departed the confines of a failing physical body to be restored in heaven. I was happy for him but didn’t know how to deal with the huge hole in my life.

Now, here I sat at an art therapy session for those suffering grief. Was it too soon to be doing something like this? It appeared I was about to find out.

The long tables were set up in a horseshoe formation, with the facilitator and her assistant at the open end. Twelve of us sat around the perimeter. In front of each of the participants was a blank sheet of paper. Behind that was a larger sheet of wax paper. Interesting.

After the introduction, coloured markers were passed out. We were to choose whatever colours we wanted and write words or draw pictures that reminded us of who we were grieving. This proved easy as the words love, fun, family, humour, and many others quickly filled my paper.

These papers were then put to the side and a block of modeling clay was placed on our wax paper. The clay was hard and needed to be softened by the warmth of our hands. As we worked the clay by kneading, pushing and pulling, we were told to put our feelings and grief into it. Some were angry with their circumstances and punched the clay or threw in onto the table. I had only sadness so was gentler in working with mine.

Once the clay was malleable, we were asked to create something to hold our grief. What? How was I supposed to do that? Others around me started creating shapes. I mindlessly worked with mine, hoping to find some inspiration.

I was surprised to see a small rowboat start to take shape. Maybe I could work with that. It needed more definition so I concentrated on the form. To make sure it didn’t look like a strangely shaped bowl, I asked for a little more clay and made a bench seat inside. Then I took two more small pieces and fashioned them into oars, which were crossed and placed on the seat.

Looking at my boat, I knew the shape hadn’t been an accident. I was navigating a sea of grief and needed a vessel to hold me when a rogue wave threatened to pull me under. In times of calm I could relax and float peacefully in my little boat. Turmoil caused choppy waters and the oars were needed as I paddled hard to stay afloat. God had worked through my unknowing hands to create a perfect metaphor for my grief journey.

As the class neared the end, scissors were placed before me. I cut out words Grief boatfrom my paper and placed them in my vessel. Perfect! Grief only exists because it was preceded by great love. Precious memories placed in my grief vessel are reminders of the love that will always live on in my heart.

Yes, it seems that I was meant to be in the session that evening.

Three weeks has now turned to three months. My little boat, rough as it is, sits proudly in my home as a testament to a life well lived and the legacy Brian left behind.

New Year Prayer

path of life

I start each new year with this prayer that my mother passed on to me many years ago.

2024 was a difficult and challenging one but it also had moments of great joy.

Through it all, God was by my side, guiding, strengthening and shielding as I walked the path before me. I have faith He will do the same in 2025.

Be blessed, my friends.


May God make your year a happy one,
Not by shielding you from sorrow and pain,
But by strengthening you to bear it, if it comes.
Not by making your path easy,
But by making you sturdy enough to travel any path.
Not by taking hardships from you,
But by taking all cowardice and fear from your heart.
Not by granting you unbroken sunshine,
But by keeping your face bright, even in the shadows.
Not by making your life always pleasant,
But by showing you where man and his cause need you most,
And by making you anxious to be there, and to help.

Author unknown

A New Day

sunrise, new dayI stood at my window and watched in awe as the dark sky became infused with colours.

First the deep pink and purple were seen along the horizon. As the sun continued to rise, orange appeared with bright yellow just below it. The other colours lightened to cotton candy pink and mauve. Soon I was looking at a pale blue sky streaked with pastel clouds. There was no more darkness – a new day had begun.

The sky is at its most beautiful at the rising and setting of the sun. As I thought about this, I realized that while I often see the sun rise this time of year, I rarely see it set. My eastern view has something to do with this, but was there more? Some reason why I was not available to witness the transformation of day into night?

As is my habit when seeking answers or guidance, I asked the Lord. His response surprised me, although it made perfect sense. The soothing answer I was given spoke directly to my heart.

I heard, “I want you to focus on how the promise of a new day is manifested each morning when I turn the darkness into light. During this season of intense grief, it is My light that will guide you. I have prepared each new day with a beauty of its own. Even on those days when your battered heart feels shrouded under dreary skies, I will send a glimmer of light to give you hope. Seek and you shall find it.

There will come a day when you will look at the night sky and see the twinkling stars. For now, the darkness overwhelms, but joy comes in the morning.

I have plans for you, my beloved child. My light will guide you to fulfill the purpose I have placed in your heart.”

I thanked the Lord for his healing words and remembered His promise found in Psalms 30:56 “Weeping may last for the night but rejoicing comes in the morning.”hope

Crumbs on the Counter

thankful, blessedAfter several overcast days, this morning the sun was shining brightly through my window. I walked into the kitchen and was surprised to see small crumbs scattered across my kitchen counter.

“Where did you come from?” I said aloud. The immediate answer was obvious. Since I live alone, they had to have come from me.

Apparently, I had not paid enough attention to keeping this area clean. It was easy to ignore until the sun illuminated this problem spot.

Truthfully, this is only one area of my home that has been neglected during a tumultuous year. But I digress.

Back to the crumbs on my counter. As I was wiping them up, I found a few more that had been hiding. It didn’t take long to draw an analogy to my life.

The crumbs represent negative thoughts, grumbling, making excuses, etc. These thoughts don’t cause an impact on my personal well being until they start to add up. I look the other way and either pretend they don’t exist or they aren’t important. Sooner or later though, something illuminates my bad attitude and I wonder where the negativity came from.

To keep from getting to this point, a daily practice of gratitude is necessary. Being thankful clears away the crumbs of negativity. Instead of grumbling because I have to drive on winter roads, I am grateful to have a safe, reliable vehicle. This is but one of the many examples I can think of.

When I concentrate on all the blessings in my life, the crumbs are dealt with and my attitude improves.

How do you keep the crumbs from accumulating on the counter of your life?

An Unplanned Project

#Brain Tumour Foundation of CanadaHave you ever had an idea or inspiration that seemed to take on a life of its own and flourished beyond your wildest expectations?

That is exactly what happened to me several months ago. A friend and fellow writer sent me a message about something I posted on social media. She gave me not only some beautiful encouragement but also a challenge.

The idea intrigued me and I started thinking of how I could make it my own. I mentioned it to a few others and although the response was positive, I pushed the idea to the back of my mind.

You see, we were only a few months into my husband’s brain tumour journey. Life was often overwhelming and I didn’t feel capable of taking on a major challenge.

This is where the project took on a life of its own. The initial people I’d run the idea past, submitted stories. Apparently, in a moment of weakness I’d given a timeline for submissions! Now I had to either apologize and return the writings they had done specifically for me or make a plan and move forward. I chose the latter.

After setting a firm timeline, I started contacting other writers. One night, when I was praying about who else to contact, I felt led to reach out to some friends and family members who were not part of my writing circle. Some said yes immediately and others needed more encouragement.

My book was taking shape. I forgot to mention to you that during this process I felt God tell me this project was to be used as a fundraiser. It made sense that the total profit would be donated to the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada. After I reached out to them and received permission to use their name in promotion for the book, everything came together quickly.#Brain Tumour Foundation of CanadaFlowers of Remembrance is a collection containing the memories evoked by certain flowers. The writers range from 15 to 85 and their stories (and mine) will encourage you to stop and reflect on memories surrounding special flowers in your life.

I can think of no better place to hold an event for this book than a flower shop. Flower Whispers in Airdrie, Alberta will be the site for this on Saturday, December 7th. I’d love to see any who are able to drop by for a visit and refreshments from 1-3 pm. You can do your Christmas shopping and support an organization that hold a special place in my heart. More details are on my website under the Book tab.

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