I’m not sure when it happened but the season has definitely changed. Autumn, also known as fall, is upon us. My summer clothing is packed away, replaced by jeans and sweaters to keep me warm in the crisp air.
The landscape also transitions as green leaves are replaced with ones of gold. In some parts of the country, vivid oranges and reds add to the beauty.
Slowly, the trees release the leaves and let them fall to the ground. Sometimes a strong wind forces the trees to let go sooner than expected.
In time, the dry, brittle leaves break down and form a layer of mulch. This adds protection and nourishment to the soil, resulting in improved productivity for future growth.
Today I marvel at the beauty surrounding me and am reminded to enjoy these fleeting moments. The release of colourful foliage has already begun. It is a necessary part of the cycle of life.
My life also goes through such seasons. Six months ago I was filled with the budding promise of new ideas and possibilities. Some came to fruition and others did not. Not all seeds grow and flourish.
Now I am faced with the task of letting go. I choose to let go of regrets and disappointments. I release them and let them fall away. Winds of change blow the last ones free and I am liberated. My unencumbered arms stretch upwards, free to embrace this new season of life.
I know from past experience that nothing in my life is wasted. The lessons of yesterday have a purpose. Their memory will protect and nourish me so I can step with confidence into tomorrow. I am ready to face a new season.