Word Pictures

#inspiration, words, mental imagesDo certain names bring images to mind? Can a few words or a name produce a story in your imagination?

I found this happening on our travels as we encountered many interesting road signs. Some names not only brought pictures to mind but also had me wondering about the stories behind them. In most cases, I didn’t know the history and my mind created possible scenarios.

We passed through Kinloss and I envisioned an epidemic in the area resulting in the death of many family members. The next town was Lucknow and I thought of better days ahead.

The town of Chatsworth had me creating a more elaborate story. Maybe it was because so many places in this area had British names. In my mind’s eye I pictured Lord and Lady Chatsworth at their summer estate in this area. It was the early 1900’s and their grand balls brought aristocracy from afar to this little village.

With the absence of facts, my imagination took over with these and many other places with names that piqued my interest. Don’t even get me started on business names like Black Market Produce!

The point is how often do I hear a few words and jump to conclusions without getting all the information? Do I believe everything I hear from others or do I seek the truth?

That took me to my next thought. When others hear my name, what picture comes to mind? Have they heard a negative word or two that has them imagining the worst or do positive images take over?

The way I live my life will impact how people perceive me. If I’m not open and honest you can’t really know me and that is where the misconceptions and inaccurate stories come into play.  The question is, am I willing to drop the mask and be honest?

In a Pickle

#inspiration, attitude, sportOver the past year or so I’ve been hearing quite a bit about a sport called pickleball. Some of you may be familiar with it but until recently it was new to me.

I was intrigued to hear this promoted as a game for all ages and fitness levels and wanted to learn more.

Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis and table tennis. It can be played as singles or doubles. I was never good at tennis but enjoyed badminton and table tennis so this may be a possibility for me. When I learned the court is half the size of a tennis court, I was even more interested.

My husband and I went to watch someone we knew play in a tournament. A game or two stretched into several hours as we enjoyed observing and learning from this game.

Some of what I saw on the court would serve me well in life. While each team wanted to win, they didn’t take themselves too seriously. We would hear joking and encouragement and not criticism when someone made a mistake. A positive attitude and support for their partner made the difference between stress and enjoyment. I know this in my head, but the visual reminder was appreciated.

The players were scrupulously honest. They would call errors on themselves, even though it meant a point for the other team or loss of the game. It didn’t matter if anyone else had seen the fault or not. Integrity such as this is something I strive to be known for.

During the tournament, we saw teams that had been eliminated now cheering for the team that had defeated them. The sportsmanship and values portrayed convinced me that no matter my athletic ability, being in this kind of a pickle is a very positive thing.

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