Ominous looking clouds filled the sky, blocking the sun I’d been enjoying. The air cooled as the first raindrops hit my exposed skin. It was time to fold up my lounge chair and move inside.
A flash of lightening lit up the sky. Very close behind was a boom of thunder that shook our trailer. I was thankful for shelter as we watched the windswept rain bounce off of our table.
In less than an hour the sun reappeared, bringing with it heat that soon dried the ground.
We went for a walk along the lake shore enjoying the warm breeze. On our return we took a path through the trees and stopped to admire the black and white butterflies flitting around us.
Many people packed up and left the campground as the storm clouds gathered. We chose to stay and wait out the storm.
In life I’m also hit with sudden storms. One minute I’m relaxing in the sun and the next minute a roar of thunder shakes my world.
My initial reaction is to retreat. On my own, I don’t know how to deal with the storms. Fortunately, I’m not on my own. My faith in God tells me that he will be my shelter in the storm. I know when I rely on him he will keep me safe. There may also be lessons in the storm that I couldn’t learn any other way.
His timing is perfect and I trust that when Good leads me back to the sunshine it will be with a greater awareness of the blessings that surround me.
For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock. (Psalm 27:5 NIV)
You are a gift in my life Tandy!
Todays sharing was beautiful!
Thankyou for using your gifts and being
the channel for Gods inspirational thoughts and affirmations .
Hugs and Blessings
Thank you Anne. What a lovely thing to say. Thank you for faithfully following my blog.