
thanksgiving-still-lifeToday, on Canadian Thanksgiving, I am sharing a story from my book “Inspirations From The Everyday” on what Thanksgiving and being thankful mean to me.

Thanksgiving is a day set aside for us to give thanks, so important that it is a statutory holiday in Canada and the United States. Many of us gather with loved ones to enjoy a turkey dinner, Some may share what they are thankful for.

I know that when I sit down to Thanksgiving dinner with family, the bounty of food before us will only be a small part of what I am thankful for. I am thankful for a wonderful husband who is a gift not only to me and to our family, but also to those fortunate enough to know him. I am also thankful for our children and their spouses and the time we enjoy spending together. The joyful sounds of our grandchildren remind me how blessed we are to live close enough to be able to play a significant role in their lives.

All of us have so much to be thankful for. Taking time to stop and do this on a daily basis can change your life. It did mine. For over ten years now I have been keeping a gratitude journal. Every night I write down five things that I was grateful for that day. Some days it is basic things like a roof over my head and food to eat. Others it is a smile from a stranger, a phone call from a friend or the beauty of nature. One of my favourites is the excited squeal of grandchildren as they run and throw themselves into my arms. There is much to be thankful for, and now I look for these things every day. This allows me to focus on all the good things that God continuously provides. No matter what my day may bring, I am confident that God is watching over me.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:4-5 (NIV)

Rental Car

God,something better, plans, inspirationMy car had just been dropped off at the body shop to have hail damage repaired. As I stood in line at the car renter counter I wondered what kind of vehicle I’d be driving for the next couple of weeks.

When it was my turn, the person at the counter seemed to have difficulty locating a car for me. I could see her frustration growing. More than once she sent someone out to the lot, looking for the right car. Each time he came back shaking his head. Studying her computer monitor, she said, “Oh, I know; I’ll give you a small SUV.” After a quick inspection of the vehicle I was on my way.

Later I was thinking about this and realized that although I didn’t end up with the original vehicle the rental company planned for me, what I had was perfect. We had been contemplating trading our truck in for a small SUV and now I had the opportunity to try one out.

Not for a minute did I think this was an accident or just a happy coincidence. Instead I saw this as a small example of the way that God orchestrates things in my life. What may seem like an inconvenience or a stumbling block may actually be his way of bringing me something better than I had planned. It was also a reminder that in all things, I should come before him and seek his will for my life. Instead of getting frustrated when things don’t go the way I planned I need to stop, take a step back, and let God move.

But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and merciful God. You are patient, always faithful and ready to forgive. Psalm 86:15 GWT

Birthday Dessert

gifts, God, perfect loveOur kids and grandkids were coming for dinner to celebrate my husband’s birthday. My plan was to make one of his favourite cakes for dessert, but he had a different idea. I was still allowed to make a simple cake but it was to take a back seat to the dessert he planned. Thinking of the grandchildren and what they would like, he wanted us to have an ice cream sundae dessert bar.

We had two types of regular ice cream plus a dairy-free option. There was fresh fruit, assorted bowls of candy, sprinkles, chocolate sauce and whipped cream they got to spray from a can. The look on their faces as we set this up was priceless. Our oldest granddaughter looked Brian and said, “You’re a super hero!” To say this dessert was a hit would be a gross understatement.

Even though it was his birthday, my husband wanted to do something special for our grandchildren. Seeing the joy this unexpected birthday dessert brought to them was a gift to my husband. His smile was a big as theirs. When I saw the impact of this I couldn’t help but think of my Heavenly Father and the gifts he gives.

In the Bible we are told that although we are imperfect beings, we know how to give good gifts to our children. God’s love is perfect, so the gifts he gives are much better than anything we could possibly give. He always knows what’s best for me. When I live in close relationship with God, he delights me with the gifts he has chosen just for me.

So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him. Matthew 7:11 NLT

Spanish Lessons

communicate, God, Holy SpiritMy husband and I have just started a beginner Spanish language course. The first class started out with simple phrases such as, “Good morning, how are you?” We could handle this without too much difficulty.

Next we were introduced to the way to say this in the formal manner, for someone you don’t know well, or in the familiar manner for family and friends. The words to both the question and answer change depending on your relationship to the person you’re speaking to. Things were starting to get more complicated.

The next thing to know was the masculine and feminine. I hadn’t realized before that morning was masculine while afternoon and evening were feminine! When the teacher showed us how to conjugate a verb, I started to panic, fearing that I was in over my head.

My goal is to be able to converse with the locals when we vacation in Mexico. I will persevere, but am aware that this will be no easy task.

This made me realize that I need no lessons to be able to communicate with God. The maker of the universe doesn’t require me to speak to him in the formal tense. In fact, he prefers that I be familiar with him. I don’t need to struggle with the correct words as the Bible tells me that the Holy Spirit intercedes for me when I don’t have the necessary words. He knows my heart and that is the truest language there is.

At the same time the Spirit also helps us in our weakness, because we don’t know how to pray for what we need. But the Spirit intercedes along with our groans that cannot be expressed in words. The one who searches our hearts knows what the Spirit has in mind. The Spirit intercedes for God’s people the way God wants him to. Romans 8:26-27 GWT

Fruit Flies

God, forgiveness, inspirationMy husband and I love the fresh fruit available at this time of year and had both peaches and plums in fruit bowls on the kitchen counter. Within days our kitchen was teeming with fruit flies. “Where did they come from,” we asked? It seems they had appeared out of nowhere.

I decided to learn a little about these insects and found out that they can detect the smell of ripe produce from quite a distance away. They are so tiny that they can get into the house through window screens or crevices around windows or doors. When they want in, they’ll find a way. Once inside they start to reproduce and before we know it we have an infestation of fruit flies.

