Yellow tape was strung across the area, warning us to stay away. Damage was visible on the outside of the building. Inside the store, another area was cordoned off until repairs could be completed.
I asked a store employee what had happened. It seems someone put their car in drive instead of reverse and drove into the building.
The same thing happened last year, in exactly the same spot in the store. The cashier and I talked about the speed needed to do that much damage. Both offending vehicles had been parked directly in front of the store. We thought it was surprising that any driver pressed so firmly on the gas pedal when attempting to back out of the space. Both said we tend to back up slowly and cautiously to ensure safety.
Before I pass judgment, I need to think of times I’ve decided on a course of action and then sped off to make it happen. I haven’t always made sure everything was in place to head in the right direction before stepping on the gas. I wonder what damage I’ve left behind in my haste to get going.
If I don’t want to have a caution tape warning others to stay away from me, I need to take the time to put everything in place before heading off. I am not only responsible for my experience but also that of those I come in contact with. Instead of hitting the gas I need to check around me to ensure I’m going the right way. When I do so, my breakthroughs will not be the kind that cause damage.
“He who begins too much accomplishes little.” German Proverb