Growing Together

inspiration, Jesus, community, positiveI was walking along a wooded path when I noticed mushrooms growing off to the side. There were some very large mushrooms and others that had curly edges.

What captured my interest was a grouping of several small ones. Although there was space for them to spread out, they were tightly packed in a small group. Their shape became altered as they grew together.

I stopped to have a closer look and then continued on, but the image of these mushrooms growing together stayed with me. I wondered if there was a deeper meaning I needed to pay attention to.

I think perhaps they represented community to me. A community offers support, encouragement and nurturing. This is something that is reciprocal. Being together in this way creates a positive atmosphere in which to grow.

The people who I spend my time with can definitely affect my shape. It is up to me whether this will be positive or negative. For this reason, I need to choose carefully.

Jesus took a group of men and discipled or mentored them, changing their lives in profound ways. Many times in the bible we are given instruction to gather together, love and encourage each other. By doing so I am forming the community he wants for me. This growing together will shape me into so much more than I would have been on my own.

We must also consider how to encourage each other to show love and to do good things. We should not stop gathering together with other believers, as some of you are doing. Instead, we must continue to encourage each other even more as we see the day of the Lord coming. (Hebrews 10:24-25 GWT )

Pocket Full of Rocks

God, Jesus, strength, love, inspirationMy husband and I were out for a walk on a cool morning in early fall. We found a path we’d never taken before and soon were making our way along a rocky lake shore.

The variety of colours, sizes and shapes of the rocks fascinated me. Soon I was picking them up to admire. Initially I had no intention of keeping any. I would just look at them and then put them down and carry on.

Something about these rocks called to me and before long some of them found their way into my jacket pocket. When I ran out of room a few were added to my husband’s pocket! Although these rocks weighed me down, I felt the need to carry them.

Why did these rocks hold such value that I would fill my pocket and struggle to carry the weight of them?

I remembered that in the Bible, God is called rock of my salvation, my rock and my fortress, rock of my strength, rock of refuge. As I thought of the many references to God as a rock, it also came to mind that we are all created in the image of God.

These rocks represented God’s people. We come in all sizes, shapes and colours. No two are completely identical. Although we appear different, we are all created in the image of God, our rock.

Jesus carried a heavy burden when he died so that we may have life abundant. Perhaps this pocket full of rocks was meant to be a reminder of the strength and love shown to mankind. Suddenly my pocket full of rocks doesn’t seem so heavy.

So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27 NLT)

The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. (Psalm 18:2 NLT)

Wise Words

Jesus, inspiration, loveI have an aunt who has played an important role in my life. We now live an eleven hour drive apart which means I don’t get to see her as often as I’d like. Although I keep in touch on a regular basis, it is the face-to-face visits that I miss. These only happen once a year now.

Each visit is precious and I find it difficult when our time together comes to an end. She is approaching her 96th birthday and I am aware that there may not be another opportunity to spend time together.

When I was preparing to leave after a recent visit my aunt left me with some wise words. Looking into my eyes she said, “I hope I see you again, but if I don’t, today was nice.”

What a wonderful reminder to appreciate each moment. When it comes right down to it, I have no guarantee of seeing anyone again. For this reason I need to make the most of the time I spend with others.

Words of love, appreciation and affirmation need to be spoken. I never want to regret the kind words that were left unspoken.

Jesus gave us many examples of unselfish love. I want to follow his way and ensure those I spend time with know how much I value our relationship.

For those of you reading this today I say, “Thank you. I appreciate the support you have shown by following my writings. You are the wind beneath my wings.”

Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. (Proverbs 16:24 NIV)

“I’m giving you a new commandment: Love each other in the same way that I have loved you. Everyone will know that you are my disciples because of your love for each other.” (John 13:34-35 GWT)

Too Many Voices

Jesus, inspiration,  filter, clearIt was unlike any other team building exercise I’ve been part of.

The objective was to remove an object from the centre of a large circle without stepping into the circle. The resources available for us to use were placed on the ground. The only instructions were that the person handling any of the resources had to be blindfolded and each blindfolded person needed someone with them to be their eyes. Other than that it was up to us.

