Storage Capacity

#inspiration, memory, negative thoughtsI wondered why the picture I took was not saving to my phone. Then I saw the little red message telling me my storage was full.

In order to add anything new, I’d have to delete something else. I had a plan for that picture so spent the time eliminating others I didn’t need.

I emailed the picture to myself and received a warning. My email storage was almost at capacity. If I didn’t address this and start purging what was no longer needed, I’d soon be in trouble.

This isn’t the first time either of these situations has happened to me. Why do I tend to hold onto stuff I don’t need? I think it may be useful one day but it soon gets buried and forgotten.

Unfortunately, this is not limited to my phone or email. The same thing happens in life. Past hurts are taking up valuable space in my mind, waiting to resurface. The negative words spoken years ago remind me that I am not worthy. A past failure shows me I’m not good enough.

These are a waste of valuable space! When not deleted from my memory bank, they soon combine with other negative thoughts and leave no room for the new positive ones to take up residence.

“There is too much negativity in the world. Do your best to make sure you aren’t contributing to it.”
― Germany Kent

Cold Hearted

#inspiration, forgiveness, emotions, heartFive minutes into the exercise class our instructor said, “We need to warm up your hearts.”

I turned to my friend and told her I didn’t think I was cold-hearted to start with.

We laughed but I knew there have been circumstances in my life when my heart definitely needed warming.

It wasn’t cold to everyone, just those who had hurt me by what they had said or done – or maybe it was something not said or done.

I hung onto bitterness and anger like it was a prize. I knew I had every right to be upset and was exercising that right to the fullest.

It didn’t matter if the offending party was even aware of the issue. I had been wronged and a sincere apology had not been offered. Forgiveness was out of the question.

I thought forgiveness meant I was saying the offence was acceptable. It took me many years to understand the one suffering from my unforgiveness was me. I heard someone say that unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies. Only then did I see how cold and hard my heart had become.

Since then I have been learning to keep short accounts. Some transgressions require a continuous effort to forgive. It is not a one-time thing but something to be repeated over and over until I can look at the situation and not have any negative emotion.

Forgiving others allows me to let go of the negative thoughts I’ve been holding onto. This is what sets me free from the past so I can fully embrace the life before me. Only then will my cold heart become warm and loving again.

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