Do You Take Your Own Advice?

danger signAdvice comes to us from many sources. It can be written or verbal. There are times when it is helpful and others when it is not appreciated.

Recently I saw a sign with extremely helpful advice. It held a warning of danger due to an unstable slope. Heeding this would provide safety from the eroding landscape.

The sign was on a path that overlooked a lake. So much of the hillside had eroded and fallen away that the sign was now in danger of tumbling down to the shore. I pointed this out to my husband as we walked along the beach and said, “The sign looks like it needs to take its own advice.”

This brought to mind the saying Do what I say not as I do. In other words, I expect you to follow my advice but I’m not going to do it myself.

No matter how well intentioned I am, my advice may not be right for someone else. The same holds true for advice that others give me.

There is also the advice that I give myself and then ignore. Following it requires more effort than I am willing to put forth. Sometimes I don’t know what to do. I seem lost and need someone to point me in the right direction.

There is only one that can consistently give me the needed advice. That one is Jesus. He knows the direction he wants me to travel in and the best way to get there. Everything he takes me through is preparing me to live the life that he has planned for me. I may not understand the advice now, but if I have faith the answer will be revealed in his perfect timing.

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. (1 Peter 5:6 NIV)

Quotes and Misquotes

when was the last timeMy six-year-old granddaughter was singing a popular nursery rhyme when my daughter heard her belting out the words, “Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet, eating her courage away.”

We had a good laugh over her misunderstanding of the words.

I wondered how someone could eat their courage away. I pictured a big bowl of alphabet pasta and the words courage and brave being scooped up on the spoon ready to be consumed.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that I have probably eaten my courage away. Every time I have the opportunity to be brave and don’t take it, I eat away at my courage. Small bites over time can leave me with very little remaining.

Being brave doesn’t have to involve big actions. It just requires a simple step in faith and trust. The willingness to take chances is courageous. Even what I perceive as failures can be stepping stones to future success.

I read some quotes that illustrate this for me. The first one is from Julia Soul . “If you are never scared, embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take chances.” Bob Perks said, “Expect that if you want to accomplish big things you’ll experience big failures along the way. You’ll know then that you’re on the right path.” These quotes remind me that I can be brave even when fearful.

From an unknown author came, “Your current safe boundaries were once unknown frontiers.” This rings true for me. I am comfortable doing things today that I never would have imagined I could do.

There are many times in the Bible where God has done great things through those that relied on the assurance that he would see them through. When I trust him to work all things for good, my courage will once again grow. If I have any doubts I need only look at his quotes from the Bible.

Be strong, all who wait with hope for the Lord, and let your heart be courageous. (Psalm 31:24 GWT)

Don’t be afraid, because I am with you. Don’t be intimidated; I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will support you with my victorious right hand. (Isaiah 41:10 GWT)

But Christ is a faithful son in charge of God’s household. We are his household if we continue to have courage and be proud of the confidence we have. (Hebrews 3:6 GWT)

Why the Split in the Rock?

cleft in the rockI love the times when something starts out as an ordinary experience and then turns into an extraordinary blessing.

My friend and I were enjoying time together in a local nature park. We explored the paths and took multiple pictures of the creek, small waterfalls and towering trees. Next I suggested we climb a small rock face to see what was on the other side. It wasn’t much of a climb and we were soon at the crest. A few steps later I noticed a large cleft in the rock.

According to the dictionary a cleft is a crack, crevice or split. The split is only partial, usually no more than to the mid-point.

A cleft such as the one I was looking at would be a safe, sheltering space with the rock around it providing protection. I was in awe as I studied the cleft and thought about the story in the Bible where God placed Moses in the cleft of a rock and covered him with his hand to protect him.

Gazing upon this crevice was an example of God’s love for me. He is always willing and able to shelter and protect me when I call out to him.

When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. (Exodus 33:22 NIV)

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. (Psalm 32:7 NIV)

Are You Under Pressure?

sprite bottleThe wording on labels can sometimes evoke a meaning for me that I’m fairly sure is not what the manufacturer had in mind.

Such was the case when I spotted some old glass pop bottles at a yard sale. The Sprite bottle’s green glass had a white banner on the neck with the words Contents under pressure. Handle with care. I called my husband over to see it and said, “Some people should have that warning label!”

My amusement faded when I realized that I have often qualified as one of those people. Too many things to do and not enough time to accomplish everything can put me under pressure. This is usually something I’ve brought upon myself, either by taking on more than I should or procrastinating until I’m short on time. Even so, the pressure builds and those around me need a warning to stay clear, lest I explode.

This doesn’t happen as frequently as it did in the past. I am learning to bring my plans to Jesus. When I ask for his direction on what to say, “yes” or “no” to, my life runs much smoother. By making time with him the number one priority on my list I am better equipped to handle whatever comes my way. His guidance will enable me to keep the pressure under control. There is no better way to start my day than letting Jesus handle it with his loving care.

In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. (Psalm 5:3 NIV)

Are Your Roots Showing?

roots showingThere are many variations of roots. Some are exposed while others are well hidden.

Near the end of a walk I encountered an area where several trees had roots exposed. They seemed to reach from one to the next as if providing stepping stones. My husband was not surprise when I asked him to stop so I could take a picture.

These roots seemed to have a greater meaning to impart. I carried on, knowing the meaning would be revealed a I prayed for clarity.

Thoughts that came to mind were of my life being rooted in Jesus. When my roots run deep, I can stand strong and tall. If none of these roots are visible, how will others know that it is Jesus that provides the foundation of my life?