One of the biggest challenges came when too many people started calling out instructions. The blindfolded person had no idea if it was them being spoken to. Instructions needed to be given very clearly. “Move this way” meant nothing to someone who could not see.

The goal was only achieved after the clear, authoritative voice of one person had everyone working together.

This exercise had many lessons to teach me. The first one was that racing off without a plan is not effective. That one was fairly obvious.

More important was realizing how many voices I can be subject to when setting out to reach my goals. Some are well meaning, but don’t have my answers. Others are negative, saying my goal is unachievable. Not all of these voices are audible. My own negative thoughts and self-doubts are a very large part of this process.

Just as the blindfolded person needed to trust the one with vision that was guiding and keeping them safe, I will benefit from one or two who ‘have my back.’

Too many voices cause confusion. I need to be able to filter out the ones that are not useful. The most important voice of all is the one strong, clear voice that speaks with authority and confidence. For me this is the voice of Jesus. He seems the total picture without hampered vision. He also knows exactly where I need to go and the best way to get there.

When I am in confusion with too many voices giving me advice, I need to stop and call out to Jesus. He will never lead me astray.

My sheep respond to my voice, and I know who they are. They follow me, and I give them eternal life. They will never be lost, and no one will tear them away from me. (John 10:27-28 GWT)


words, actions, affirmation, life-affirming, Jesus, inspirationThe previous day had brought clear blue skies. Although the weather forecast called for more of the same, we were now engulfed in a smoky haze.

Wildfires were burning hundreds of miles from where we live. The smoke had travelled and now covered a vast area.

All indications are that these fires did not result from natural causes. A careless action by an unknown person caused the devastation we’d been hearing about on the new reports. Tongues of fire had consumed the homes of countless families.

Even at this distance, lives were being negatively affected. The smoke haze caused breathing difficulties for those with respiratory problems. Warnings were issued to stay indoors.

All of this serves to remind me that my actions can have far-reaching effects. Thoughtless words can spread like wildfire, causing devastation that reaches farther than I realize. My tongue of fire can result in a haze of hurt for others and regret for myself.

This is something I work hard to control but realize that on my own I will never be able to completely tame my tongue. In order to speak affirmation to others and not wound with my words, I need to constantly bring my thoughts to Jesus. He will provide me with the right heart and attitude so that the words I speak will be life-affirming.

O Lord, set a guard at my mouth. Keep watch over the door of my lips. (Psalm 141:3 GWT)

A Clean Sweep

Jesus, cleanse, heart, hidden, lifeIt was a floor I swept regularly. On this particular day I decided to move a small piece of furniture to get to an often neglected area. What I found there surprised me.

A grasshopper must have come in when the door was open. It became trapped and now I was sweeping up its remains.

A shudder ran through me as I related this incident to my life.

When I leave the door open for undesirable things to enter my life, they often come in unnoticed. These little things can hide in the corners of my heart and slowly accumulate. I may think they are not impacting me but sooner or later they become evident. My thoughts and attitude start to reflect the garbage that has been piling up inside of me.

Things may not look that bad on the surface but until I remove any barriers and do a clean sweep, there will still be garbage lurking there. These barriers are of my own making.

What I need to do is confess and bring into the open what I think I’ve been hiding. Jesus sees it all along and is just waiting for me to bring it to him. Once I do, he will do a complete cleanse of my heart. Then I no longer need worry about what may be discovered in those hidden corners.

Who can say, “I have kept my heart pure; I am clean and without sin”? (Proverbs 20:9 NIV)

God is faithful and reliable. If we confess our sins, he forgives them and cleanses us from everything we’ve done wrong. (1 John 1:9 GWT)

How Tall are You?

quote, inspiration, Jesus, messageI hadn’t seen my thirteen year-old granddaughter in a few weeks and went to give her a big hug. Something felt different and I realized she now surpassed me in height.

When I commented on this she crouched down to make me appear taller. I asked her to stand back up again and told her that I never wanted her to be “less than” she really was.

