What Are Your Expectations?

Jesus, faith, trust, inspirationI’ve heard it said that expectations are premeditated resentments. Although the statement rang true, a recent experience took the meaning to a whole new level.

A situation I was in fell far short of my expectations. Going into it, I wasn’t consciously aware of the expectations I held. That’s how sneaky they can be!

Not only did I come away upset, there was also resentment towards the person that I felt was responsible for my disappointment. I’m ashamed to say that it took me several days of nursing my wounded feelings before I fully realized my part in this.

It’s impossible for another person to know my expectations. How can they when I am not fully aware of them? Even if I am able to vocalize what I expect, I’m sure there is more that I just assume. Variables and the unexpected come into play, throwing off even the best laid plans. The only thing I can be certain of is my inability to control the final outcome.

My life works much better when I put my complete faith and trust in Jesus. I have found that the fewer expectations I have, the more he is able to work. In essence I believe this is because I stop resisting the changes to my plans.

The only expectation that works for me is to know Jesus is able to handle anything that comes my way and to use it for his greater purpose.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. ( Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)

I Was Drifting

God, Jesus, Inspiration, rescueLet me start by saying that I am not a swimmer. I enjoy being in the water as long as my feet can touch a firm surface and my face doesn’t get wet.

Our vacation was nearing an end. I had walked along the shore daily but had not ventured into the sea. The conditions were perfect with sunshine, hot temperature and calm water and I knew I needed to make the most of the opportunity.

I waded into the refreshing water. Soon I felt adventurous enough to take hold of a small boogie board that was handed to me. My intention was not to ride it but to lie across it and float.

Balancing my body across this board without tipping was a much bigger challenge than I anticipated. When I achieved my goal I was filled with satisfaction.

I relaxed, laid my head on the board and closed my eyes. What a wonderful feeling! It seemed like only moments before I looked around and realized I had drifted quite a distance from my husband. The water was now deeper than I was comfortable with. My feet could no longer touch the bottom.

I hung on tightly to the board as I kicked my feet and fought back the panic. The tide seemed to be working against me and the shore was not getting any closer.

Then I saw my husband making his way towards me. He took hold of the cord attached to the board and towed me to safety. I was so relieved that I didn’t mind his admonishment that I should have been more attentive to my surroundings.

This was an example of what happens in my life when I drift along without paying attention. Soon I’m in over my head. The Lord is always there to rescue me. Sometimes he waits for me to call for help. Other times he sends someone to help me even before I realize I’m in trouble.

Drifting aimlessly is never going to get me where I want or need to be. The prudent thing for me to do is to be attuned to the wisdom only he can give. Then I will have clear direction and not drift off course.

The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice. (Proverbs 12:15 NIV)

It is the Lord who gives wisdom; from him come knowledge and understanding. (Proverbs 2:6 GWT)

It Stinks!

God, journey, inspiration, perseveranceMy husband and I were out for our morning walk along the beach. The fresh sea air was invigorating. Several times we stopped to watch fish swimming in the crystal clear water beside us.

Up ahead we could see some piles of seaweed. It was an eyesore but that wouldn’t keep us from continuing on.

As we approached, we here hit by the noxious smell of damp, rotting seaweed. My first instinct was to hold my breath. Fearing it would be worse when I had to gasp for air moments later, I decided against this course of action.

The decision we faced was obvious. We could either turn back or brave the smell until we had passed through this area. If we turned back, we’d miss the opportunity to experience what was on the other side.

We chose to keep going and soon were rewarded with a lovely stretch of beach to walk along.

I thought about the times I’ve been faced with a situation that was unpleasant. Sometimes I have turned back thinking, “This stinks.” Whenever that situation comes to mind, this is the only impression that remains.

If, however, I have carried on and worked through things, the noxious feeling has been replaced by one of satisfaction at the outcome that was achieved.

The choice is mine. Do I want to turn back when things are not as I imagined, or do I keep going to see what waits for me a little farther on the journey?

A saying that I hold onto is “If God brings you to it; he’ll bring you through it.” I know that my trust in him will be rewarded as I follow the path he has set for me.

Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (James 1:4 NIV)

Real or Illusion?

Jesus, love, inspirationWe see many types of shore birds on our morning beach walk. One day I saw a large white crane up ahead. I kept watching as we drew near and was surprise by how still it remained.

When I was close enough to see the outline more clearly, I started to laugh. The crane that I had been watching was actually a pole standing upright in the sand with the remnant of a white sandbag tied around it! The graceful white crane was only an illusion.

I paused to think of the many times I have looked on a situation from a distance and saw an illusion rather than the reality.Jesus, love, inspiration

Most people only allow us to see what they want us to. I am no exception to this. Pain, disappointment, loneliness and rejection are hidden from the world. They are concealed behind a smile and the words, “I’m fine.”

Personally this has happened when I felt I needed to put on a brave front. The illusion seemed safer than exposing the truth of my weakness. You may not like the real me.

A few loved ones may see what’s behind the illusion but only Jesus truly knows what is in my heart and mind. He knows the real me and loves me for who I am and not who I pretend to be. When I truly accept this love I am free to be all that he created me to be.

Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? Romans 8:35 NLT


Just Look Up

God, prayer, guidance, inspirationI was being careful of my footing that morning. The tide was in, forcing us higher up the beach than normal. My eyes were focused on where to safely place my next step to avoid slipping. As I picked my way over rocks, shells and sandbags.

Ahead of me I realized my husband had come to a stop. When I started to look up to see why, a shadow just above caused me to duck. My head narrowly missed the base of an overhanging deck. I had been aware of the wall beside me but not the danger looming slightly higher.

This was a vivid reminder of what can happen when I focus only on my next step. I become so self absorbed that I am unaware of dangers that are right in front of me.

By starting each day in prayer, asking for God to lead me, I am looking up for direction. He knows the difficulties I will encounter and will guide me accordingly.

Sometimes he will enable me to avoid them and in other situations will walk with me through them. In either case, my life improves when I practice looking up to the one who has promised to take hold of my hand and help me.

I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand and say to you, ‘Don’t be afraid; I will help you.’ Isaiah 41:13 GWT

Imperfect Beauty

God, Jesus, inspiration, beautyI’ve always been drawn to the shells that I see washed up on shore. It used to be the ones with perfect shape or smooth, shiny surfaces that attracted me. This is no longer the case.

Instead, I now reach for the ones that are unique because of their flaws. The broken ones allow me to see the intricate design within. The gnarled surface of others shows that they have experienced hardship as they’ve been buffeted by the sand and the sea.

It is these imperfections that make them unique. The scars are where their beauty comes from.

I like to think this is how God looks at me. He doesn’t expect me to be perfect. The scars and brokenness beauty, inspiration, Jesus, Godhave been formed by experiences in my life. They are what make me unique.

Everything I go through can be used by him. Nothing is wasted. In God’s loving care my imperfections are turned into something beautiful that can be used to show his love and grace to others. What he does for one, he can do for each of us.

and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor. (Isaiah 61:3 NIV)

Like a Fish Out of Water

focus, Jesus, inspirationThere it was, propped upright on a bed of shells and seaweed, far from the water’s edge. The small, yellow-fleshed fish appeared to be staring at us, although we knew the eyes were now unseeing. It must have been tossed to the shore in the earlier high tide.

The body was lifeless but no decay had set in. Somehow it had managed to escape the keen eyes of the pelicans soaring above looking for their next meal.

My husband spotted it first and pointed it out to me. I said, “Fish out of water.” He nodded and we continued with our walk.

That simple phrase continued to roll around in my mind. I have often felt like a fish out of water but now had a disturbing visual to accompany the thought.
According to thefreedictionary.com the phrase means, “to feel awkward because you are not familiar with a situation of because you are different from the people around you.” The expression alludes to the fact that a fish cannot survive for long on dry land.

Looking back on my life I realize that the times I felt like a fish out of water occurred when I was self-focused. By turning my attention outwards I can see that it’s not all about me.

