Thanks to a broken washing machine and parts on backorder, I had only been able to do laundry once in the three weeks we’d been in Mexico. It was easy to wash underwear in the sink and hang to dry. Shorts and tops were a little more difficult.
Our neighbour asked frequently if our machine was working yet. Upon hearing the answer, she’d offer the use of hers. I didn’t want to be a bother so would always decline.
A couple of days ago she saw my husband outside and told him to have me bring over our dirty clothes for her to wash. The time had come to accept her offer. We were heading out for most of the day and she said she’d take care of the laundry while we were gone.
Upon returning home, we found a bag of freshly laundered and neatly folded clothes by our door. She wasn’t home so I had to wait until the next day to thank her. When I expressed my appreciation, she said, “It was no big deal.” I assured her it was a big deal to me. Her pleasure at being of assistance was evident.
This situation brought two important lessons to mind. Firstly, I know how good it feels to be able to do something to help another, yet I often deny others the pleasure of doing something for me. They can’t give if I won’t receive.
Secondly, time is one of the most valuable gifts we can offer. An act of service requiring our time may be no big deal to us, but it can make a huge difference to the one we offer it to.
In this season of giving, let’s remember our time may mean more to someone than any expensive gifts we could give. It is priceless, yet costs us little. And, best of all, both the giver and receiver are blessed.
Tag: gift of time
My Favourite Gift
Over the years I’ve heard the saying, “Giving is receiving.” This is something I’ve experienced as I’m sure many of you have.
The fact our giving doesn’t have to be extravagant to have an impact is an added bonus. Sometimes all we need to do is show up. Our time is valuable and giving it freely to someone shows a commitment to that person they may not have experienced elsewhere.
Acts of service show we understand the needs of another and are willing to help fill those needs. In order to recognize them, we need to pay attention.
My husband is a master at this. He quietly takes care of things around the house to give me time to spend writing. By giving me the gift of his time he is also valuing mine. There is no way to put a price on this kind of gift.
His example makes me strive to cheerfully give my time and attention to others. By doing so, I am giving one of the most thoughtful gifts possible. No lineups to purchase are required. No fancy wrapping is needed. The ripple effect is far-reaching and can enable me to experience a little of Christmas in any month of the year. This may be the most perfect gift idea ever!
“It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you. Yes, it is Christmas every time you smile at your brother and offer him your hand.” Mother Theresa