Dance Steps

dance steps photoIt must have been part of a dream that I don’t quite remember, but I woke up thinking about dancing. The thoughts drifted in and out of my mind all day long. The more I thought about it, the more convinced I became that my life is like being at a dance.

Sometimes my life is in measured steps, like a technical dance routine. Everything seems to be choreographed and I need to pay careful attention to keep up with it.

Other times it is slow and sweet, as I move in perfect harmony with my partner. These steps need to be savored as the dance is ever changing.

Next I get to the dance of frenzied activity. The movements are energetic and enjoyable, but it’s a pace I can’t keep up for extended periods.

There are also times when it feels like I am out of step, and just not quite in synch with those around me. Do I stress about this or realize that perhaps this is a dance I need to sit out and just observe.

The music changes and a new dance begins. There are challenging new steps to master. It’s all part of the adventure. As long as I keep in step with God, my life will be a dance to honor him.

Praise his name with dancing, accompanied by tambourine and harp. Psalm 149:3 NLT

Breakfast Smoothie

unplugged blender picEven though a couple of the regular ingredients were missing, my breakfast of choice was a fruit smoothie. I put everything in the blender, pushed the blend button and nothing happened. A couple of other buttons were tried, but still nothing. It was then that I realized I had not plugged it in! Without the power source nothing could happen.

The parallel to my life hit me immediately. Unless I plug into my power source first thing in the morning, my day is not going to have the outcome that would otherwise be possible. My day needs to start with my connection to God, through prayer. The wonderful thing about this is that I don’t need a long extension cord to stay plugged in all day. God has sent the Holy Spirit to be with me constantly. This source of power is available whenever I choose to make the connection. With this source freely available, I would be foolish not to remain plugged in and fully charged.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Ephesians 1:19 NIV

You won’t [succeed] by might or by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Armies. Zechariah 4:6B GWT

Be inspired!

Wilted Flowers

wilted roses2The once beautiful bouquet of flowers had now wilted. Their heads drooped, petals fell and the leaves were crisp and dry. They had been like this for days before I finally disposed of them. My reasoning for keeping them was that even in this state, they reminded me of the beauty and fragrance that had been present in previous days.

As I removed the flowers from the vase, I was reminded that nothing lasts forever. The joys in my life need to be savored in the moment and stored as beautiful memories. Sometimes, like cut flowers, they will be gone far too quickly. Just as these flowers were an unexpected gift, so are many things that happen in my life.

I choose to view my life as the perennial flowers in my garden. They bloom for a season, one lovely blossom being replaced by the next. Then they have a season where they appear dormant. This time of rest prepares them for the next phase, when they will burst forth into renewed life as the seasons change once again.

As I think of my wilted flowers I choose not be sad that they are gone, but to be thankful that I had the opportunity to enjoy them in the first place. They brightened my life in the short time they were here. At some point I will again enjoy a bouquet of flowers. They will not be identical to the ones I had, but will each bring their own beauty into my life. I trust God to provide the fragrance of new beginnings and the season of rest, all in his perfect timing.

For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. For, “All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever.” 1Peter 1 23-25 NIV

Be inspired this week.

Shoveling Snow

shoveling snow photoThe snow was still falling when I went out to shovel. There had been quite an accumulation in the previous hours and the sidewalk and driveway needed to be cleared. This was normally my husband’s job, but he was unable to do it this time so it was up to me.

As I removed the first few shovelfuls, I was happy at how much easier it was than I had first thought. Self congratulations were short lived though, as it seemed the longer I worked, the heavier the snow seemed to become. There was the same amount on the shovel each time, so I found it interesting that the load became heavier the more times I carried it off to the side. As I struggled, I saw a man across the street clearing the sidewalk with a snow blower. Part of me wanted to ask for his assistance. The other part wouldn’t let me ask for help. It would be different if he noticed that I was struggling and offered to help. That didn’t happen, so I carried on, feeling sorry for myself as my back screamed out in protest of the heavy loads.

Later, as I reflected on this, I realized there was a relationship between shoveling snow and my life. When I just have a few burdens, they may be a nuisance, but they are not too heavy to carry. Unfortunately, like the snowfall, if not dealt with they multiply making it ever more difficult to bear the load. When I struggle under this weight alone, not only do I suffer physically, but my emotional state is not pleasant. What I sometimes forget is that I do not have to do it on my own. Help is available if I just ask for it. Jesus is just a prayer away and when called upon will always send someone or something to lighten my load.

A person standing along can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12 New Living Translation

Giving Thanks

Thank-You-Kids-The calendar tells us that it is Thanksgiving, and once again I reflect on the meaning behind this holiday. For some it is merely a paid day off or a day to enjoy a turkey dinner with loved ones. For others, it is as the name suggests, a day to give thanks.

If it truly is a day to give thanks, what is it that I’m thankful for? Although I appreciate the opportunity to enjoy a turkey dinner with loved ones, there is more to it than that. I need to dig much deeper. While I’m at it, I need to realize that being thankful is something to practice consistently through each and every day. A wise friend told me once that there is no such thing as an entirely bad day. There is always something to be thankful for. Many in the world would be overjoyed to have some of the things that I tend to take for granted. A comfortable home with electricity and running water come to mind. My nightly habit is to pick up my gratitude journal and write down 5 things that I was grateful for that day. Looking for and focusing on the positive has changed my life.

Part of this is not just giving thanks, but who I am giving thanks to. God has blessed me, not just with material things, but with his loving presence. Even during the trying times, he is there leading and guiding me. He sent Jesus to pay the penalty for the wrongs I have done. Now I can look forward to everlasting life with him. Now that is something to give thanks for.

