What Should You Wear?

Jesus, inspiration, faith, peace, compapssionDo you ever look at all the clothes in your closet and tell yourself you have nothing to wear? No matter how much you have, nothing seems appropriate.

I’ve recently discovered that my choice of apparel or accessories is not as important as I once thought. Unable to decide which pair of earring looked better with my outfit I chose to wear one of each. This kind of spontaneity is unusual for me and I waited for the comments that were sure to come.

Imagine my surprise when my departure from the norm was not noticed. This was a valuable lesson that I am not the center of attention!

More than what I wear, it is my heart and attitude that people notice. My goal should never be to draw attention to myself. Instead I want my life to reflect the light and love of Jesus. To do this I need to wear peace, faith and compassion. These are appropriate for every occasion.

That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? (Matthew 6:25 NLT)

6 thoughts on “What Should You Wear?”

  1. This is so appropriate for me this morning, you have no idea. As I read this, it reminded me of the importance of clothing myself with Christ and the accessories will be the fruit of the Spirit. I still would have like to be able to comment on how radical you were with two different earrings though!

    1. BerylAnne, thank you for letting me know this spoke to you today. The wearing of two different earrings I learned from an amazing woman I work with

    1. Thank you for dropping by my blog and for your comment. I’m happy to hear that it had an impact on you.

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