Lead WIth Your Heart

Jesus, God, inspiration, loaves and fish, miracles“Lead with your heart,” the fitness instructor called out. Her words were meant to encourage us to stand up straight, with our shoulders back. This would make our exercise more effective.

I followed her instructions but found my mind immediately went in another direction. For me this was a reminder to trust the emotional, caring part of my personality. There are times I need to let it overrule the practical, needing to have all the facts before making a decision, part of me.

This can be a challenge when the feelings and practicality engage in a tug-of-war. The winner is not always the one it should be.

If I’m being led by Jesus, it’s easier to step out in faith and let him take care of the details. After all, he is the one that fed more than 5,000 with five loaves and two fish. His disciples wanted to send the people away to find food. Jesus had a better way. He took the small offering, blessed it and God multiplied it to supply the need.

He still performs miracles today.

When I have concerns about how something can be accomplished, I need to turn it over to Jesus and watch as he performs miracles with my little offering. All I need to do is trust him enough to lead with my heart.

“Bring them here,” he said. Then he told the people to sit down on the grass. Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up toward heaven, and blessed them. Then, breaking the loaves into pieces, he gave the bread to the disciples, who distributed it to the people. They all ate as much as they wanted, and afterward, the disciples picked up twelve baskets of leftovers. About 5,000 men were fed that day, in addition to all the women and children! (Matthew 14:18-21 NLT)

Finding Your Resources

#inspiration, #God, maturity, harvestI read that Canada is the world’s biggest canola exporter and the second largest wheat exporter. The flat Prairie Provinces produce the majority of these crops.

I drove across much of Alberta and Saskatchewan in the past week and looked upon the numerous fields as a sign of God’s provision.

As the crops grow, the evidence of this is visible. The golden fields of wheat and the bright yellow flowers of the canola crops have a beauty of their own. They also hold a promise that is not redeemed until maturity and harvest.

A little further along I see a field with several oil pumps drilling for treasure that can’t be seen on the surface.

I marvel that in the same fields God has supplied diverse resources, each with a different level of difficulty to harvest.

This is a good analogy of my life. God has provided me with a few skills and talents that are visible on the surface and easy to access. Then there are the buried treasures that have yet to see the light of day. These ones take far more effort to bring to the surface.

What a wonderful reminder that the seeds God plants deep within me can turn into dreams fulfilled if I allow him to work in my life to bring them to maturity. The process can be uncomfortable at times but I know the result will be a harvest greater than I can imagine.

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. (Romans 8:28 NLT)


#The Lord, #Inspiration, promisesWhile driving the long, flat roads of the Canadian Prairies I frequently saw tumbleweeds rolling across the road. Some would make it into a neighbouring field but many others got caught on the barbed wire fences that bordered the highway.

Wikipedia describes tumbleweeds as a structural part of the above-ground anatomy of a number of species of plants. Once the plant is mature and dry it detaches from its root or stem, and tumbles away in the wind.

This made me think of times in life I have detached from my roots and tumbled along aimlessly. With nothing to hold me down I was free to go where the wind might take me. It also meant I had no direction and could end up stuck in places I hadn’t wanted to be.

A better choice is to keep my roots firmly anchored in The Lord. When I mature in my relationship with him, I will not become dry and detached. He promises to guide me and satisfy my needs like a well-watered garden. No longer will I be like a tumbleweed.

The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. (Isaiah 58:11 NIV)

Owner Education

Bible, God, inspiration, instructionMany years ago when we first bought a time share, there were owner education classes. These classes were scheduled for specific times in designated locations. In order to learn more about maximizing our investment we would have to travel to one of these classes.

Today we have the option of onsite workshops, online webinars at pre-designated times or pre-recorded webinars to view at our leisure.
The information keeps changing as the benefits of membership improve. There’s a lot to keep up with if we want to know about all of the options available. It can sometimes seem overwhelming.

I pause to think about how things that should be simple can easily become complicated.

The best information I can receive for getting the most out of life doesn’t come from a classroom or a podcast. It is available to me no matter the time or my physical location.

My instruction comes from the word of God. The Bible has not changed, yet is as relevant today as it was two thousand years ago. The benefits of being a member of God’s family have remained constant.

When I need help understanding a difficult concept I can turn to God. The author of this book of instructions is also the author of my life and he is always available to guide and teach me.

