Show Me Your Workspace

This is a bonus blog post! Your regular post will be back tomorrow.

I newsletter, be bravehave joined a Five Day “Be Brave Today” Challenge. Today’s challenge is to show you where I work.

A picture or two and a description didn’t seem enough for me so I’m turning this into something more interactive!

The picture above is the desk and computer where I do most of my writing. I like to write in a journal first and then edit as it goes onto the computer. When time and weather permit, I enjoy writing outside as shown by the picture of the bench, which overlooks a lake. My ever present journal is sitting there waiting for the words to tumble out on its pages.bench by the lake

Now, it’s your turn. Tell me about your work space. Send me your stories and pictures. One or two of them will be published in my newsletter that will debut in July. Go to and sign up for the newsletter. Follow the contact info to send me your stories. I look forward to reading them and will respond to each of you.
Now it’s your turn. One, two, three .. Go!

Caught in the Haze

clarity, focus, Jesus, visionMy husband and I set out for a scenic drive through the mountains. When we left home the sky was a deep blue with a few fluffy white clouds scattered here and there. We opened the windows and delighted in the warmth of the sun.

The weather conditions changed somewhat as our elevation increased. The temperature dropped and our once clear view turned hazy.

According to the dictionary, a haze is a collection of very fine particles in the atmosphere that give the air an opalescent appearance that subdues colours. In other words, our view of our surroundings was no longer well defined.

Far above us the sun still shone and the sky was blue. It was an unsettling feeling to be caught in the haze when we knew clear skies were so near to us.

It reminded me of times in my life when I seemed to be caught in a fog or haze. In my case this was a confusion or vagueness of thoughts and feelings. My direction was not clear and it felt like my life was out of focus. This was not comfortable and I longed for clarity once again.

When I put my trust in Jesus and let him direct my life he restored my vision. The new focus I was given allowed me to move forward into the bright future he had planned for me.

Then Jesus placed his hands on the man’s eyes again, and his eyes were opened. His sight was completely restored, and he could see everything clearly. (Mark 8:25 NLT)

Overcoming Fear

trust, calm, Jesus, inspirationI am a non-swimmer and don’t like to be in water if my feet can’t touch solid ground. In the interest of full disclosure I admit that a big part of this is because I won’t put my face in the water. I can splash water on my face to wash it, but other than that, forget it!

My daughter and I were recently on a tropical vacation when the opportunity to snorkel was presented as an optional part of our excursion. Others quickly found flippers, masks and snorkels and entered the water. There was no thought in my mind of doing the same.

My daughter gently encouraged me to give it a try. There was no pressure from her, just a genuine concern that I may regret not having the experience. She promised to be right there with me.

I didn’t have the courage to jump from the side of the boat, but there was a ladder at the back I could use. My mind and body were screaming, “You can’t do this” as I donned the gear. The thudding of my heart was deafening as I slowly descended into the sparkling turquoise water.

My daughter was right behind me, helping me to calm down and breathe properly. As she held my hand and swam beside me I put my trust in her. Soon I was admiring tropical fish and my fear faded. I even managed to let go of her hand and paddle around a bit on my own. It was an incredible experience and one I am grateful for.  fish up close

The memory of my daughter holding my hand, calming me and guiding me safely through this challenge brought another image to mind. Jesus has done this for me many times in my life. When I’m anxious or frightened all I need to do is call on him. His calm assurance gives me courage. I know that he is always there to take my hand and lead me safely to my destination.

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. (Isaiah 41:10 NLT)

5 Things I Learned From Bubbles

joy, beauty, flexibility, inspiration

On a beautiful sunny day I set my inner child free and went outside to play with bubbles. I ran barefoot through the grass and moved the bubble wand in time with the music I could hear coming from the house.

There was nothing on my mind other than watching these thin films of iridescence float on the breeze.

When I thought about it later I realized that even this simple activity had lessons to teach me.

The first lesson was that it lightens my spirit when I take time to play. Nothing else mattered in those moments. I was filled with joy just to be alive.

Second was the beauty I saw. The shimmer of the bubbles also reflected what was around them. The blue sky, fluffy clouds and tall trees were seen in a new way as I gazed at them through the shimmering soapy film. I had a new appreciation for things I had taken for granted only moments before.

Lesson three was the many sizes and shapes of the bubbles. Some were small and round while others were large and almost oblong. A few seemed unbalanced and wobbled as they floated along. All were beautiful. It is the same with people.

This leads me right to lesson four. The shape of the bubbles changed as they adapted to the conditions around them. They had the flexibility to move with the breeze, changing direction and modify their shape as necessary. This flexibility is something I need to practice more in my life.

Lesson five was that although a bubble is only with us a short time, it still brings joy and laughter. Each one was a reminder to live life to the fullest and impact those I come in contact with in a positive way. The Lord has given me this day and I will rejoice and be glad.

But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who long for your saving help always say, “The Lord is great!” (Psalm 70:4 NIV)

Who Wore the Copper Pants?

sacrifice, freedom, Jesus, inspirationMy husband and I were driving through the Selkirk Mountains and stopped at the Roger’s Pass Discovery Centre. This museum has exhibits that tell about the triumphs and tragedies behind the building of Canada’s first trans-continental railway.

In front of the centre there is an interesting sculpture that depicts the lower half of a workman, with a pick axe standing beside him. The pants are copper and shaped so visitors can stand close behind, giving the appearance they are one of the hardworking people who built this pass through the mountains.

As we watched, several people stepped up behind this and gripped the top of the axe to pose for pictures. It was a brief chance to step back into history.

When I looked at the magnificent mountains in the background I was reminded of the danger and toil these men endured to create the safe passageway we now enjoy.

This highway suddenly represented the many things in life that I too easily take for granted. To stop and think of the lives risked for my future comfort was humbling.

