Grab a Coffee

opportunity, God, blesslingsWhile talking with a friend recently, he told me that he was going to go and grab a coffee. Very quickly he corrected himself and changed that to grabbing a cup of coffee, saying that he had never actually managed to grab coffee. Laughing, I said that it would just slip through his fingers.

With this visual in mind, I started to think of things that I have let slip through my fingers. There have been many opportunities that I have let pass me by because I didn’t have the confidence to just go for them. It didn’t seem to me that I had the skills or abilities needed and I was afraid to fail.

A good friend challenged me on one of these opportunities saying “What if God wants to bless you through this?” That helped me to realize that on my own I may not be able to accomplish what I would like to, but with God guiding me, all things are possible. By letting opportunities slip through my fingers, I am refusing his gifts to me and missing out on the blessings that these gifts may bring. I have a little plaque with a quote from Roy Lessin that says: “God not only knows where He is taking you, but He also knows how to get you there.” If I respond when he calls and trust him to lead me, there is no limit to what he may accomplish through me.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Traffic Circles

guide safely, Jesus, InspirationTraffic Circles or Round Abouts as they are also known, are meant to improve the flow of traffic. Knowing this doesn’t keep me from sometimes finding them quite intimidating. As you enter the circle, you yield to people on your left. If they are exiting the circle at the spot you are entering, you’re fine to go. It’s when they are heading around it and changing lanes that things become tricky. The ones with 3 lanes can get a little crazy. I need to not only consider where I am going, but also figure out where the others are going.

The plus side to this is that if I am uncertain as to my exit, I can just keep travelling around in a circle until I decide which route I want to take and am able to plan my moves safely.

Sometimes I feel that I am living my life as if I’m caught in a traffic circle. I go around and around the same things, uncertain as to which route to take. When I finally make a decision, I need to evaluate the timing. Is it safe to make that move now, or should I go around one more time, just to be sure? Staying in the circle may seem safe, but it is also frustrating. How can I move forward into a more purposeful life if I’m afraid to leave the safety of my familiar circle?

On my own, decisions like this can paralyse me. When I pray and put my life in the hands of Jesus, I know that he will guide me safely along the route he has chosen for me. It’s time to quit going around in circles and embrace the adventure that a life of following Jesus will bring.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV


God, Bible, life,One of the joys of being a grandparent is playing games with my grandchildren. Some of the games that they have enjoyed the most involve hiding. It may be people hiding or it may be objects that have been hidden for someone else to find.

Recently I was spending time with a 5 year old. She had some small inflatable rings that we’d take turns hiding for the other to find. When it was my turn to find, she would lead me right to them and then be so happy for me when I found them! Even though I made my best effort to hide the rings in plain sight, it was not always easy for her to spot them. Discouragement set in quickly so I added another aspect to the game. Telling her she was cold, and then warm, warmer and hot as she neared the object made it much more fun.

Although this was a game that brought fun and laughter to a little girl, I did find a deeper meaning in it. When I play games and attempt to hide from God, my life becomes cold. It is only as I move closer to him that my life warms up again. When I read the Bible and hide those words deep in my heart, God warms my life enough that I can pass on that warmth to those around me.

I have hidden your word in my heart, that I may not sin against you. Psalm 119:11 NIV

Puzzle Pieces

make a difference, inspirationIt was the last Sunday for one of our pastors, as he was moving on to another church. While he was being thanked for his service it was said that God had a plan for the new church and this pastor was the piece of the puzzle needed to complete that plan.

Thinking about this made me realize that I can be the puzzle piece that helps to make someone else’s picture complete. It need not take grand gestures. Allowing God to direct me as I do little things may be just what is needed. The piece of the puzzle I bring may only add to the picture for an hour or a day, but it will contribute to the beautiful picture God is creating in another’s life.
It wasn’t long until I saw this in action. I stopped to chat with someone I hadn’t seen in a couple of months. After telling her that I had missed seeing her, I found out that she was going through a challenging time. What she needed to hear that day was that someone cared. This conversation helped to fill in a puzzle piece that let her know she mattered.

