Your Words Matter

children, wisdomThe words came from behind me. I heard, “That’s good,” then, “Magnificent.” After a slight pause came, “Really nice.”

I only had to wait a few moments to see who was the recipient of this encouragement. A young boy rode past me on his bicycle. He wobbled a little. A slightly older brother followed closely and continued his support and encouragement as they carried on down the path.

The words of one gave confidence to his brother to keep going. These boys were a perfect example of the impact our words can have on each other.

Later, on another area of pathway, I came across words written in coloured chalk. They said, “You are loved.” The child who wrote these words brightened my day and probably that of many others as well.

Our words have the power to wound, discourage and anger. They can also bring healing, support, and a sense of well-being. In these troubled and uncertain times, I have observed too many cases of words used as weapons.

I am reminded of a passage in the Bible where it says, “they will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.” In today’s language, this would say, beat their swords into shovels and their spears into hoes.

To me, this shows our weapons can be modified into tools used to cultivate a better life. Instead of attacking each other, we can work together for the common good.

Like it or not, my words will have an impact on others. Do I want them to cause hurt and dissention or do I want them to offer encouragement so we can work together to create a better future? The decision is up to each of us. I’ve made my choice, how about you?


Need to Recharge?

#jesus, #inspiration, power, strength“My phone is almost dead I need to recharge it,” I said to my husband; “I’m so glad it gives me warning instead of just shutting down.”

As I went to plug it in, I noticed another function I’d never paid attention to. When the battery is reaching the end of its usage a notification pops up asking if I’d like to put it on low battery mode. This function enables it to conserve the remaining power so it will last longer.

When I mentioned this to my husband, he said, “Is there a lesson here for us?” I must admit, the lesson was lost on me until he explained his train of thought. Then I understood the significance.

I have frequently expressed a desire to have such features built into me! There are times I’d appreciate a notification reminding me to conserve my remaining energy so I won’t crash. Instead, I tend to keep going until I have nothing left to give.

Although I may realize my strength is waning, I ignore the signs and don’t heed the warning. Something showing me how close to burning out I am would be handy.

What I often fail to remember is my power is never sufficient. And what’s more, it was never meant to be.

My strength comes from Jesus. As long as I stay plugged into him he will give me the strength I need to get through each day.

“ For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13 NLT)


change, focus, God,
picture from photobucket
Dragonflies abound this time of year. The iridescence both on their wings and their bodies captures my attention. I enjoy them for their beauty but also because they dine on the mosquitoes that often plague so many of us.

Wanting to know more about these insects, I did a little research and learned some very interesting facts. The dragonfly moves at an amazing 45 miles an hour. It’s very agile and can hover like a helicopter, fly backwards like a hummingbird, fly straight up or down and to either side. It does all of this while flapping its wings only 30 times a minute, compare to 1000 times a minute for a housefly. This power in its wing strokes is what makes it look so graceful.

In almost every part of the world the dragonfly symbolizes change. It lives most of its life as immature. There’s only a fraction of its life that it’s actually able to fly. For this reason, for the short time it has, it needs to live life to the fullest. This living in the moment is what resonates with me.

When I live life in the moment, I am totally focused on God. His power is sufficient to guide and sustain me. My boring life is forgotten and I am willing to enter into the new adventure that he has in store for me every day.

Whoever is a believer in Christ is a new creation. The old way of living has disappeared. A new way of living has come into existence. 2 Corinthians 5:17 GWT

Breakfast Smoothie

unplugged blender picEven though a couple of the regular ingredients were missing, my breakfast of choice was a fruit smoothie. I put everything in the blender, pushed the blend button and nothing happened. A couple of other buttons were tried, but still nothing. It was then that I realized I had not plugged it in! Without the power source nothing could happen.

The parallel to my life hit me immediately. Unless I plug into my power source first thing in the morning, my day is not going to have the outcome that would otherwise be possible. My day needs to start with my connection to God, through prayer. The wonderful thing about this is that I don’t need a long extension cord to stay plugged in all day. God has sent the Holy Spirit to be with me constantly. This source of power is available whenever I choose to make the connection. With this source freely available, I would be foolish not to remain plugged in and fully charged.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Ephesians 1:19 NIV

You won’t [succeed] by might or by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Armies. Zechariah 4:6B GWT

Be inspired!

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