My Hourglass Life

God, love, inspirationDuring a recent dental check-up the hygienist asked if I was brushing my teeth for a full two minutes. After telling her that I really didn’t know, she gave me a cute little timer. It has a smiling tooth on each end and sand that takes two minutes to flow from the top to the bottom.

This got me to thinking of an hourglass and how it relates to my life.
When I was much younger my only thoughts of hourglass were related to the ideal body shape I wanted to achieve. Since that was not in the realm of possibility I filed this word in the recesses of my mind.

Now that I’m much older, and hopefully a little wiser, I view the hourglass in a totally different way. The sand is representative of the sands of time, slipping away. I have no idea how much time is left but I do know that it is less today than yesterday.

For this reason I need to make the most of each day. Unlike the sand in the hourglass, I can’t turn my day over and get the time back again. I don’t want to watch passively as the sand/time slips away.

No loving words should be left unspoken and no kindness left undone. God has given me a certain number of days and I don’t want to waste them. I need to consciously look for ways to use my time to reflect his light and love.

A person’s days are determined; you have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed. (Job 14:5 NIV)

Unlocked phone

God, free will, decisions, lifeI was speaking with someone who told me she and her husband brought unlocked phones to Mexico and then activated them with a Mexican phone number. This was so they would have local phones while on vacation.

Later I asked my husband what an unlocked phone was. He told me that with certain cellular providers the phone purchased through them could only be activated on their network. This was a locked phone. If the phone was unlocked it could be activated by any provider, even one in a different country.

We went on to discuss how God has, in effect, given us unlocked lives. Instead of demanding that everyone only follow his strict set of rules, he has given us free will to make our own decisions.

The decisions I make on my own are not always the right ones. Sometimes I’m aware of this while making them. Being stubborn, I persevere, wanting to prove I can do it on my own.

When I stumble and fall, which is often the case, God is there to pick me up and set me on my feet again. He does not force me but gently reminds me that his ways are better than my own.

My keeping my heart and mind locked on him my life has far more meaning and purpose than when I am unlocked and charting my own course.

The Lord is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray. (Psalm 25:8 NLT)


inspiration, Jesus, Bible
image from
While my husband and I were driving I checked the weather app on my phone. Curious as to what the temperature gauge in the car was showing, I asked Brian. When he told me I replied, “That’s two degrees warmer than what my phone showed. I like that one better.” In his wisdom, Brian asked, “Is that what you do when faced with two options; take the one you like best?” I asked, “Wouldn’t you?” He then proceeded to tell me that he would take the one that was most accurate.

His words sparked an interesting discussion. It isn’t always easy to determine which is the most accurate. Research is required in many cases. I can’t always rely on popular opinion. The best two out of three isn’t necessarily the way I should make a decision!

If I were to be perfectly honest, there have been many times when I have chosen the option that suited me best. This seems to be the way of human nature, to look after our own interests first. That is one of the ways that I know Jesus was more than just a good man. The Son of God laid his own life aside for the good of all those who follow Him.

When I am faced with the choice to put my trust in Jesus or take my life on my own terms, the decision is easy for me. All of the research points to the accuracy of the Bible. By aligning myself with this truth, the choices I make will not be based on my selfish desires, but those of the common good. These are the accurate choices that the Lord guides me to make.

Trust the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths smooth. Proverbs 3:5-6 GNT

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