Have you ever seen something that made you stop in your tracks and pay attention? It happened to me while wandering through a produce market. There, on a display of eggplants was a sign that made me laugh because I saw deeper meaning in it.
Eggplants are a vegetable I’ve never purchased. Their deep purple, glossy beauty has attracted me but being unsure of the taste; I’ve always passed them by. Judging by the sign with this vegetable I’d assume they are quite bland in flavor.
Even so, the advice on how to enhance its dull presence struck me as amusing.
Perhaps I could use a sign like that. On days I’m feeling dull and boring I could have a sign letting people know what they could do to enhance my personality. Chocolate always helps!
On the other hand, do I want to go around announcing that I’m feeling dull? Even a shiny exterior won’t attract people for long if the inside is dull.
The best personality enhancement I’ve found comes from a life lived for Jesus. When I start the day asking him to direct my life he brings unexpected delights. By actively seeking these gifts I allow the love and light of Jesus to shine through me. Bland is not an option when I walk closely with him.
You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. (Psalm 16:11 NIV)