A Different Perspective

#inspiration, attitude, positive, natureAfter a long day of travel, we arrived at our destination too tired to do more than unpack and fall asleep.

Early the next morning I woke up to the sound of surf. I opened the door to the deck and breathed deeply of the sea air. It was wonderful to see the water sparkling under a clear blue sky and hear only sounds of nature. Then, I started examining my surroundings.

The previous night I’d been bothered by our bathroom sink that hadn’t been properly cleaned. I started looking around and found several more little items to be upset about.

My mood had shifted and I was not happy. Housekeeping was not at the top of my priority list at home, but I started looking for things to find fault with here.

We sat down to breakfast with a panoramic view of the sea before us. Before long we saw two pelicans soar and then dive into the water to catch fish. The scene was calming.

I thought of how incredible it was to be able to sit at our table and witness this. Here I was, in a place I loved, with the beauty and tranquillity of nature surrounding me. Why then, was I wasting my time looking for inconsequential things to be upset about?

I was ashamed of my attitude and vowed to focus on the positive. I knew I was likely to see whatever it was I was looking for, so should concentrate on everything I had to be grateful for. All I needed was that different perspective and my attitude shifted.

This is a lesson for me to remember when I’m having a bad day. The circumstances may not change but a different perspective can improve my outlook and my life.

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Wayne Dyer

Do You Have Freedom?

freedom, Jesus, inspirationFreedom can mean different things to people. It all depends on your perspective.

In this country we have freedom of speech. We have the right to speak our mind without fear of persecution. In many countries this freedom is denied.

To those imprisoned, freedom means not being locked up. The wrongs committed have been pardoned. The slate has been wiped clean and they can start anew.

I have met numerous people who are locked up in self imposed prisons. They look at mistakes they’ve made in the past and decide they can’t risk loving, believing in themselves or having dreams for the future. Due to this they live in despair, loneliness and isolation. It is ironic to think they hold the key to unlock this prison but fail to recognize it.

A mistake doesn’t have to mean a life-sentence. I read a quote by Mahatma Gandhi that said, “Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.” The freedom to make and learn from mistakes can liberate us to move forward in life.

Jesus died in order that our sins may be forgiven. He wiped the slate clean for us. If I believe my mistakes or sins are unpardonable, then his sacrifice is meaningless. When I truly believe in Jesus I am set free and will embrace the life he’s given me – mistakes and all.

He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. (.Ephesians 1:7 NLT)

For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (2 Corinthians 3:17 NLT)

Attitude Adjustment

inspiration, Jesus, comfort, choicesAfter attending an aquafit class for several years I know where to stand in the pool to get maximum benefit from the workout.

In the past few months the class has grown significantly and I’ve been arriving earlier to ensure I get my chosen spot in the crowded pool.

One of the new attendees has claimed a spot slightly in front of me. This would be fine if she didn’t splash so much while exercising. I don’t like water splashed in my face and this has now become a regular occurrence.

One day I was getting frustrated with the amount of water flying at me when I had a thought that forced me to re-evaluate my attitude. I was the one responsible for my own experience.

There was a clear choice to be made. I could move to another location which would then force others to adjust their position. This didn’t seem right. I could ask the splasher to be more careful. This would impact her experience and I didn’t want to do that. Or, I could stay where I was and do my best to disregard the splashing. I chose to adjust my attitude rather than my physical location. After all, the goal of exercise was not to keep me comfortable!

In the scheme of things, this was a small price to pay. I gave up a little of my comfort for the greater good of several others.

Jesus gave up not only his comfort but his very life for the benefit of all who would follow him. He knew what torture lay ahead of him, yet said he would do God’s will and not his own. His attitude was one of loving sacrifice.

“Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” (Luke 22:42 NLT)

Is Your Glass Half Empty?

Bible, God, inspiration, positiveGenerally I think of myself as a positive person. For many years now I’ve been keeping a gratitude journal. Looking for positive things every day has changed my outlook and my life.

Recently I was in a setting that normally uplifts me. Instead of feeling peaceful and happy I was discouraged and sad.

I prayed for a change in attitude. The next morning my devotional readings had a few things that seemed custom made for me. The first sentence I read said that there was a mighty battle going on for control of my mind. How could this book, written several years ago have the perfect opening line for me on this day?

My Bible verse of the day said “Do not throw away your confidence.” This is when I realized that instead of being grateful for what I had; I was looking at what others had and feeling that I was missing out. I had, in effect, thrown away my confidence and was looking at my glass as half empty.

When I stopped to think of all of the good things in my life I was once again able to see my glass as half full. I apologized to God for my attitude and thanked him for his loving guidance. My day became brighter. My entire outlook changed. I am very grateful to serve a God who loves me and answers my prayers in ways that bring me closer to him.

The mind of a sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace. (Romans 8:6 NIV)

So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. (Hebrews 10:34-35 NIV)

Concealed Weapons

attitude, gratitude, God
image from www.bing.com
My husband and I were going through airport security when the man in front of us caught our attention. What struck us was the force he used when putting items in the scanning bins. Nothing was simply placed in the bins. Everything was noisily thrown in.

When he finally stopped, the official asked if he had still had anything metal with him. Grudgingly he reached into his pockets, extracted some coins and threw them into the tray. Stating he had nothing else, he lifted his shirt to expose the waist of his pants, just to prove his point.

His belt had a large metal buckle, but what the customs official focused on was something strapped to the belt. “What is that,” she asked? He replied, “It’s my knife.”

He saw no issue with boarding the airplane with a knife strapped to his waist and was not happy to have it confiscated.

My first thought when I saw this man was how unhappy he was. His whole demeanor was one that could suck the joy out of those around him. I wondered what had caused this and felt sad for him.

Upon observing the exchange with the knife, I reflected on weapons we carry without realizing the danger we pose to others. Toxic attitudes are high on this list.
If I’m not careful, my bad attitude can infect those around me. Its ripple effect may cause an epidemic of vast proportions.

The best antidote I’ve found for this is to consciously practice and share gratitude. I can’t maintain a poor attitude when I am focusing on the positive and being thankful for what I have. God has provided many blessings in my life. When I think about them, my words will be positive and not weapons.

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8 NLT

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