Jesus often brings me into unfamiliar situations. He does this not to make me uncomfortable, but so I can experience growth. When I embrace these times and look for the opportunity to be of service to him, I will no longer feel like a fish out of water.

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, 6 so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:5,6 NIV)


Bird Fight

Jesus, inspiration, loving, sacrificeWe have been thoroughly entertained by the antics of a few hummingbirds.

Our neighbours have a hummingbird feeder hung on their deck. Lately these tiny birds have been putting on quite a show as they approach it to feed.

There are several spots for the birds to drink nectar from. Despite this, they don’t appear to share very well.

One bird in particular will land but not feed. When others approach it will chase them away. There may be another two or three of these birds flying in circles around the feeder but the one will not let them near enough to land. There is a lot of energy being expended and at what gain?

As unusual as it is to see two feeding at the same time, the attitude of this dominant bird caused me to do some deeper thinking.

Have there been times when I have acted like this bird, not wanting to share with others? Do I hoard what should be freely available because I want to keep it for myself? Am I jealous, not able to see someone else have what I may want later?

These are disturbing thoughts but ones I need to examine. I don’t want to be using my energy fighting to hold onto things I need to be generous with.

Jesus gave his very life for me. He set the example to sacrifice for others. One of the greatest commandments is to love your neighbour as yourself. If I follow this teaching there will be no worry that my attitude won’t be selfish but instead will be loving and giving.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:30,31 NIV)

To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. (Proverbs 21:3 NIV)

Gathering the Wind

Holy Spirit, inspiration, Jesus, teaching“The wind fascinates me,” she said. “You can’t see it or hold it. If someone asks for a bucket of rain water, I could get it for them but I can’t collect a bucket of wind.”

Gathering the wind was something I’d never thought about before.

Although the wind itself can’t be seen, its effects can. I enjoy the feel of a gentle, refreshing breeze on a hot summer day. The area I reside in has Chinook winds that blow over the mountains in the winter and raise the temperatures enough to melt the snow. There are also strong, powerful winds that hit with a destructive force.

These are only a few of the types of wind we can experience.
For me, the wind makes a perfect analogy for my belief in the Holy Spirit. I have never seen him but know he is real. His effect on my life is something I can feel and see.

The Holy Spirit guides my life as the wind guides a sailboat. Sometimes he is as gentle as the breeze that whispers my name. When I go off course his influence becomes stronger to ensure I’m not going into perilous waters.
Jesus said that in his name the Holy Spirit would be sent. His purpose is to teach me and remind me of the words of Jesus. I don’t have to see him to feel safe and protected. All I need do is trust in his power within me.

The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” John 3:8 NIV

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14:26 NIV

Are You Excitable?

excitable, Jesus, calming, inspirationThe city street had been closed to motorized vehicles. On this day it was being enjoyed by cyclists.

We were fascinated by bicycles that were designed for families. These shared the road with traditional bicycles and the occasional rollerblader. It was enjoyable to stroll down the wide sidewalk, observing people laughing and talking as they spent this relaxing time together.

Soon an insistent high pitched bark caught our attention. It was a Chihuahua in the front basket of a bicycle.  Another dog in its line of vision caused the excited barking.  As it strained forward I could see a leash attached from the dog’s collar to the basket, presumably to keep it safe inside. The dog’s master was stroking its head as a calming attempt as she cycled past.

Suddenly this dog jumped completely out of the basket. The leash kept it from reaching the ground and it dangled precariously from its neck for a few moments until the rider could stop the bike and rescue it.

I gasped and thought the silly dog had almost hung himself due to its excitability.

The next day this image popped back into my mind with the added thought that I have been just as foolish on occasion. In my excitement I’ve jumped before I thought of the consequences. If I’d stopped long enough to pay attention I would have recognized the hand of my master, Jesus, calming me. Instead, I was left in a precarious position as I called out for him to rescue me.

The best course of action I can take is to let Jesus be the one who steers my life. When I allow him to lead me I’ll never be left hanging.

I cried out, “I am slipping!”  but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me. When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer. (Psalm 94:18,19 NLT)

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