After several overcast days, this morning the sun was shining brightly through my window. I walked into the kitchen and was surprised to see small crumbs scattered across my kitchen counter.
“Where did you come from?” I said aloud. The immediate answer was obvious. Since I live alone, they had to have come from me.
Apparently, I had not paid enough attention to keeping this area clean. It was easy to ignore until the sun illuminated this problem spot.
Truthfully, this is only one area of my home that has been neglected during a tumultuous year. But I digress.
Back to the crumbs on my counter. As I was wiping them up, I found a few more that had been hiding. It didn’t take long to draw an analogy to my life.
The crumbs represent negative thoughts, grumbling, making excuses, etc. These thoughts don’t cause an impact on my personal well being until they start to add up. I look the other way and either pretend they don’t exist or they aren’t important. Sooner or later though, something illuminates my bad attitude and I wonder where the negativity came from.
To keep from getting to this point, a daily practice of gratitude is necessary. Being thankful clears away the crumbs of negativity. Instead of grumbling because I have to drive on winter roads, I am grateful to have a safe, reliable vehicle. This is but one of the many examples I can think of.
When I concentrate on all the blessings in my life, the crumbs are dealt with and my attitude improves.
How do you keep the crumbs from accumulating on the counter of your life?
Tag: gratitude
Several years ago, I wrote about Quarry Lake in Canmore Alberta. Last week I visited it again and was inspired anew.
As some of you know, life has taken an unexpected turn for my husband and I. Due to these challenges, the only writing I have done recently is in my nightly Gratitude Journal. Gratitude because, despite circumstances, we have so much to be grateful for.
Six months ago, I booked a four-night writing retreat in Canmore, to take place last week. I wasn’t sure if I should still go. My husband encouraged me to take the opportunity to get away and write. With mixed emotions, I escaped to the mountains, hoping to find that elusive creative spark.
That brings me back to Quarry Lake. You see, Quarry Lake was once the site of an open-pit coal mine. It has been reclaimed and is now a beautiful spot for many to enjoy.
I’ve just spent a few days writing and refining thoughts for a new book that has been on my heart. I’m feeling energized and ready to move forward with new purpose.
Like Quarry Lake, my writing has been reclaimed. My prayer is that I can turn the words into something beautiful for others to enjoy.
Flipping the Switch

Have you ever had one of those days when you just felt “off”?
That’s how my day started. There was nothing wrong, but I felt lethargic and emotionally low. Maybe it was the overcast, gloomy morning. Whatever was going on, I had to fight back or it would derail my day.
After a battle with a misaligned zipper on my jacket, which didn’t help my sagging spirits, I stepped out into the cool morning.
As I walked, I prayed for God to speak to me. My thoughts were surrendered to Him as I awaited peace, or guidance, or focus – something to help me reconcile the apathy enshrouding me.
A diversion on the pathway caused me to cross a grassy area. Glancing at my feet, I noticed the grass had different colours in it. Did it always change colours like the leaves did? While focusing on the golden and browning leaves carpeting the ground, I had missed what was happening right beneath my feet.
I stopped to take a picture. A few steps later, I was back on the path beside the creek and paying more attention to my surroundings. The beauty of the grasses along the creek bank compelled me to stop several times to take more photos.
Further on I admired the incredible workmanship of a beaver dam. I veered off the path and waded through some taller grasses to get a closer look. I almost didn’t take a picture because there was what I considered garbage in front. Then I realized these pieces had been incorporated into the structure. Everything had a purpose. Nothing was wasted.
As I returned home, my thoughts went to my earlier prayer. “God, I’m so sorry. After asking you to speak to me, I became distracted and didn’t listen for your voice.”
In my spirit I heard, “My precious child; I spoke to you in a language you could easily understand. You find me in the beauty of nature I’ve surrounded you with. Today you were reminded it is there even when the sun is not shining. You listened well. I observed you express gratitude for things you normally don’t notice. That’s what I wanted for you today. When you get past your preconceived ideas of what you need, you are then able to appreciate what you have. Thank you for opening your heart to receive the blessings and love I have for you – today and every day.”