The instructions of the LORD are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The commandments of the LORD are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are clear, giving insight for living. (Psalm 19:7-8 NLT)

I Can Do It Myself

God, inspiration, unique gifts, working togetherWhile chatting with the mother of a toddler I mentioned what a good helper her little one was. She smiled as she agreed and then added that her daughter was becoming very independent. It seemed her favourite phrase was, “I do it myself.”

I said, “I still sometimes want to do things on my own when I should be asking for help.”

This isn’t something I readily admit, even to myself. When I compare my stubborn streak to that of a small child it’s time to take a closer look at my motives.

Children are seeking independence and a sense of accomplishment when they insist on doing something on their own. They also give in and accept help when they need it.

I can’t speak for others, but for me I know that pride gets in the way. If I admit to needing help does that mean I’m not smart enough or strong enough to handle this on my own? Will others judge me and see me as weak or incompetent?

In reality, I am the one judging myself. I need to stop and realize that I’m not meant to be a one woman show. God created each one of us with unique gifts. I may be good at one thing, while you excel at another. Together we are much stronger.

For this reason, I’m setting myself up for defeat and disappointment when I think I can do everything on my own. Instead I need to combine my strengths and abilities with those of others. When I pray for wisdom, God will lead me to those he wants me to partner with. The real strength comes from following his guidance and not thinking I need to do everything by myself.

Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many. Now if the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. (1 Corinthians 12:14,15 NIV)

Change in the Weather

Jesus, inspiration, sunshine, prayerSunshine and warmth embraced us and a gentle breeze kissed our cheeks. Wispy white clouds stretched liked cotton candy in the sky. Near the horizon we could see a fishing boat bobbing as sea birds circled, hoping for an easy meal. It was a perfect start to our morning. I sent up a silent prayer, thanking God for the blessing of this day.

A few hours later clouds started rolling in. We noticed the wind getting stronger. Soon dark grey clouds filled the sky. A storm was on its way.

During the afternoon the howling of the wind drowned out the once peaceful sound of the surf. Waves crashed and thundered to shore, topped with foaming white caps that rose ever higher. Wind lashed the rain onto our windows. Our view became obstructed.storm, obstructed view, changes, weather

We stayed inside to wait out the storm. With the sun tucked away behind storm clouds, darkness came early. Our power was disrupted and we relied on flickering candle light to see across the room.

When the day started we had no idea of the changes we’d face before nightfall. Such is the way of life.

Challenges appear and hit like a gale force wind. There may be little or no warning. The bright sunshine of promise gets blown away. As though in flickering candlelight I can only see far enough to put one foot in front of the other.

This is when I trust on the power supply that never fails. The power of Jesus in my life will guide me safely through the darkest storm. When I lean into him I am given the strength to take the next step. I don’t know how long it may take to reach the sunshine again but I do know that Jesus will help me navigate the darkness when I walk in his light.

Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.” (John 8:12 NLT)


Jesus, God, inspiration, compassionOn the outside of the patio door stood a cat that seemed to be pleading to be taken in and loved. It was mid-January and extremely cold in Northern Alberta. A young family was visiting aging relatives when they saw this pathetic creature.

It was obviously malnourished and the long hair was dirty and matted. The older couple said the cat had adopted them and they put bits of food out for it when they could. There was no intention of making this animal a member of their household. In the ice and snow they weren’t even able to go outside to show it any attention.

The young son of the family was enthralled with the cat and finding it to be gentle, spent much time bundled up and sitting on the deck holding it in his lap.

His dad knew the cat wouldn’t survive if left like this. Compassion took over and the decision was made to rescue it and take it home with them. The children were thrilled.

With proper nutrition and a loving home the cat has flourished. I wonder if it realized that the decision to adopt it was life-saving.

When I learned about this situation I thought of the rescue mission Jesus performed on my life. I was lost and seeking the love and acceptance that only he could give. Jesus adopted me into the family of God and gave me the spiritual nourishment I needed.

This has allowed me to thrive rather than just survive. He rescued me in this life and ensured that I will be with him forever more. I will be eternally grateful that Jesus brought me into his loving care.