Later, I was introduced to a friend of a friend. Spontaneously I gave her a hug instead of a handshake. With tears in her eyes she thanked me, saying that her mother used to hug her everyday but had passed away and she missed those hugs. My simple gesture had filled in the puzzle piece that showed her, through touch, that she was cared for.
Thinking back on these things, I realized anew how God can use me to make a difference. When He prompts me to say or do something, He may just be using me to be the puzzle piece that someone needs at that moment.
Love each other with genuine affections, and take delight in honoring each other. Romans 12:10 NLT
Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up. Proverbs 12:25 NIV

Be inspired today!


stop complaining, inspirationIt had been a tough morning for the aqua fit instructor. The water was cold and there were many complaints from people as they climbed into the pool. A few went directly into the warmer pool beside the one the class was held in. Then they complained that they couldn’t hear the instructions. For some the music was too loud, for others not loud enough. The final straw came when the sound system shut down altogether. The instructor got out of the pool to see what could be done. Frustrated, she said “That’s it, I quit.” After a slight pause the word that followed was “complaining”.

She joked about leaving but what she was really telling the class was that she quit complaining and so should we! All of the complaining was not productive and didn’t change the situation, so we should just quit doing it! Not everyone heard that last word but it stuck in my mind.

How much better would my life be if I just quit complaining? If there is nothing I can do to change the situation, complaining is only going to make me feel worse. When there is something I can do, my energy should be used to focus on my role in the change. As my attitude becomes more positive there is a ripple effect that changes the attitude of those around me.

God has provided me with so much. I can only imagine his disappointment when I ignore all of the good and instead complain about what I think I’m missing. Instead I need to thank him for what he has provided and pray for guidance to move forward.

Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. Philippians 2:14-15 New Living Translation.

Hazard Lights

calling out for help, lessonI had only been on the highway a few minutes when the vehicle I was driving suddenly veered to the side. Fighting to regain control, I wondered what had happened. The road that had felt smooth only moments before now seemed very rough. Pulling over to the shoulder I was sure that the cause must be a flat tire. For the sake of safety I decided to put the hazard lights on. Since this was not my regular vehicle I had trouble locating them. I had never given them a second thought until they were needed. Finally I located the button. Once they were on I felt much safer as these four-way flashers would alert other motorists to the fact that I was having a problem.

What I soon discovered was that having the hazard lights on didn’t make a difference to the speed in which others raced past me. It didn’t seem like they slowed down and no vehicles stopped to see if I needed help. Sitting there, I knew it wasn’t safe to open the driver’s door so I climbed over the seat and out the passenger side to check things out. It was a relief to see that everything looked fine. I must have either hit a small patch of ice or picked up something in one of my tires that had now dislodged. Climbing back into the truck I turned off the hazard lights and eased my way back into traffic. The rest of my drive home was uneventful.

This experience taught me some valuable lessons. I may feel that I put my metaphorical hazard lights on to warn people when my life is not going smoothly. What I have no control over is how others respond to that warning. Most will race on past, while a few may stop to offer assistance. What I can’t do is just click on my distress signal and expect someone to come and rescue me. Calling out to Jesus is what is needed. He will always be available to calm my fears and guide me to safety.

Never worry about anything. But in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests while giving thanks. Then God’s peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6,7 God’s Word Translation

Chinook Arch

signs and wondersIn the area of southern Alberta where I live, we experience Chinooks. A Chinook is a hot wind that blows in winter. Accompanying this there can be a drastic change in temperature which rapidly melts the snow. For me, one of the most striking features of a Chinook is the Chinook arch. This arch is a band of stationary stratus clouds caused by air rippling over the mountains.

The weather report may tell me that the temperature is going to rise significantly, but it is seeing the Chinook arch that causes me to believe it. The sight of this arch confirms for me what the meteorologists have predicted.

Being a transplant to this area, I am still fascinated by this cloud formation. Not only is it striking to look at, it also fills me with wonder. While experiencing one, I got to thinking how much I rely on the signs of nature to confirm the reports I have heard.