I arrived home humbled and in awe. The knowledge I carried in my head had made the journey to my heart. No experience in my life is wasted. Everything serves a purpose.
My focus had shifted to all the blessings in my life. My off switch had been turned back on and I was fully illuminated.
It’s Not Enough
Rivulets of water ran down my body as I pulled back the shower curtain and stepped onto the bath mat. My hand automatically reached for the towel, even while my eyes stared in disbelief. My bath towel was nowhere to be seen.
Too late, I remembered my plan to replace it after doing laundry the previous day. It had slipped my mind and now I would pay the price for my lack of attention.
I scanned the bathroom and my gaze rested on a hand towel. At least I could get some of the water off of me before I dripped my way to the linen closet.
Much to my surprise, I dried my entire body with this one small towel. Until I did it, I wouldn’t have thought it possible. My oversize bath sheet was not the necessity I thought, but a luxury.
My mind drifted back to this several times over the next few days. How many times in the past had I failed to be grateful for what I had, thinking it was not enough?
The Bible tells us to give thanks in everything. This is not always easy to do. I have found that, like the miracle of the loaves and fishes, when I thank God for what He has provided for me, my needs are always met.
That is why my gratitude journal tonight will contain an unusual entry; one that expresses thanks for the reminder that a small towel is enough.
The Eyes Have It
It was an interesting discovery. While sorting through a drawer full of papers I came across one that had been tucked away several years ago and forgotten.
At the end of a seminar, each of us was presented with a unique gift to commemorate our days together. On a large piece of paper, someone had sketched the eyes of over sixty participants. The name of each person was printed neatly above one eyebrow.
I was fascinated to see the numerous shapes of eyes. Some were almond shaped while others were wide and round. The eyebrows were even more diverse. From delicately shaped to thick and bushy, the brows framed the facial features. No two sets of eyes were exactly alike.
The artistic ability required to create these realistic images was impressive. Even more so was the power of observation needed to capture the small details that helped identify each person.
I read somewhere that observation has less to do with the things you see than the way you see them. This is true for more than artists. It applies to each of us.
Many years ago I started keeping a gratitude journal. Each night I write down five things I was grateful for that day. Focusing on the positive has changed my perspective and my life. When I look for the beauty in my surroundings, the goodness in people and the life lessons that present themselves, that is what my eyes see. The minor irritations fade into the background.
My goal is to create value in all things. It doesn’t always happen but I am getting better at it. I have learned if I want to create a positive life my eyes need to be looking for the right things.
Another Day
The sky today is filled with clouds. They vary from fluffy, cotton ball white to deepening shades of grey. A few blue patches are also visible but they are outnumbered by the clouds.
The wind is gusting from the south. This is unusual. Normally the wind comes from the north, over the water, which lowers the temperature.
I am sitting on a covered deck, enjoying the sensation of hot wind buffeting my skin. From where I sit in my third floor hideaway, I watch palm fronts bending to and fro and clouds skittering overhead.
The forecast is for a thunder storm later in the day. When that comes I will be forced inside. The other side of the condo faces the sea where I will have a sheltered view of the storm. I wonder what it will bring.
Perhaps there will be flashes of lightening cracking open the fury of a dark sky. Maybe the wind will whip the waves into giant froths before they crash to the shore.
I am powerless to stop whatever it may bring. There is no point in me focusing on a storm that is not even here yet. For all I know, it may be diverted and not arrive here.
At the moment I relish the feeling of the warm wind billowing through my clothing. I am content in the here and now. Gratitude floods over me as I enjoy the solitude and diversity of my surroundings. Right now is all I am guaranteed of and I don’t want to waste one precious moment.
I Choose To
Now that I am no longer in the workforce, there is no need to get out of bed early in the morning. The alarm is only set for the days I go to a morning exercise class. Other than that, I let my body dictate how much sleep it needs.
Last week, for several days in a row, I arose and left the house while it was still dark outside. It would have been easy to grumble and complain about the early start and the long days.
Instead, I changed my attitude from, “I hate to get up this early” to “I choose to get up early for the benefit of ..” I was privileged to spend my days with an amazing group of people who are changing the world one heart at a time. For me, the benefit far outweighed a few hours of lost sleep.
