We decided to have a monitored alarm system installed in our home. There had been no security issues for us, we were being proactive. After choosing a code that would be easy for us to remember, our family were informed, in case they came in when we weren’t home. At first my husband was much better at remembering to set it than I was, but soon it became part of my routine.
One morning when my husband was out of town, I was awakened earlier than I had planned, by the sound of the alarm going off. Everything looked fine to me so I punched in the code to turn it off. As I was doing this, the phone was ringing. It was the alarm monitoring company, checking to be sure everything was OK. They told me which door had triggered the alarm and stayed on the phone with me while I checked it out. A faulty sensor on the door had triggered the alarm and a technician was dispatched to do the repair.
As I was thinking about this later, I related the incident back to my life. Many times I have set off a personal alarm. I have panicked, not knowing what to do next. If my sensors were working properly, I would have realized that God had everything under control. He is always monitoring my life and is available to keep me safe. All I need to do is to call out to him.
The Lord will answer you in times of trouble The name of the God of Jacob will protect you Psalm 20:1 GWT