This only served to remind me of the greatest sacrifice ever made. Jesus willingly gave his life so that I may be saved. It was nothing I earned or deserved but a gift freely given. This is something I need to thank and praise him for every day.

And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. (Hebrews 10:10 NIV )

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. (Hebrews 13:15 NIV)

Who Can Hear Me?

God, heavenly father, prayers,inspirationAs we walked along the shore we heard the thump, thump of the hull of a small boat coming in contact with the water. Both my husband and I scanned the area in search of the boat. We were amazed when we finally saw it, far from the shore and blending in with the horizon line.

The sound waves obviously carried a much farther distance than we’d realized. We joked that we’d better keep our voices down or people in nearby houses would hear every word we said!

The thought of being overheard is only uncomfortable if I’m saying something I shouldn’t.

Also brought to mind was the fact that my words are always heard by God. He hears much more than the prayers that are directed to him. It gives a different perspective when I realize that God hears me even when I’m not being on my best behavior. Every word that comes from my mouth and the thoughts that precede them are known by my Heavenly Father. When my thoughts are positive and loving, my words will be as well.

The closer I stay to God, the easier this becomes. When my words are directed by God there is no worry about who hears them.

May the words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my rock and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14 NIV)

The Coronation that Wasn’t

God, purpose, talents, inspirationMy son-in-law is a busy man. As well as being a husband and father of four active kids at home and one outside the home, he is a fireman / EMT. He also teaches courses in fire safety and is a volunteer on the local fire department.

On his days off he is working on home renovations. Somehow in the middle of all of this he made the time to earn a degree. This weekend is his convocation ceremony as he receives his Bachelor of Applied Business for Emergency Services.

My six year old granddaughter is especially proud of her daddy and is telling people she gets to go to his coronation this weekend! I know he wears a lot of hats, but I’m pretty sure that a crown is not one of them!

Her choice of words made me laugh. I love the way children can twist words and give the situation a whole new meaning.

As I thought about this, I realized how often I have looked at someone with admiration and elevated them to a higher position. They are smarter, wittier, better looking so I feel less than in comparison. In essence I have crowned them with authority and relegated myself to peasant status.

The truth is that God created us all equal. There is no need to feel inferior to anyone else. He has given each of us unique gifting and talents. God created us with a purpose in mind and has planted within us everything we need to fulfill that purpose. My role is to trust that he is able to accomplish his will in my life. I need only put my ego aside and let him work.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:14 NIV)

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV )

Is Your Head in the Right Space?

God, prayer, guidance, wisdom, inspirationMy husband and I were walking through a trade show when one of the exhibitors caught our attention. A young man handed my husband a ball that weighed twelve pounds and told us this was the approximate weight of an adult’s head. We each held the ball and were surprised that our head could weigh that much.

The point of this was to promote proper posture. They wanted to point out how important it is to have your head in alignment with your spine. What made the biggest impression on me was something written on the brochure we were handed. It said, Is your head in the right space?

Unfortunately for them, my thoughts had nothing to do with attending their posture clinic.

When I think of having my head on straight, it is clear, focused thinking that comes to mind. No matter how much I strive for this, it is something I don’t always achieve. Often I take on too much, get overwhelmed and loose my ability to function efficiently. Then there are the times that I am faced with several choices and seem unable to make a decision. In both of these cases I definitely feel the need to get my head on straight.

By starting each day in prayer, asking for God’s wisdom and guidance, my life will run much smoother. The quiet time I spend with God is just what I need to keep my head in the right space.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. (Romans 12:2 NLT)

Have I Crossed the Line?

Jesus, freedom, adventure, life, inspirationIt seemed like a strange thought as I walked along the beach. I’d had it for several days so finally acted on it. Finding a small stick, I picked it up, drew a line in the sand, and then stepped over it!

The only thing that changed was that I was now on the other side of the line. There was no guilt, no unmet expectations and no enlightenment. For years I have heard the phrases line in the sand and don’t cross the line. I’m sure they were said to keep me safe or out of trouble.

The problem was they also held me back. Many years ago I identified with a line in a song that said, “Somebody draw the line so I can blow right past.” This didn’t mean that I wanted to do anything illegal or immoral. I just longed to break out of the self-confining box I had placed myself in.

Living up to the expectations of others, whether real or imagined, is what had destroyed my freedom. True freedom comes from choosing to follow Jesus. He wants to give me a rich and satisfying life. The only way that can be accomplished is to forget about my line in the sand and cross over into the adventure with him.

The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.( John 10:10 NLT)

How to Use Rumble Strips

inspiration, Jesus, Holy Spirit, conscienceMy husband and I were driving and the warmth of the sun shining through the windows soon lulled me to sleep. As we travelled down a rural road Brian purposely drove across the rumble strips to see if the noise and vibration would wake me.

Rumble strips are grooves or rows of indents in the pavement designed to alert distracted or drowsy drivers that they are leaving their lane.
There are center-line rumble strips which are used on undivided highways to reduce cross-over incidents that could result in head-on collisions. Another type are shoulder rumble strips which are used to reduce run-off-road collisions. On a long stretch of rural highway I have also encountered rumble strips across the traffic lane to alert me to the fact an intersection is coming up.

Brian and I talked about how useful rumble strips would be as we travel the road of life. Wouldn’t it be nice to have something to alert us when we are straying of-course? How about a warning for when we are approaching a potentially dangerous situation? I could use something that tells me when to be alert and proceed with caution.

Actually, I have all of this and more. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would be with me to teach me all things. When I feel my conscience warning me about something, I know that this is the Holy Spirit working to keep me from harm.

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. (John 14:26 NIV)

Be alert. Be firm in the Christian faith. Be courageous and strong. (1 Corinthians 16:13 GWT)

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