.. always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20 (NIV)

Gift Baskets

My first gift basket
My first gift basket

The owner of the store I work in is known for the amazing gift baskets she creates. When she wanted to teach me how to do them, I panicked. Feeling that I don’t have a flair for that sort of thing had me terrified to even attempt it. As she guided me through the creative process, I secretly hoped the day would never come when I would have to make one on my own.

Through her encouragement and belief in me, I slowly gained confidence. Then the fateful day came when it was necessary for me to create a basket completely on my own. The fact that I enjoyed picking out and arranging the items in the basket surprised me. After wrapping it and making a bow, I stood back and admired what I had created. I even took a picture of the finished product! The saying “I didn’t know what I could do until I did it” came to mind.

Thinking about this, I realize how many times I have been stopped in my tracks by something I thought I couldn’t do. Now I realize that just because it’s something I’ve never done before, doesn’t mean I can’t do it! When I stop and pray about the situation, Jesus guides me every step of the way. Through Him, I am able to accomplish far more than I ever thought possible. When those negative, “I can’t do it” thoughts enter my mind, I just need to think of the gift baskets and remember that all things are possible through Christ Jesus.

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 (NIV)

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 (NLT)

Be inspired this week!


juicing photoAfter hearing several people enthusiastically share about juicing during the past few months, I decided to try it for myself. Being very practical, I didn’t want to buy an appliance that I may never use again, so put out a call to see if anyone had a juicer to loan me. Many replies telling me how much I would love juicing came in. This should have encouraged me, but instead made me nervous. What if it wasn’t a good experience for me?

A friend offered to loan me her juicer and although I took her up on the offer, second thoughts were creeping in and it took me weeks before I actually made arrangements to get it from her. Then, I had almost a month of wondering when a good time to start would be. Excuses to put it off were very plentiful. It seems the hardest step to take is the first one. Finally I started my 3 day juice detox. Following a plan with the menus and recipes set out made it easy for me to complete. Surprisingly, the juice tasted good and I did not feel hunger or a craving for food. When I completed my 3 days, not only did I have a sense of accomplishment, but I had lost a couple of pounds and felt healthier.

For me, the big lesson here is about much more than juicing.  I need to stop second guessing myself and looking for excuses. God wants to work through me and this can only be accomplished if I trust him and take the first step in the direction he is leading me. Once I am willing to take that step he will lead me to do more than I ever thought possible.

Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. (Psalm 25:4 NLT)

Be inspired this week.


envelopeLast week I received one of the most valuable gifts I have ever been given. It came in the form of a written letter. This letter was from someone who wanted to let me know how much I was appreciated. My friend had verbally expressed appreciation for me before, but wanted to put it in writing. Reading the words had a profound effect on me. The fact that I can read them again at any time is priceless.

A few days ago I was one of many volunteers at a community event. Standing in the pouring rain, taking my shift as a crossing guard, I was happy and smiling at the people who went by. One of the main reasons for this was the appreciation that was expressed. The majority of people thanked me for serving in this way. Many offered kind words and one even offered to give me his umbrella! That evening I received an email expressing appreciation for my help during the event.

These experiences have reminded me the importance of showing appreciation. Even a difficult situation can be made better when appreciation is shown. I do my best to let people serving me know that I appreciate what they are doing. How often, though, do I make a point of letting loved ones know how much I appreciate them? It doesn’t always need to be for what they have done; maybe I need to let them know that I appreciate them for who they are. How will they know if I never tell them?

One that deserves my constant appreciation is Jesus. His love is faithful and he is always there to lead and guide me. He provides me with much more than I could ever deserve and I need to show my appreciation by thanking him every day.

Kind words are like honey – sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. (Proverbs 16:24 NLT)

My mouth is filled with your praise, with your glory all day long.  (Psalm 71:8 GWT)

Be inspired this week!


grasshopper imageI was standing in the grass on a highway median, doing my best to keep three little girls occupied while a tire on their vehicle was being changed. They were starting to get restless when I spotted movement in the tall grass. Showing them the grasshopper was a wonderful distraction. Soon we were on the hunt for more of these insects.

Two of the girls excitedly spotted several more and delighted in watching the hopping action. The other one complained that she couldn’t see grasshoppers; all that she could see were bugs! Explaining that these were the grasshoppers didn’t help. She wanted nothing to do with them.

Reflecting on this later, I wondered how often I have missed the wonder of something new because I couldn’t see past my perception of what I thought it should be. Life is full of exciting adventures but only if I open my heart and mind to accept and receive them. Immediately deciding that I don’t want or like something means I will miss these discoveries. It is when I forget my routine life and enter into the adventure that I can truly experience what God has in store for me.

No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9 NIV

Be inspired this week!


sunbeam by Al GriffinClouds had been gathering and now obscured the sun. The few remaining patches of blue sky were slowly disappearing. Then I saw it. Through one patch of clouds, the sun was beaming down in clearly defined shafts of light. It was these sunbeams, bursting through the clouds that captured my attention.

Without the clouds to block it, the sun’s light is often taken for granted. Looking at the sunbeams, forcing their way through the clouds I was reminded that, although I may not always see it, the sun is still there. It may be temporarily blocked by circumstances in my life. Above the clouds the sun is still shining. If I consciously search for it, I may be rewarded with shafts of light that are like rays of hope shining through the dark sky.

One thing I have learned is that I tend to find whatever it is I focus on. Life is gloomy when I only focus on the clouds that block the light and warmth of the sun. By shifting my focus to the glimmers of light, soon I don’t notice the clouds, only the positive effects of sun reaching out to embrace me. God’s son, Jesus, is always willing to pour out His light upon me. All that I have to do is consciously seek Him. When filled with His light and love I can, in turn, reflect this to others, so they may also feel the warmth of His love.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father. Matthew 5:16 NKJV

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