Show Me Your Workspace

This is a bonus blog post! Your regular post will be back tomorrow.

I newsletter, be bravehave joined a Five Day “Be Brave Today” Challenge. Today’s challenge is to show you where I work.

A picture or two and a description didn’t seem enough for me so I’m turning this into something more interactive!

The picture above is the desk and computer where I do most of my writing. I like to write in a journal first and then edit as it goes onto the computer. When time and weather permit, I enjoy writing outside as shown by the picture of the bench, which overlooks a lake. My ever present journal is sitting there waiting for the words to tumble out on its pages.bench by the lake

Now, it’s your turn. Tell me about your work space. Send me your stories and pictures. One or two of them will be published in my newsletter that will debut in July. Go to and sign up for the newsletter. Follow the contact info to send me your stories. I look forward to reading them and will respond to each of you.
Now it’s your turn. One, two, three .. Go!

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