The Ripple Effect

#inspiration, song, messageThe lyrics in the song had such impact on me that I had to write them down as soon as the song was over. I was afraid the busyness of life would push them into the back of my memory and didn’t want that to happen.

A group called 11th Hour sang the poignant words, “I’d like to shake the hand, that reached out a hand, that reached out a hand to me.”

What a beautiful way to express the ripple effect of kindness.

I know how much I appreciate those who have reached out a hand to help me. What I hadn’t stopped to think about was someone must have done the same for them. Through this act, the initial person impacted my life in a positive way, without ever having direct contact with me.

I also have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of people I may never meet. When I reach out in love and support, there is no way of knowing how that act may be passed on.

Like a stone tossed in a pond, the ripples move in an ever widening circle.

Thank you to all who perform acts of kindness. You make more of a difference than you will ever know.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”  Aesop

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