My husband and I recently visited a National Park. Some of the trails we walked on were only wide enough for two people. That meant if we encountered someone coming the opposite way we would walk single file. We soon learned that not everyone had the same opinion. When the ones approaching us didn’t move over we were forced off the path and into the underbrush.
I was amazed to see a number of people stop in the middle of a trail and line up others in their party to take pictures. It wasn’t the photo opportunities that surprised me as much as the lack of concern for others wanting to get by. They would block the way with no consideration for anyone else.
My frustration was starting to rise when I felt a nudge in my conscience. How many times have I blocked someone from getting to Jesus? It may not have been my intention to get in the way, but when I become focused on my own needs and desires that is exactly what happens. Either they are forced to step into the weeds, stand and wait or turn the other direction.
If I am the centre of attention Christ is relegated to the background. No one should have to go around me to get to him. My role is to be the window through which Jesus can be seen, not the obstacle that makes them want to turn in the opposite direction.
Most situations have a lesson to teach. My experience in the park was a reminder not to get in the way. I need to step aside and let Jesus be the guide.
Don’t be concerned for your own good but for the good of others. (1Corinthians 10:24 NLT)