Of course, this led me to another conclusion, as well. In the Bible, God has given me all of the instruction needed to live my life. His Word is something that can always be relied upon. My role is to trust and believe. There is no need to ask for signs and wonders to confirm that it is true.

“Unless you people see signs and wonders,” Jesus told him, “you will never believe.” John 4:48 NIV


dry hands, God's giftsMy hands had become very dry and chapped. The skin on my fingertips felt like Velcro catching on fabric. At first I blamed the cold, dry weather for this. While that may have been part of it, it wasn’t the only cause. Also contributing to this was the fact that I had been assisting with a move and had been handling lots of paper and cardboard. Commenting on this to someone, I was asked if I had worn cotton gloves while I worked. The question took me by surprise as this was something that had never entered my mind. I had put lotion on them to ease the dryness but had done nothing to protect them in the first place.

I realized then how much I have taken my hands for granted. Abusing them was not what I had intended, but by neglecting to take care of them, that was exactly what I had done.

God gave me hands not only for my use, but to use to serve others. When I look at these sore hands and realize how much I have taken them for granted, I can’t help but wonder how many of God’s gifts I have treated that way. Everything I have is a gift from God and that is something I never want to take for granted or abuse.

She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. Proverbs 31:20 NIV


inspiration, prayer, Jesus, guidanceThe store that I work in was in the process of moving locations. I have moved my home to a new location before but it was the first time I had been involved in the move of a store. Neither of these are my idea of fun!
It took days to get everything packed and although it didn’t seem like it at the time, this was the easy part of the move. Far more difficult was unpacking and finding the right spot for everything. This is even more of a challenge when moving to a smaller location. As I stood, surrounded by boxes, I was overwhelmed. Not knowing where to start caused me to panic and instead of getting to work, I froze, afraid that this was more than I could cope with.

Thinking about this later I recalled the many times I have been in this kind of situation. Part of the problem is having too much stuff. It collects slowly, without me noticing it, and one day I realize that all of this is cluttering up my life and causing me to be overwhelmed and stressed.

It isn’t always a physical change of location that causes this feeling. There have been things I have wanted to do in my life that I am unable to start because of emotions and limiting beliefs that are cluttering up my mind. The only sensible thing to do is to purge. The trouble is that when I reach that state, I want to retreat and hide, not to face things head on.

Instead of letting things build up to this point, I need to remember to continually bring my life to the Lord and rely on his guidance. He will teach me what to hold onto and what to let go of. He constantly watches over me and sees the whole picture, not just the part I am stuck on. My role in this is to pray and ask for his guidance and then trust as I wait for his answer.

The Lord says, “I will instruct you. I will teach you the way that you should go. I will advise you as my eyes watch over you.” Psalm 32:8

One of Life’s Special Moments

first book, inspiration, supportThe call came while I was at work. A shipment of books had been dropped off on my front porch. As I thanked the person who called, tears of joy were running down my cheeks. You see, these weren’t just any books. They were my book, the first I had written and a labour of love.

Since I live close to work I was told to go home, take the books in and enjoy the moment. Climbing into my vehicle, I realized that I would be alone when I first held one of my books. This didn’t seem right, so I called my daughter-in-law Jackie and asked her if she could join me. She and her girls soon met me at my house. Jackie took pictures as I opened a box and then more as I picked one up, smiling and crying at the same time! The girls each held a book so we could get a photo. Two of them looked at the front cover and one turned it over and said “Your picture is on here!” The joy I felt was indescribable. After the photos we had a little celebration party with bowls of candy (before lunch!) and then they went home and I headed back to work.

The moment I held my first book was a special time that will never happen again. This was an achievement I wasn’t certain I could accomplish. I thought it was too big a project for me. God had other plans as he gave me the inspiration needed and surrounded me with the support that enabled me to take on this daunting task. I am doubly blessed. Firstly that God entrusted this to me; and secondly that I had loving family members with me to share in this special moment.

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 NLT

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