Later, I explained that we are all equal in God’s sight. She has special talents and abilities to share with the world and playing small robs others of the gifts she has to share.

In the book, Return to Love, Marianne Williams said “Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”

This may have been a deep message to give someone my granddaughter’s age. I understand what a crucial time this is in her life and I remember the self-doubts that started in my teens and continued for many years.

They are still able to interfere with my life today. Perhaps the message was as much for me as it was for her. My talents and abilities are not the same as hers but each of us is an important part of the body of Christ. As such we need to rise to our full potential and use the gifts we’ve been given.

Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other. In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. (Romans 12:4-6 NLT)

Moo’s Watching

Jesus, inspiration, love, sees meDo you ever feel like you’re being watched? I had that sensation as I walked along a quiet country road. There was no one nearby so the feeling didn’t make sense. Then I glanced at the pasture close to the road and noticed that many of the cows had turned to face me.

It felt almost threatening to have so many pairs of eyes focused on me, even if they were on the other side of a fence.

When I stopped, even more of them turned to watch me. I moved on a little but decided that I wanted a picture so went back. Most of them had turned away. The novelty of seeing a stranger had worn off.

This made me think of the many times I’ve been concerned about walking into a room full of people. What if everyone turns to look at me? I don’t fully understand why the thought of this is an issue. Although others may turn to see who has entered, they will quickly return to what they were doing. The exception to this would be if I did something outrageous or attention seeking. This is not a problem as I generally seek to be inconspicuous.

Instead, what I should focus on is the one who always sees me. Jesus sees me not only on my best behavior but also when I’m in my ugly, defiant and rebellious states. His love for me never wavers. Knowing this, I desire to life my life in praise and adoration for the one who knows me best and still loves me.

I cried out, “I am slipping!” but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me. When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer. (Psalm 94:18-19 NLT)

Walking in Syrup

sticky-deckWe arrived at our campsite to see sheen on the deck that proved to be extremely sticky. There were also some dark spots where the stickiness had accumulated. It felt like we were walking through syrup as we headed to the door of our trailer.

The deck was scrubbed as well as the table and chairs. We

positioned our chairs so we could sit and enjoy the sun. Soon I felt a drop hit my arm. I looked into a cloudless sky and realized that it wasn’t rain I was feeling. Thinking it must be my imagination I turned the page and continued reading. Soon I felt more drops but couldn’t see anything on my skin.

Then I noticed the table had sticky spots again. The only answer was that the drops I felt were coming from the trees at the end of the deck. Although I couldn’t see them falling, the cumulative effect sticky-treeswas an unpleasant stickiness that clung to everything they touched. Before long our sandals stuck to the deck again.

This situation reminded me of my life. It is easy to let bad habits or negative thoughts slowly creep up on me. They start out as minor annoyances that I can ignore. Before long these behaviours add up to create a sticky mess in my life. I long for the freedom and peace of mind I once felt.

The way to restore my freedom is to bring everything before Jesus. When I pray, confess my sins and ask for forgiveness He is willing to scrub my heart and make it clean again. When I follow his plan for my life my steps will be much easier to take.

For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. (Galatians 5:13 NLT)

Fields of Sunshine

canola fieldAs we drive I see vast fields of yellow stretching to the horizon. It feels as though the bright sun of the summer sky has come to life in the fields.

What I am viewing is canola crops that are ripening. After those lovely yellow flowers fade away, pods are formed. It’s the seeds in these pods that are crushed to produce the canola oil used in kitchens such as mine. Right now, these crops decorate the landscape.

When I get close enough to the plants to see individual stalks the visual effect is not as striking. It is when they are seen as a large group that their brilliance is breathtaking. I can’t help but be draw to the sight.

This reminds me of my life. It is my responsibility to let the light of God’s Son, Jesus, shine in and through me. He is the one that will enable me to reach my full potential. On my own, I can only share my little light with those I come in contact with. When I join together with other that are blooming with the light of Jesus, our collective Son shine will draw people to the beautiful life he desires for each and every one of us.

Then all of you can join together with one voice, giving praise and glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:6 NLT)

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24-25 NIV)

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