Stained Glass

Jesus, light, shine, masterpieceStained glass shades adorn a couple of lamps in my home. When the light hits them from the outside, the colours are refracted onto the wall or ceiling. When the lamp is on, the light from the inside casts a warm inviting glow. In both cases they are quite lovely.

To create stained glass, small coloured pieces of glass are arranged to form patterns or pictures. These are held together by strips of lead and supported by a rigid frame.

If the glass was one solid piece, the effect would not be the same. It’s when smaller broken pieces are joined together with other broken pieces, that the true beauty is shown.

It is the same in my life. The trials of life have caused me to become broken. By keeping to myself, I remain that way. When I bring the broken pieces to Jesus, he is able to join them with those of other lives to create something beautiful. He arranges them to form intricate patterns, and he himself is the frame that holds the pieces together. The vulnerability that I show by allowing my brokenness to be used is also an encouragement to others facing trials.

As the light of Jesus shines through me, my brokenness becomes part of the masterpiece that draws people to him.

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:5-6 NIV

Road Closed

Jesus, pray, direction, guidance, destinationOne of the major roads in our city was undergoing road works. This caused a portion of the road to be closed. Instead of traveling their normal routes, drivers were faced with a detour that took them through residential neighbourhoods. This caused an unwelcome delay for countless motorists.

I looked at the large flashing arrow pointing to the detour. The road beyond was torn up and there was heavy equipment working. Several ‘Road Closed’ signs had been set up. All of the warnings were there to tell me that I couldn’t take this route.

There have been times in my life when I thought I knew where I was going, only to be met by an unexpected detour. The route I intended to travel was closed to me. This led to confusion. The detour would take me through unfamiliar territory which would slow me down. Not only was this inconvenient, it was also disorienting.

The direction my life was to go had been planned. Now everything changed. My initial response was to worry. What if I got lost and couldn’t find my way? Then I learned to trust in Jesus. I soon found that His direction for my life was far better than any route I had planned. Sometimes the detour would show me new things I needed to know. Other times it would lead me in an entirely new direction. Instead of focusing on what I thought I needed, I learned to pray to Jesus for guidance. If I was on the right route, I would ask that the way be clear. I would also ask him to close the road ahead if it wasn’t where He wanted me to be going. He is the one that knows my final destination and know the best way to get me there.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

What if?

imagination, games, dreamsOur seven-year old grandson was spending a couple of days with us. Two adults to spoil him and no siblings to share the attention with made for one very happy boy.

As I played Snakes and Ladders with him he said things like, “What if I gone one more and got to go up the ladder?” or “What if you got three instead of five and had to go down the snake?”

This line of thinking continued after the game. I’d hear, “What if …” and he would talk about a fantastic make-believe experience. I soon realized that our time together was filled with “What ifs?” In his imagination there were no boundaries. He was free to dream, limited by nothing more than the power of his mind.

I marveled at this and wondered how different my life would be if I adopted this attitude. Instead of limiting myself, based on fears of failure, I would say, “What if” and follow my dreams.

Someone once told me that it was far better to say, “What if” and then work to make it happen, than to look back and say, “If only.” I may not always succeed, but will not suffer the regrets of having never tried.

What I need to remember is that none of my “What ifs” are too big for God to bring to fruition. In fact, many of these may be dreams that he has planted deep in my heart. When I was struggling with self-doubts, a good friend changed the course of my life by saying, “What if God wants to bless you with this?”

If it is truly a dream that God has given me, he is more than able to make it happen. I just need to trust and go along for the adventure.

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in good time. 1 Peter 5:6 NIV


change, focus, God,
picture from photobucket
Dragonflies abound this time of year. The iridescence both on their wings and their bodies captures my attention. I enjoy them for their beauty but also because they dine on the mosquitoes that often plague so many of us.

Wanting to know more about these insects, I did a little research and learned some very interesting facts. The dragonfly moves at an amazing 45 miles an hour. It’s very agile and can hover like a helicopter, fly backwards like a hummingbird, fly straight up or down and to either side. It does all of this while flapping its wings only 30 times a minute, compare to 1000 times a minute for a housefly. This power in its wing strokes is what makes it look so graceful.

In almost every part of the world the dragonfly symbolizes change. It lives most of its life as immature. There’s only a fraction of its life that it’s actually able to fly. For this reason, for the short time it has, it needs to live life to the fullest. This living in the moment is what resonates with me.

When I live life in the moment, I am totally focused on God. His power is sufficient to guide and sustain me. My boring life is forgotten and I am willing to enter into the new adventure that he has in store for me every day.

Whoever is a believer in Christ is a new creation. The old way of living has disappeared. A new way of living has come into existence. 2 Corinthians 5:17 GWT

Giving is Receiving

gifts, presentation, God, MentorI have heard it said that giving is receiving. This has proven itself true many times in my life.

In previous years I have given my time as a mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters. Due to changes in my life, this is no longer possible. BBBS has a vision that every young person realizes their full potential. This was something I couldn’t easily walk away from.

God showed me a way that I could still support this worthy organization. He had given me the words needed to write a book of short inspirational stories. Two of the stories were based on my mentoring experience with BBBS. While the book was in the publishing stages, I felt a strong desire to use it as a way to give back to my community. After much prayer, I approached BBBS with the idea of giving them $2 from every book I sold. They are a donor supported and volunteer driven organization so didn’t hesitate to accept my offer.