And they speak of how you are looking forward to the coming of God’s Son from heaven—Jesus, whom God raised from the dead. He is the one who has rescued us from the terrors of the coming judgment. (1 Thessalonians 1:10 NLT)

God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure. (Ephesians 1:5 NLT)

How Should I React?

positive, God, inspiration, My first thought as I entered the recreation centre parking lot was, “I wonder what’s going on? It’s not usually this busy.” Normally there are an abundance of parking spots available at this time of the morning. That definitely was not the case this time.

I was slowly making my way through the lot when I spotted someone preparing to back out of a spot close to the entrance of the facility. I couldn’t believe my luck! As the car reversed in my direction another vehicle came from the opposite side and pulled into the barely vacated space.

My first reaction was surprise, followed closely by frustration as I resumed my search for an elusive empty parking space.

I realized that I had a choice to make that would directly affect the rest of my day. I could choose to be angry and resentful or I could look for the positives in this situation.

I chose the latter. I was thankful I had allowed plenty of time to get to my class so wasn’t feeling rushed. My health is good so walking a little farther wasn’t going to be a problem. The weather was pleasant which meant I wouldn’t get cold or wet as I walked.

I remembered the scripture verse I’d read that morning saying that God wants us to be kind, gentle and patient. As I headed into my class I thanked God for the reminder he had just presented me with. The positive reaction he prompted in me ensured that I would have a good day.

Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Colossians 3:12 NLT

I Was Drifting

God, Jesus, Inspiration, rescueLet me start by saying that I am not a swimmer. I enjoy being in the water as long as my feet can touch a firm surface and my face doesn’t get wet.

Our vacation was nearing an end. I had walked along the shore daily but had not ventured into the sea. The conditions were perfect with sunshine, hot temperature and calm water and I knew I needed to make the most of the opportunity.

I waded into the refreshing water. Soon I felt adventurous enough to take hold of a small boogie board that was handed to me. My intention was not to ride it but to lie across it and float.

Balancing my body across this board without tipping was a much bigger challenge than I anticipated. When I achieved my goal I was filled with satisfaction.

I relaxed, laid my head on the board and closed my eyes. What a wonderful feeling! It seemed like only moments before I looked around and realized I had drifted quite a distance from my husband. The water was now deeper than I was comfortable with. My feet could no longer touch the bottom.

I hung on tightly to the board as I kicked my feet and fought back the panic. The tide seemed to be working against me and the shore was not getting any closer.

Then I saw my husband making his way towards me. He took hold of the cord attached to the board and towed me to safety. I was so relieved that I didn’t mind his admonishment that I should have been more attentive to my surroundings.

This was an example of what happens in my life when I drift along without paying attention. Soon I’m in over my head. The Lord is always there to rescue me. Sometimes he waits for me to call for help. Other times he sends someone to help me even before I realize I’m in trouble.

Drifting aimlessly is never going to get me where I want or need to be. The prudent thing for me to do is to be attuned to the wisdom only he can give. Then I will have clear direction and not drift off course.

The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice. (Proverbs 12:15 NIV)

It is the Lord who gives wisdom; from him come knowledge and understanding. (Proverbs 2:6 GWT)

It Stinks!

God, journey, inspiration, perseveranceMy husband and I were out for our morning walk along the beach. The fresh sea air was invigorating. Several times we stopped to watch fish swimming in the crystal clear water beside us.

Up ahead we could see some piles of seaweed. It was an eyesore but that wouldn’t keep us from continuing on.

As we approached, we here hit by the noxious smell of damp, rotting seaweed. My first instinct was to hold my breath. Fearing it would be worse when I had to gasp for air moments later, I decided against this course of action.

The decision we faced was obvious. We could either turn back or brave the smell until we had passed through this area. If we turned back, we’d miss the opportunity to experience what was on the other side.

We chose to keep going and soon were rewarded with a lovely stretch of beach to walk along.

I thought about the times I’ve been faced with a situation that was unpleasant. Sometimes I have turned back thinking, “This stinks.” Whenever that situation comes to mind, this is the only impression that remains.

If, however, I have carried on and worked through things, the noxious feeling has been replaced by one of satisfaction at the outcome that was achieved.

The choice is mine. Do I want to turn back when things are not as I imagined, or do I keep going to see what waits for me a little farther on the journey?

A saying that I hold onto is “If God brings you to it; he’ll bring you through it.” I know that my trust in him will be rewarded as I follow the path he has set for me.

Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (James 1:4 NIV)

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