My husband and I were enjoying the last night of the season in our trailer. The cooler weather and falling leaves signaled the need to prepare for the approaching winter.
As the sun started to set, a fire was lit. Soon we had gathered the roasting sticks and ingredients for smores. Under a dark autumn sky, we watched the flames spark and dance while beneath them the embers glowed. Enough heat was generated to warm us against the impending chill of the night.
When the flames started to recede we roasted our marshmallows over the hot coals. It was a fitting farewell to summer.
The time came to extinguish the fire and the burning coals were separated, allowing them to cool more quickly. If we stirred them up, a new flame appeared.
I thought of how these embers were a fitting metaphor for my spiritual life.
Like the embers, when I am alone my spark or flame of passion dies down. My ability to bring warmth into the world diminishes.
When I surround myself with other believers, my faith is warmed by theirs. Together, we fan the flames of potential each carry. The passion for Christ and the mission he has given us burns brightly.
I have been recently been blessed to have a team of friends support me with their prayers. As one season ends and another begins they ensure the light of the Lord will not grow dim.
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. (Matthew 18:20 NIV)