This reminds me of things that I have let into my life that aren’t good for me. They enter when my defenses are down. Since they start out as little things they can sneak in without me even realizing it. Then they multiply and soon my life is teeming with attitudes and actions that are not pleasant. Once they get a hold of me it isn’t easy to get rid of them.

On my own I can’t keep the negative things out of my life or eliminate them once they have become an infestation. I’m thankful that when I bring everything to God, he forgives me and rids me of the wrong I’ve done. The closer I stay to him, the less chance there is of these things becoming problematic again.

God is faithful and reliable. If we confess our sins, he forgives them and cleanses us from everything we’ve done wrong. 1 John 1:9 GWT

Taking Time

God, rest, peaceful, natureIt was one of the last official days of summer. My husband and I both had many things to do that day. Instead, we decided to go out and enjoy the beautiful weather while we could.

Our trailer is only an hour away so we made our escape and headed to it. After a quick lunch we went for a long walk along the shore of the lake and through the trees. The sun warmed our backs as we enjoyed the stillness and the variety of bird songs. It was very peaceful and I stopped several times to capture the beautiful surroundings with my camera.

Other commitments called, not allowing us to spend the night in our little piece of paradise. However, the few hours we enjoyed away renewed us. We headed home better equipped to step back into our busy lives.

Taking the time to rest with God is biblical. This is the example we followed as we walked and talked with God in the late summer sunshine. I understand what the psalmist meant when he said:

“The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.” Psalms 23:1-3 NLT


rest, inspiration, Jesus,A friend and I were making the long drive from Calgary to Vancouver. We enjoyed the majestic mountain scenery and lively conversation. We also encountered several areas of road construction which slowed us down. In one of these areas we idled for 30 minutes, waiting for the backlog of traffic on the one open lane to clear, so we could take our turn. We had been moving again for mere minutes when I spotted a sign that struck me as very amusing. It said “BC is Idle Free”.

The sign was there prior to the road construction but its placement now in the middle of this work zone, where we had no choice but to idle, struck me as very ironic. It also made me think of times in my life when my schedule was so full that I longed to be idle for a while.

When I stopped to think about it, I realized that what I needed was rest, not idleness. Rest recharges and rejuvenated. Idleness wastes time.

The Bible promotes rest. Jesus often withdrew to a quiet place to rest. In Proverbs, we are also told us that idleness and a productive life don’t go hand in hand. If I want the life God has planned for me, there will be no idling allowed.

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 NLT


inspiration, Jesus, Bible
image from
While my husband and I were driving I checked the weather app on my phone. Curious as to what the temperature gauge in the car was showing, I asked Brian. When he told me I replied, “That’s two degrees warmer than what my phone showed. I like that one better.” In his wisdom, Brian asked, “Is that what you do when faced with two options; take the one you like best?” I asked, “Wouldn’t you?” He then proceeded to tell me that he would take the one that was most accurate.

His words sparked an interesting discussion. It isn’t always easy to determine which is the most accurate. Research is required in many cases. I can’t always rely on popular opinion. The best two out of three isn’t necessarily the way I should make a decision!

If I were to be perfectly honest, there have been many times when I have chosen the option that suited me best. This seems to be the way of human nature, to look after our own interests first. That is one of the ways that I know Jesus was more than just a good man. The Son of God laid his own life aside for the good of all those who follow Him.

When I am faced with the choice to put my trust in Jesus or take my life on my own terms, the decision is easy for me. All of the research points to the accuracy of the Bible. By aligning myself with this truth, the choices I make will not be based on my selfish desires, but those of the common good. These are the accurate choices that the Lord guides me to make.

Trust the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths smooth. Proverbs 3:5-6 GNT


shells, God, photos,No matter how hard I try, I always seem to write on an angle. It has also been pointed out to me that I don’t hold a camera straight when I take a picture. More than once I wrote in the sand, dotted the i’s with shells and took a picture. The glare of the sun made it difficult to see what the picture would be like before I took it.

This picture was important to me as it was something I wanted to share. My efforts were not what I’d hoped for and I was disappointed. Wondering if there would be another opportunity, I sensed God telling me not to worry. He is not looking for perfection from me.

The two words I was writing were inspire and inspiration. For reasons I will never understand, God has chosen to inspire me and has given me the task of passing this inspiration on to others. This is nothing I earned or deserved. Many times I have been uncertain about sharing my thoughts. The words often don’t seem polished enough to pass on.

What I have learned, is that God wants me to share what he has put on my heart. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just authentic. I have heard that God does not call the qualified; he calls the willing and then qualifies them. I am living proof of this. When I allow him to use my imperfections, it inspires others that he will do the same for them.

But he said to me, “My grace is made sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV


contasct, God, attractive lifeAs a friend and I were walking along a path in the woods, we noticed a few mushrooms growing nearby. Once we started looking for them, many more of varying sizes and shapes were seen.

My friend leaned closer to take a picture of one of the larger mushrooms. Wanting an unobstructed shot, she carefully moved a few blades of grass that were resting along the top of it. I was surprised to see the marks that the grass left in the surface of the mushroom. The light contact with the grass had left an impression which had changed the mushroom’s appearance.

This made me think about things that I come in contact with in my life. Everything has the power to leave a permanent impression. It doesn’t have to be something large to alter the way others view me.

Knowing this, I need to be aware of the influences in my life. Is it the positive or negative that will leave the impression? The more time I spend with God, the more His impression will be seen in me. His impression is what will make my life attractive to others.

Don’t become like the people of this world. Instead, change the way you think. Then you will always be able to determine what God really wants – what is good, pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2 GWT

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