As well as reaching deep, some of my roots need to be exposed for all to see. They can form the stepping stones that will point others to Jesus. This will happen more readily when I allow myself to be open and vulnerable rather than pretending everything is perfect.

Reflecting on this, I believe it is a good thing to let my roots show.

And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:17b-19 NIV)

Campground Celebrations

celebration, Jesus, inspiration, joySome campgrounds have interesting traditions. The one we stay in holds a Canada Day parade the Saturday before July 1st.

Family friendly is a good description of this event. Everyone was encouraged to decorate their sites. Canadian flags and banners were hung. Red and white in the form of streamers and balloons were seen in abundance. We even hung a Canadian flag Frisbee in our tree!

A big red fire truck decorated with Canadian flags led the parade. Behind the truck was campground paradewhere the real fun started. Children rode decorated bicycles; drove battery operated cars and waved flags as they walked the parade route through the campground. Parents walked along with them.

Those deciding not to enter the parade sat in lawn chairs to watch the procession. The lucky ones were able to gather some of the candy that was tossed out to the spectators.

In a matter of minutes the parade had passed. What lingered was the joy of seeing families participating together in this event.

If this simple celebration could foster such a spirit of co-operation and joy, imagine a world where families, friends and neighbours joined together to celebrate and share the love of Jesus. That kind of contagious joy could change the world!

Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good; celebrate his lovely name with music. (Psalm 135:3 NLT)

And all the people followed Solomon into Jerusalem, playing flutes and shouting for joy. The celebration was so joyous and noisy that the earth shook with the sound. (1 Kings 1:40 NLT)

Deadheading In the Garden of Life

Some of thegrowth, life, Jesus, inspiration flowers in our planters were wilting and turning brown. There were still plants with healthy blooms and a few new buds forming. To extend the blooming period of these plants I needed to deadhead them.

Deadheading is done by removing the flowers as they fade. Pruning and pinching keeps the plant from going to seed and then dying.

As I did this I pondered the process of removing what is no longer needed so that new growth can occur. This is true in life as well as in gardening.

There have been times I’ve held onto thoughts and behaviours that were not productive. The only comfortable thing about them was their familiarity. Still, I clung to them as though they were something precious.

Jesus gave the example of people being the vine and God the gardener. This biblical example was what I needed to focus on. Pruning in my life needed to be done before I could begin to live the fruitful life that had been planned for me.

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.”  (John 15:1,2 NIV)

How Do I Work the Shower?

Jesus, prayer, guidance, faith, inspirationI was alone at our trailer and decided to start the day with a nice, hot shower. The only other time I had used this shower was last season, but how difficult could it be to operate?

When I turned on the tap I got a blast of water through the open shower door! Quickly I adjusted the shower head, climbed in and closed the door.
My next challenge was adjusting the water temperature. This was not an easy task as the water was either hot or cold. How could I find a happy medium?

The most difficult part was still to come. I couldn’t seem to get the water turned off! I know it sounds like a simple thing, but that was not the case! After much trial and error I discovered that the taps did not move in the same direction. One turned left to go off and the other turned right.

These problems could have all been avoided if I’d only paid attention to the position of the shower head and the taps before I started.

At the risk of sound like a slow learner, lack of attention has been the cause of many difficulties in my life. I tend to race forward into a situation without taking time to gather the necessary information. That being said, I could spend all of my time gathering information and never actually DO anything.

The best way that I’ve found to make important decisions is to take them to the one who sees everything. Jesus is able to take anything and use it for my good. I can save both of us a lot of unnecessary detours by paying attention.

There are three simple steps I need to do. The first is to pray for guidance. Next I need to take the time to watch and listen for the response. Thirdly, I need to step out in faith. Jesus can then use me to make a difference in the world.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18 NIV

A Life-Giving Rock?

life, God, inspirationA friend and I were enjoying a walk through a wooded area. We came upon a huge rock that that formed part of the hill side. It had some dry moss on the side and more vegetation on the top. I climbed up to get a better look.

Some soil must have been deposited in a small area because there was grass as well as moss growing there! This was amazing to me as there would have been no space for roots to take hold. I also wondered how the grass seed got there to start with.

All of this also got me to thinking about the rock in my life. Jesus is the rock that sustains me. He supplies what I need to not only survive but to flourish. When my roots are in him, I know I have the ability to grow strong no matter what my circumstance may be.

He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. Psalm 62:6 NLT

Weather Systems of Life

God, safety, guidance, inspirationI was driving home from an out of province speaking engagement. On my own for the eight hour drive, I had plenty of time to listen to my favourite music and reflect on life.

When I started out the sky was a brilliant blue with few clouds. After a couple of hours I saw a dark cloud with wispy tendrils reaching to the earth. As I approached, a faint image of fluffy white clouds could be seen behind it. Intrigued, I pulled over to take a picture.

No sooner had I returned to the highway when there was a flash of lightening, followed quickly by torrential rain. In moments the temperature dropped 11 degrees. I kept driving and soon passed through the storm. The dark cloud was behind me and the sunshine and warmth had reappeared.

This sudden and unexpected weather system made me think of life. I have no idea when my sunny life is going to be hit by a sudden storm of troubles. What I do know is that these storms are inevitable.

One of the songs I listened to as I drove had the words, “If I never had a problem, how would I know that God could solve them?” This is yet another reason I choose to walk with God. I trust him and know that he allows the storms for a reason. When I stay close to God I will be led safely through the darkness to a bright future waiting on the other side.

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. (Isaiah 43:2 NIV)

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