It sounded so easy when I heard the directions. “Turn left at the corner, another left at the first light and that will take you back to the highway.” My friend said.
Confidently I set off, thinking there would be no problem in finding my way out of this unfamiliar city. That was my first mistake!
My sense of direction is not good. That’s why it took me so long to realize I was heading in the wrong direction. My concern now was figuring out how to get off of this very busy highway and back to where I needed to be.
It was then I remembered the portable navigation system sitting in my center console. It had been there all along. I’d just been so sure of myself that I hadn’t bothered with it.
When I stopped and engaged this device I was soon guided back in the right direction. My journey had been delayed by more than 30 minutes by my foolish mistake.
The lesson in this was not lost on me. Many times I have found myself without clear direction. When proper time hasn’t been taken to confirm my course, I’ve ended up racing the wrong way, feeling lost and unsure how to make the necessary correction.
Although Jesus is always available to help me, I’ve been guilty of thinking I can figure out my own way. When I forget to rely on him the result is not good. Jesus is my navigation system. My sense of direction may not be accurate but he will never fail me.
Show me the right path, O LORD; point out the road for me to follow. (Psalm 25:4 NLT)