This attitude is not just useful for getting me out of bed in the morning. It can be used throughout the day in a myriad of ways.
When I consciously think of what I get to do, rather than what I have to do, my mind shifts from unhappiness to gratitude. It’s amazing the difference this simple change in focus makes.
Things I would normally take for granted are appreciated. The abundance in my life is recognized and I become a more positive person to be around.
I may not have control over all situations in my life but I can choose how to react to them. I choose to look for the benefit and live in gratitude.
Fragrant Memories
Have you ever had the sight or aroma of something familiar cause memories to flood over you?
I had passed by these lilac trees many times in the preceding weeks but this day I stopped to fully appreciate their beauty.
You see, the home I was raised in had several lilac trees in the backyard. I can picture them along one side fence, planted in alternating colours of purple and white. When in full bloom we would cut some to bring indoors and I remember their sweet fragrance filling the room.
Happy memories from my childhood washed over me as I gazed at the showy blossoms. Parents who loved me and older siblings who doted on me flashed through my mind. I was blessed to grow up in a place and time where it was safe to spend hours outdoors, running and playing with my friends.
Respect, good manners and helping others were not options; they were part of the fabric of life. Right and wrong were clearly defined and a strong conscience ensured I knew which one to follow.
The love I experienced and the lessons learned by example prepared me for life. I sometimes forget that not everyone had the advantages of a secure childhood. This was a gift I sought to pass on to my children and they, in turn, are passing on to the next generation.
The sight of lilacs brought back the sweet fragrance of youth and the legacy of family. Before I moved on, I said a prayer of gratitude for a life filled with joyful memories.
Train a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not turn away from it. (Proverbs 22:6 GWT)
Giving Thanks
Canadian Thanksgiving has its origins in Europe, where festivals of thanks and celebrations of harvest took place in the month of October.
Today, Thanksgiving is a celebration of being thankful for what one has and the bounty of the previous year. For some, the main focus is a turkey dinner followed by pumpkin pie.
I do appreciate gathering together with my family and turkey is one of my favourite meals. However, I don’t feel one day is enough to express gratitude for the abundance in my life.
I like to start my mornings by giving thanks for a new day. God has given me a fresh page on which to write the next chapter of the story of my life. I want to express my gratitude for this gift and use it to make a positive difference. I say I want to, because it doesn’t always happen. I do know my day will be off to a much better start when it begins with this kind of communion with The Lord.
In the past, I thought I’d have to do something huge and life changing in order to make a difference in the world. Now, I know it may be as simple as having a positive attitude. I may never know the effect a smile and friendly hello has on a stranger I pass on the street. The same goes for holding the door open for one following behind or allowing someone to merge in traffic in front of me. It is possible my words and actions will have a ripple effect much larger than I could possible know.
I will never be in control of every event in my day, but my attitude is totally within my control. I have learned that I can choose how I act, despite how I feel. After all, God gave me the gift of free choice. In that case, why wouldn’t I choose to be positive and thankful?
Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 5:20 NIV)
Happy to Help
A friend recently took on the task of updating my website. This is something I’m not able to do on my own and would normally have to pay someone else to complete.
Her generosity in helping me out in this way is incredible. Hours of time are being spent on something that gives her no obvious benefit. When I express my thanks, as I do frequently, she brushes it off, saying, “It’s no big deal and something I enjoy doing.”
Another friend recently asked me for help on a project she’s working on. This was in my area of expertise and I was glad to offer whatever assistance I could.
When she thanked me, I found myself saying, “It was no problem. I’m happy to help you anytime.”
It was no coincidence I met with both of these friends on the same day. I’d been feeling guilty about accepting the generosity offered to me, while freely offering the same to another. Thinking about how good it felt to assist one friend helped me understand why another would willingly spend time helping me.
If I refused her offer, I’d be denying her this joy. What a concept! I’m doing something for you by letting you do something for me. And, you are making me happy by allowing me to do something for you. This is the ultimate win-win situation!
“The greatest good is what we do for one another.” Mother Teresa