
walk, beachThe morning matched my disposition. I was feeling “off”. There was no sunshine and weather conditions were a little stormy. Still, I felt drawn to go for a walk on the beach.

Amid the footprints in the sand, two sets stood out. They were in the same area which meant the same firmness of sand, but the impressions left were totally different.

One set was steady and left soft imprints of the sole of the footwear. The other was uneven and left a strange, deep design. It was as if the ball of the foot dug much deeper and then curled back, forcing the sand backwards into aa slight ridge. The heel was merely an outline.

I wondered why one set looked uniform and easy and the other seemed to indicate struggle. The conclusion I came to was that they had different levels of support for their feet. Perhaps one had firm soles on their footwear and the other soft ones.

I thought of my life recently. When going through tough challenges I tend to try to handle everything on my own. I will eventually get to where I need to be but the journey is more difficult than necessary. It’s not that support hasn’t been offered. I just think I should be able to do what is needed without inconveniencing others, so don’t reach out or accept the help offered.

These footprints in the sand served as a powerful reminder of how proper support can impact my journey in a positive way.

I look over at my son, walking beside me. He has taken the time to join me as I navigate this formerly familiar but now unknown stretch I’m currently walking. As he helps me through this rough patch, my steps are slowly becoming firmer. Gratitude wells up in my heart and leaks through my eyes.

The proper support makes all the difference. With that in place, I’m going to be fine.

Does it Count?

steps, fitness watchI resisted the trend for a long time. Finally, just over a year ago, I became the owner of a fitness tracking watch. It keeps track of the number of steps I take in a day and the total gives me a good indication of my activity level.

The problem is, I’ve begun to rely on this number even though I know it isn’t totally accurate. When my arm isn’t swinging enough, no steps are recorded. Washing my hands can easily add an extra twenty or more. It probably all balances out by the end of the day.

One morning I delayed my walk because the watch needed recharged. Even though it wasn’t true, I felt like my steps wouldn’t count unless they were recorded.

My husband and I joked about this and then discussed how it could relate to an underlying belief. If no one sees or acknowledges what I do, does it still count?

I don’t always have the opportunity to see the impact my actions have on others. This doesn’t negate what I do.

Some mornings I stand in awe at the beauty of the sunrise. Other days, I fail to look out the window at the right time. It happens whether I acknowledge it or not.

I don’t keep track of the breaths I take or the number of heartbeats I have in a day but each is a precious and life sustaining gift.

The fitness watch may have caused me to look at life from the wrong perspective. Instead of counting the steps I take, my focus should be on making my steps count.

Steps to Nowhere?

#inspiration, #God, steps, guidance, The image was quite striking. The concrete steps had what looked like a supporting frame on either side. Other than that, there was nothing attached to join these side pillars to anything else. The stairs were on an angle, tipped backwards into the sand. Abandoned.

I wondered what this scene had once looked like. Were these steps that led out to a world of adventure and later back to the safety and comfort of home? Did they watch children go over them to play on the beach? Maybe they welcomed guests to an outdoor patio gathering. There are many stories I could tell myself about what they had been. I have no way of knowing the real story.

Now they were a sad sight. They led to nowhere.

I could go over them and around them and still be basically in the same place. My steps would be wasted as they would lead nowhere.

This was a visual reminder of what can happen to me if I’m not careful. Without clear direction, my dreams of what life can look like remain only dreams. The plans I have for my life will not be fulfilled.

I think of times I’ve been disappointed when what I had worked towards did not bring about the results I’d hoped for. Sometimes I’ve abandoned my dreams the same way these stairs on the beach had been abandoned.

There is a better way. My direction needs to come from the Lord. I can make all of the plans I want but until I trust the Lord to determine my steps, they may be getting me nowhere.

We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. (Proverbs 16:9 NLT)

Baby Steps

#inspiration, baby, steps, supportMy friend’s baby is learning to walk. She started by pulling herself up on a piece of furniture and moving down the length of it. Having the furniture for support helped her gain confidence.

Holding onto mom’s fingers was another way to walk from one spot to another. One day the time came for her to take a step without holding onto anything for support. This was risky and took a lot of coaxing. After a tentative step forward, she fell. The look of surprise on her face could have easily been followed by tears and a refusal to try again.

Instead, mom quickly scooped her up, praised the effort and stood her on wobbly legs again. Encouragement and cheers followed with every step and every fall. Before long the steps were more frequent than the falls. It won’t be long before she is ready to move from walking to running.

The same principle holds true for us. We expect to take off running when we start something new. This is unrealistic and leads to frustration and discouragement. There are times when the falls are so frequent I wonder if I should give up.

Past experience has taught me I learn best when I take baby steps and celebrate each small success. When I attempt to master new skills the support and encouragement of others can help me get back on my feet and take a few more steps forward.

This may be repeated many times before I can move quickly and confidently in this new area. When it feels like I’m not moving fast enough I remind myself that baby steps will get me farther than if I didn’t take any steps at all.

Dance Steps

dance steps photoIt must have been part of a dream that I don’t quite remember, but I woke up thinking about dancing. The thoughts drifted in and out of my mind all day long. The more I thought about it, the more convinced I became that my life is like being at a dance.

Sometimes my life is in measured steps, like a technical dance routine. Everything seems to be choreographed and I need to pay careful attention to keep up with it.

Other times it is slow and sweet, as I move in perfect harmony with my partner. These steps need to be savored as the dance is ever changing.

Next I get to the dance of frenzied activity. The movements are energetic and enjoyable, but it’s a pace I can’t keep up for extended periods.

There are also times when it feels like I am out of step, and just not quite in synch with those around me. Do I stress about this or realize that perhaps this is a dance I need to sit out and just observe.

The music changes and a new dance begins. There are challenging new steps to master. It’s all part of the adventure. As long as I keep in step with God, my life will be a dance to honor him.

Praise his name with dancing, accompanied by tambourine and harp. Psalm 149:3 NLT

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