Can Can Girls

#inspiration, positive, attitude
picture from

The aquafit instructor was adding a few new exercises for our class. At one point she told us, “Kick one leg up at a time. Pretend you are doing the can-can.”

I found it amusing to think of myself as a can-can girl. I’m a little – OK a lot – too old for that!

Then I remembered a magnet I have on my filing cabinet. It says Successful women come in cans not in can’ts.

Living this way is a choice. I can be committed, gentle, loyal, thoughtful, loving and kind. These are only a few of the positive traits I want to focus on.

The can’ts should be limited to the negative characteristics I sometimes struggle with. I imagine how much better life would be if the bad habits were eliminated. To lead a happy, productive life I can’t be harsh, critical, complaining, and uncaring. This can be a lot easier to follow through on with others than with me.

I can wish and want but until I am committed to change nothing is going to happen. My goal is to get the most out of life, and not merely exist. If I want to make a difference in the lives of others I first have to start with my own.

When my attitude changes so will my life. Who else wants to join me as a can-can gal or guy? Together we can change the world.

Give It All You’ve Got

#inspiration, do your best, give it allAfter six weeks of missing my exercise class, I was concerned about keeping up.

When the class started the instructor reminded us to work at our own pace and not worry about what someone else was doing. I needed this reminder.

I might not be able to keep my normal pace today, but I could still work to the best of my ability. No excuses; just do the best I can today.

On days I’m in top form, I can achieve peak performance. Other days, issues with my body or mind drag me down and I can’t accomplish as much.

It’s not always possible to be at a ten. Some days I will be at a three. Will I complain and make excuses or strive to be the best three that I can possibly be?

Even though my focus and energy level are not optimum, I can make the effort to do the most with what I have to work with.

This holds true in all areas of my life. If I live by this principle there will be no need for regret.

“Always Do Your Best. Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.” Don Miguel Ruiz

Is Your Mind Jumping Around?

peace, Jesus, InspirationThe water aerobics class was nearing completion. The exercise we were doing involved jumping. As one of the participants prepared to slip out of the class early, the teacher good-naturedly joked to her that she wasn’t jumping. My friend smiled and said that she was jumping in her mind!

I laughed and said that my mind jumped around a lot, too! This is especially true when I have many things to accomplish. My thoughts don’t seem to hold still on one particular thing for any length of time. In fact, sometimes they change so rapidly that I don’t know what I’m thinking until I hear the words come out of my mouth!

When this happens, life becomes frustrating not only for myself, but for those close to me. I need to slow down, take a deep breath and refocus. The peace and serenity I long for can be found if I know where to look for it.

Fortunately I realize that this peace of mind is found when my focus is on Jesus. The distractions that keep my mind jumping are no longer noticed when my eyes are on him.

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! (Isaiah 26:3 NLT)

I’ll Do It On My Own

God, Inspiration, plan, guidanceThe pool in my city was to be closed for three months while maintenance and upgrades were done on the facility. This meant that I would need to find a replacement for my aquafit class.

As I put my membership on hold, I thought of all of the other forms of exercise I could do. It shouldn’t be a problem to keep myself motivated to exercise on my own.

That’s where I was wrong! My intentions were good, but the follow through was not.

The pool reopened this week. I was pleased with my progress as I worked through the class. Thinking the hour was almost up I glanced at the clock on the wall to see we weren’t even half way through!

The next class caused a few muscles to scream in protest. It was then I realized that I achieve better results with guidance from an instructor than I do on my own.

This applies to more than exercise. There have been many times I’ve thought I could do something on my own instead of enlisting the help of others. It may have been my pride, not willing to ask for help. Maybe I was trying to prove something to myself.

What I do know is that I have often decided to do things on my own instead of taking them to God for his guidance. This doesn’t usually end well. God knows the plan for my life and what needs to be done to accomplish it. His ways are far better than mine. With him guiding my life, I never have to do it on my own.

Yet I still belong to you; you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny. (Psalm 73:23-24 NLT)

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