The loud music at the start of class bordered on being annoying. Before long it faded into the background and I was no longer consciously aware of it. Instead, I was focused on the activity of the exercises and a brief conversation with the person beside me.
We were about forty-five minutes into the class when the instructor commented the sound system had failed and we had no more music. I was surprised to realize the lack of music hadn’t registered with me.
How is it that something loud and unpleasant can fade into the subconscious so quickly?
I thought about the areas of my life where sin has crept in. At first it is like a pebble in my shoe. I’m very aware of it and constantly uncomfortable. Soon it has become part of the fabric of my life. Others may notice, but I don’t.
This opens the door for more of the same. What once was annoying is no longer noticed. That’s how easily it happens. From there it multiplies.
To remedy this I need to pray about each situation. There is a reason for my uncomfortable feelings. When I bring everything before God he will enable me to get rid of the problem areas and make my heart clean once again.
Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10 NLT)