In late June, just four months after ‘Inspirations From The Everyday’ was released, I was able to present them with a cheque for over $500. The joy I received from giving this gift was incredible. I knew that this little book, privately sold, was making an impact on the lives of many who would never come in direct contact with it. I am blessed to be able to honour God by willingly sharing the gifts that he has given me.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV


God, mature, don't give upOur strawberry plants have flourished this year. We have already harvested more berries than ever before and there are many more still growing. After some very sparse years, it’s exciting to be reaping this bounty.

We haven’t done anything different with the plants this year. They have been cared for in exactly the same way as previous years. Perhaps it just took them this long to mature to their full potential.

This is a fairly accurate description of my life. There have been times that I have worked hard but not obtained the results I had hoped for. Sometimes the disappointment has been enough to make me quit. I may have even been in reach of my goal but just not realized it. Dreams and goals will never be achieved if I give up.

Fortunately, God has never given up on me. No matter how long it takes to mature into the person he wants me to be, he is always there nurturing me. In his loving care my life can reap a harvest like never before.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

Classic Cars

Jesus, restoration, inspirationMy husband and I enjoy classic cars. We’ve spent many hours going to previews and auctions of these vehicles. When my son was young, he and I attended an auction, got caught up in the excitement and started bidding. My husband was very surprised when I called him at work to say we’d just bought a 1957 Cadillac!
The car was very large compared to the more modern ones we owned. Enormous chrome bumpers made it even more so. Our carport was not quite deep enough for a vehicle of this size and the back bumper was exposed to the elements. The chrome started to rust. Our plans to restore it to its former glory didn’t materialize and we hated to see it deteriorate. Eventually we sold the car to someone who wanted to do the restoration.

Thinking of that car has brought back many memories. It also has reminded me that although things many start out shiny and new, they don’t stay that way. When chrome is not maintained, it needs to be stripped down and re-chromed.
The same is true in my life. When I don’t treat my life with the care and attention it deserves, rust spots start to appear. If not dealt with, they will spread and take over what was once shiny and bright. Restoration can happen, but the process may not be easy or pleasant.

Jesus can take this blemished life and restore it. He will not just paint over my rough spots, but will do what is necessary to remove them so there’s a better chance of the restoration being permanent. He cares enough to want the very best for me. When I pray and stay in close contact with Jesus, my life will be bright enough to reflect him to others.

Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Matthew 6:20 NLT

Cattle Roundup

peace, security, God
photo from
My husband and I were driving along the highway that is the main corridor between Calgary and Edmonton. The traffic ahead started to slow and looked like it was coming to a standstill.

It didn’t take long for us to find out the problem. Two calves were running down the middle of the highway. A couple of vehicles drove along the median to get in front of the calves. They then attempted to block their way, forcing them to move to the grassy verge and safety. The calves were obviously frightened and got around the truck that had parked sideways along the lanes. They kept running as other vehicles came alongside. The rescuers persisted and soon got the calves safely off of the highway.

This rescue was not only interesting to watch, it also illustrated life lesson for me. Like these calves, I have occasionally found myself in a foreign and unsafe environment. God relentlessly pursued me to bring me to safety. There were times that, frightened, I keep running straight ahead, unaware of the rescue attempt. It was only by submitting to God that my peace and security were found. He is the one that sees what dangers may lie in my future. By staying close to God, there is less chance of straying. If I do take a wrong turn and end up where I shouldn’t be, I know that I only need call out and He will rescue me.

We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; Isaiah 53:6 NIV

Seat Belt Warning

plugged in, Jesus, confidenceThe seat belt warning light in our car has started to come on at intermittent times while we are driving. At first it was difficult to know which seat belt was causing the problem, as it always seemed to happen when there were two of us in the car. As the problem became more frequent, we determined that it was the driver’s side that was the issue. There are days when the dinging sound that accompanies the light doesn’t seem to stop and then we have many days without a problem at all. Unfortunately the non problematic days are always the ones that are scheduled for the dealership to fix the problem!

For some reason, the mechanism does not recognize that the seat belt is plugged in. All it takes is light pressure on the buckle and everything is fine until the next time. It’s almost as if it is unsure that the proper protection is in place and a light touch is all that is needed to reassure it that all is well!

This sounds like my life. Left to my own devices, I set off warning lights and signals when I am uncertain of things. By making sure I am plugged into Jesus, I have the confidence needed to carry on. His touch always comforts and reassures.

I’m leaving you my peace. I’m giving you my peace. I don’t give you the kind of peace that the world gives. So don’t be troubled or cowardly. John 14:27 GWT


spring, flowers, JesusSpring takes a long time to arrive in Southern Alberta. When it finally arrives, it makes up for lost time. In the span of a week, the trees were full of leaves and brightly coloured blossoms. The lawn was lush and green and we could practically watch it grow. The other sure sign of spring is the profusion of dandelions.
The bright yellow flowers are a favourite for young children to pick. They look so pretty that it’s hard to remember that they are weeds. When the flower dies, the plant produces seeds. Dandelions can produce up to 20,000 seeds which are blown by the wind, landing somewhere they can germinate and grow. Left unchecked, a few dandelions can quickly spread. I may follow all measures to rid my lawn of dandelions, but if my neighbours do not do the same, I will be faced with many more of these weeds in the future.

The same is true in my life. I know the things I need to do to keep my life running smoothly. Slowly I have let little weeds enter, feeling that they are small enough to not cause problems. Once I allow them to take hold, they put down roots, spread their seeds and multiply. Soon my life is overrun and I’m left wondering what happened.

Jesus plants only good, fruitful seeds in my life. My responsibility is to nurture these seeds and not to allow the weeds to choke them out. By walking closely with Jesus, I can eliminate the weeds and live the fruitful life that he has planned for me.

“Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful.” Matthew 13:23 NKJV

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