Need to Recharge?

#jesus, #inspiration, power, strength“My phone is almost dead I need to recharge it,” I said to my husband; “I’m so glad it gives me warning instead of just shutting down.”

As I went to plug it in, I noticed another function I’d never paid attention to. When the battery is reaching the end of its usage a notification pops up asking if I’d like to put it on low battery mode. This function enables it to conserve the remaining power so it will last longer.

When I mentioned this to my husband, he said, “Is there a lesson here for us?” I must admit, the lesson was lost on me until he explained his train of thought. Then I understood the significance.

I have frequently expressed a desire to have such features built into me! There are times I’d appreciate a notification reminding me to conserve my remaining energy so I won’t crash. Instead, I tend to keep going until I have nothing left to give.

Although I may realize my strength is waning, I ignore the signs and don’t heed the warning. Something showing me how close to burning out I am would be handy.

What I often fail to remember is my power is never sufficient. And what’s more, it was never meant to be.

My strength comes from Jesus. As long as I stay plugged into him he will give me the strength I need to get through each day.

“ For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13 NLT)

Unlocked phone

God, free will, decisions, lifeI was speaking with someone who told me she and her husband brought unlocked phones to Mexico and then activated them with a Mexican phone number. This was so they would have local phones while on vacation.

Later I asked my husband what an unlocked phone was. He told me that with certain cellular providers the phone purchased through them could only be activated on their network. This was a locked phone. If the phone was unlocked it could be activated by any provider, even one in a different country.

We went on to discuss how God has, in effect, given us unlocked lives. Instead of demanding that everyone only follow his strict set of rules, he has given us free will to make our own decisions.

The decisions I make on my own are not always the right ones. Sometimes I’m aware of this while making them. Being stubborn, I persevere, wanting to prove I can do it on my own.

When I stumble and fall, which is often the case, God is there to pick me up and set me on my feet again. He does not force me but gently reminds me that his ways are better than my own.

My keeping my heart and mind locked on him my life has far more meaning and purpose than when I am unlocked and charting my own course.

The Lord is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray. (Psalm 25:8 NLT)

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