Let It Go

nature, seasons, change

A few crisp brown leaves scutter across my second story deck. The chinook winds have stripped most trees of their leaves. A few, however, seem to refuse to release their once vibrant fall foliage.

I look at one leaf, fluttering wildly to escape as the tree holds on tenaciously. It is inevitable that the leaf will eventually be let go. This is a natural and necessary part of the life cycle.

I understand the reluctance to let go of what has contributed rich colour to my life. There comes a time, however, where holding onto the past prevents me from moving forward. I can appreciate the past and how it has shaped me into who I am today but know I can’t stay stuck there. With gratitude for lessons learned, I now need to focus on what’s ahead.

That doesn’t mean the letting go is easy. Far from it. The familiar is comfortable and feels safe. It may not be exciting or challenging but it also doesn’t involve risk and uncertainty. Unfortunately, this comfort zone prevents me from growing.

Instead of mourning the end of a season, I choose to welcome a new one. Each season has its own beauty and, as the trees are entering a period of replenishment during this time, so shall I. Without past expectations holding me back, I am free to gather knowledge and skills to help me grow.

Like the approaching winter, I have no idea what this season will bring or how long it will last. What I do know, is I will not be the same at the end of it as I am at the beginning. My life will continue to grow and change as new experiences and opportunities are presented and embraced. Let the possibilities begin!

seasons, life, change
#inspiration, nature, comfort zone, replenish, experiences, personal growth

Letting Go

#inspiration, seasons, life, releaseI’m not sure when it happened but the season has definitely changed. Autumn, also known as fall, is upon us. My summer clothing is packed away, replaced by jeans and sweaters to keep me warm in the crisp air.

The landscape also transitions as green leaves are replaced with ones of gold. In some parts of the country, vivid oranges and reds add to the beauty.

Slowly, the trees release the leaves and let them fall to the ground. Sometimes a strong wind forces the trees to let go sooner than expected.

In time, the dry, brittle leaves break down and form a layer of mulch. This adds protection and nourishment to the soil, resulting in improved productivity for future growth.

Today I marvel at the beauty surrounding me and am reminded to enjoy these fleeting moments. The release of colourful foliage has already begun. It is a necessary part of the cycle of life.

My life also goes through such seasons. Six months ago I was filled with the budding promise of new ideas and possibilities. Some came to fruition and others did not. Not all seeds grow and flourish.

Now I am faced with the task of letting go. I choose to let go of regrets and disappointments. I release them and let them fall away. Winds of change blow the last ones free and I am liberated. My unencumbered arms stretch upwards, free to embrace this new season of life.

I know from past experience that nothing in my life is wasted. The lessons of yesterday have a purpose. Their memory will protect and nourish me so I can step with confidence into tomorrow. I am ready to face a new season.

Autumn Leaves

#inspiration, natureEvery season has its own unique beauty.  As we enter autumn (also known as fall), the leaves on the trees change colour.  The area I live in doesn’t have the vibrant reds that some parts of the country display but the golden leaves against the bright blue sky have their own breathtaking appeal.

On a recent walk I noticed some trees with green leaves, some with gold and many that had dropped much of their foliage.  There were also those with multiple colours, as though they couldn’t quite make up their minds. The crunch of leaves under my feet was strangely satisfying as I pondered the various stages in this cycle.

In front#God, #inspiration, life, nature of me were trees planted close to each other, the same type and approximately the same size.  They had received the same care.  Why the difference in their reaction to this period of change?

I have no answer for this, other than there is a time and season for everything.  For some the time had come to change, while others were not quite at the same phase in their life.

It’s the same for people.  We all have our own seasons of activity.  You may be in a time of growth and productivity while I’m in a period of rest and renewal.  Every cycle has its value. The autumn leaves reminded me that God’s timing is perfect for each of us.  I am thankful that my life unfolds according to his schedule.

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up. ( Ecclesiastes 3:1-3 NLT)

Is It The End Of The Season or…?

endings, beginnings, Bible, inspirationThe daylight hours are dwindling and the nights have crispness to them. As summer comes to an end we have started the process of cleaning and packing up our trailer in preparation for the winterizing that will soon take place.

There are a few more weeks before this will become necessary but a new, busy fall season beckons us to other things. There is very little time left this season for us to enjoy our summer get-away.

Am I sad that this time is coming to an end? No, instead I am thankful for the long walks, playing in the pool with grandchildren, making s’mores over a campfire and the memories made.

The seasons of life are ever changing. As one comes to an end, a new one begins. This is such a good reminder to me to enjoy what I have at this moment. Once today is gone it will never come back again.

On the same note, I can’t rush a new season. My life will unfold one day at a time.

The Bible tells us there is a season for everything. I need to remember this and thank God for the season I am in right now. Each one is a precious gift.

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NLT)

Wilted Flowers

wilted roses2The once beautiful bouquet of flowers had now wilted. Their heads drooped, petals fell and the leaves were crisp and dry. They had been like this for days before I finally disposed of them. My reasoning for keeping them was that even in this state, they reminded me of the beauty and fragrance that had been present in previous days.

As I removed the flowers from the vase, I was reminded that nothing lasts forever. The joys in my life need to be savored in the moment and stored as beautiful memories. Sometimes, like cut flowers, they will be gone far too quickly. Just as these flowers were an unexpected gift, so are many things that happen in my life.

I choose to view my life as the perennial flowers in my garden. They bloom for a season, one lovely blossom being replaced by the next. Then they have a season where they appear dormant. This time of rest prepares them for the next phase, when they will burst forth into renewed life as the seasons change once again.

As I think of my wilted flowers I choose not be sad that they are gone, but to be thankful that I had the opportunity to enjoy them in the first place. They brightened my life in the short time they were here. At some point I will again enjoy a bouquet of flowers. They will not be identical to the ones I had, but will each bring their own beauty into my life. I trust God to provide the fragrance of new beginnings and the season of rest, all in his perfect timing.

For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. For, “All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever.” 1Peter 1 23-25 NIV

Be inspired this week.

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