Real or Illusion?

Jesus, love, inspirationWe see many types of shore birds on our morning beach walk. One day I saw a large white crane up ahead. I kept watching as we drew near and was surprise by how still it remained.

When I was close enough to see the outline more clearly, I started to laugh. The crane that I had been watching was actually a pole standing upright in the sand with the remnant of a white sandbag tied around it! The graceful white crane was only an illusion.

I paused to think of the many times I have looked on a situation from a distance and saw an illusion rather than the reality.Jesus, love, inspiration

Most people only allow us to see what they want us to. I am no exception to this. Pain, disappointment, loneliness and rejection are hidden from the world. They are concealed behind a smile and the words, “I’m fine.”

Personally this has happened when I felt I needed to put on a brave front. The illusion seemed safer than exposing the truth of my weakness. You may not like the real me.

A few loved ones may see what’s behind the illusion but only Jesus truly knows what is in my heart and mind. He knows the real me and loves me for who I am and not who I pretend to be. When I truly accept this love I am free to be all that he created me to be.

Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? Romans 8:35 NLT


Floating Shells

life, challenge, God, trustAs I walked along the beach I spotted a tide pool ahead. It was filled with shells that appeared to be floating on the surface. Fascinated, I hurried over to have a closer look. What I found surprised me.

The shells were not floating, they were on the bottom. Crystal clear water had magnified them and created a false illusion.

I took a couple of pictures and moved one. The picture that stayed in my mind’s eye brought some serious reflection.

How often, I wondered, do I make assumptions and even decisions based on how things appear from a distance?

When I look at others and think I’d like the wonderful life they have, do I realize that I only see an illusion and not the close up reality?

The same applies when I look at someone who appears to have very little. The peace and contentment this person has may far outweigh anything I could imagine.

The only life I can see clearly into is my own and sometimes even this is a challenge.

God always sees the hearts and knows the minds of his people. This is why I trust in him rather than on my own understanding.

It is better to depend on the Lord than to trust mortals. Psalm 118:8 GWT

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