Have you ever had one of those days when you would rather stay in bed than get up and do what you know you should?
I was having one of those. To be honest, there had been a few lately. Hibernation was my preferred choice. Somehow I managed to convince myself that the easier option wasn’t what was best for me. Before I could change my mind, I got ready and went out for a morning walk.
The sun warmed my skin as a gentle breeze caressed my face. It felt wonderful. My mood lightened and before long praise filled my heart and overflowed into song. I felt a lightness of spirit and the joy, previously M.I.A., returning.
There was no explanation for this more positive state of mind. At least, not until I turned to walk in the other direction.
Now the sun was at my back. A very long shadow appeared in front of me. As I stared at the distorted image with the freakishly long legs, the message became clear.
God was using this shadow to illustrate an important lesson. When I keep the Son, Jesus, behind me, the shadows and darkness in my life intensify. The shadow is always in view and It becomes harder to look past it, into the light.
Conversely, when I keep my face/eyes towards the Son, life is brighter. I am no longer walking in shadows. What a wonderful reminder that nothing I am going through is too big for Jesus to handle. When I keep my eyes on Him, He will show light my way.
Tag: #Jesus
Soar Like a Pelican

Pelicans are not birds I expected to appear graceful. To me, these seabirds seemed ungainly.
My opinion changed as I watched several soaring over-head. With large wings outstretched, they caught an air current and let it carry them. Far above the water, they circled, dipped slightly and rose high again. All of this was done without much need to flap their wings. They understood the advantage of going with the flow – airflow in this case.
A flock of small white birds flew much lower and their wings worked hard to keep them aloft. They were using their own strength and not riding the current of air. They landed and took off again frequently.
More times than I care to admit, I am like the small birds. In order to stay aloft, I flap harder to keep going. My own strength is never enough for what I want to accomplish and the effort exhausts me.
As I watched, a brown pelican did its spectacular plunge-dive. These birds can be flying as high as ten meters (33 feet) and when they spot their prey, fold back their large wings and plunge to the sea to catch it. The speed with which they do this is amazing.
I can’t help but think this speed is possible because energy has been conserved when flying. They make efficient use of the resources available to them.
I want to be like the pelican and allow the wind beneath my wings to help me soar. When I rely on Jesus, he enables me to reach heights I would never achieve on my own. His strength sustains and guides me.
The choice is mine. Will I flap hard and stay close to the ground or soar like a pelican?